环球视角 l 叮!你有一份情人节礼物请查收

环球视角 l 叮!你有一份情人节礼物请查收



环球视角 l 叮!你有一份情人节礼物请查收


环球视角 l 叮!你有一份情人节礼物请查收


环球视角 l 叮!你有一份情人节礼物请查收


情人节礼物的挑选,网友Ankita Pant已经有了自己的想法。她认为情人节礼物不局限于买东西,也可以用爱自制。

环球视角 l 叮!你有一份情人节礼物请查收

Valentine's Day is special for the ones that celebrate the day. I know there shouldn’t be any specific day to celebrate love as we must do it 365 days of the year. The lazy ones that they forget to celebrate love should mandatory observe this day whether you are single or married or even not interested. Valentine Day is not for only lovers and couples. Don’t you appreciate your friends and family who continuously support you the entire year without uttering a word about how much they love you? It’s the day where you say I Love You even without actually saying it.


环球视角 l 叮!你有一份情人节礼物请查收

Here’s my bit in suggesting the best valentine's day gift for your loved ones.

1. Handwritten letter: Old school love is never outdated. A handwritten letter to your loved ones can be overwhelming as it will be unexpected and filled with your love and emotions. You can express all that has been difficult to say in words to them,

2. Cooking their favourite dish: This can be a wonderful gift, if your person is a foodie, instead of buying them hamper, make your own delicacy and present it as a gift to them. They will just love it.

3. Books- If your person is a bookworm, check their list of books to be read and buy them and wrap it up and surprise.

4. Favourite playlist: You can collect and arrange their all favourite songs, most played song in loops or top played songs. Add them to a music player and keep the first song as birthday one, whenever they will listen, it will surely bring a smile on their face.


1. 手写书信:老派的爱情永远不会过时。一封手写的给你爱的人的信可能会让你不知所措,因为它会出乎意料,充满了你的爱和情感。你可以向他们表达所有难以用言语表达的东西,

2. 做他们最喜欢的菜:这是一个很棒的礼物,如果你的人是美食家,与其给他们买满篮的食物,不如自己做一份美味佳肴,作为礼物送给他们。他们会喜欢的。

3. 书——如果你的爱人是个书虫,检查一下他/她的书单,然后把书买下来,包装好,给他/她一个惊喜。

4. 最喜欢的播放列表:你可以收集和安排他们所有最喜欢的歌曲,在循环中播放最多的歌曲或播放最多的歌曲。把他们加到音乐播放器里,把第一首歌当作生日歌曲,无论他们什么时候听,一定会让他们的脸上露出笑容。



网友Peter T Mayer向我们讲述了他自己的故事。

环球视角 l 叮!你有一份情人节礼物请查收

When I moved to the US as a European person back in 1999, this Valentine’s Day thing looked very new and strangely odd to me.

It looked and felt kind of forced and I felt some couples had the unnecessary preassure to satisfy their partners according to a social norm that was originally created by a person, or worse by a business.

I believed that love is not a one day out of the year thing but a sort of 365 day celebration where you show your love every single day by your actions.

After living in the US for a long time now I’ve got accustomed to it and I do celebrate it but I try to keep it simple, honest and personalized without any preassure.





环球视角 l 叮!你有一份情人节礼物请查收

I always try to buy some personal gift to my loved ones, in this case my wife that has some meaning behind it or that has some story behind it that ties my wife and I together.

To me a piece of commercially available jewelry does not serve this purpose, neither does a stuffed animal that says “I love you” and shoved on a store shelf.





网友Elizabeth Evans向我们展现了她对于礼物的想法。

环球视角 l 叮!你有一份情人节礼物请查收

Of course all men are different and each person has his own interests and preferences. But in general men are less romantic persons than women, so I suppose that they prefer to get some practical gifts (the things they need) or at least smth “for men” per their opinion.

If your loved one is not very romantic and sentimental I would say that some nice beer baskets would work. You can find something special (for example some expensive brands for beer which he most probably won’t buy for himself with no special occasion) or just build your own basket according to his prefernces. To make it more special you can order the delivery service to his work address to brighten his day and then cook a delicious dinner at home to spend a nice evening together. I find such option both appropriate for your man and romantic for St. Valentine’s Day at the same time.



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