









网友Virali Modi很感激她的母亲。是她的母亲帮助她理解和认识到每个人的身体是不同的,每个人的伤害是不同的。


I kept crying over silly things, like the scars on my legs from an operation due to a femur fracture. I was worried that if I ever got into Bollywood (again with the self doubt) that my scars would be an issue. I was cursing the time that I got sick. I told my mom that I wish I could go back and undo everything. I was also crying because I felt guilty that my parents are living in two separate countries because of me. Do you know what she did? She let me cry. She didn't stop me, she just told me to cry as much as I want and then she'll talk to me.



Eventually I stopped crying and my mom gave me some extremely important advice. She said, "If you compare yourself with others, you'll never be able to focus on yourself and you'll never realize how much of a good thing you actually have. You'll always be unsatisfied. Learn to focus on yourself and to block out other people. Everyone leads a different lifestyle, everyone comes from a different background, and no two people are the same. I know you're an adult now and that you realize these things. I know that you're Quora's Top Writer and people look up to you. I also know that you give advice to other people and you've given a similar kind of advice many times, so why aren't you able to take your own advice? Have some faith in yourself. Go to therapy tomorrow and truly believe that you'll walk soon, see how it goes."


Yes, my mother called out my weak point. I cannot take advice from myself, no matter if I give a similar kind of advice to someone else. It's a bad habit of mine and at that point in time I realized how immature I truly am. I wasn't feeling bad for those people, I was actually happy for all the patients that were showing improvement. I was just feeling jealous because I wasn't showing those kinds of improvements.

Like any child, I went to therapy today and I took my mom's advice. I stood perfectly straight without much support today! Previously, I would need to have knee locking straps on so I could stand - I stood today without their support. The only support I took was of a walker. I can definitely say that the advice my mom gave me worked and I know it'll help me in my life.







Till second year of my college, I was so stuck on the idealism that I had imbibed due to a convent school education, limited exposure and very restricted access to media that I, more often than not, was impractical. This goody two-shoes kind of attitude cost me a lot. When I went to college and met new people, I wanted to be good and please everyone. Many a times that meant doing stuff that put me at loss but hey, do good to all, right? Then I would be afraid of trying new things and discovering for myself what was my life going to be like. You can’t decide the principles that you will base your life upon using the traditional, conventional set of rules that parents, books and society say are right. You need to figure out for yourself, right? And for that you need to explore! Then other times people were mean, and I wouldn’t stand up to help myself. Why? Because I am a good person and good people can’t risk being categorized as rude or loud or anything else that you need to be in order to be taken seriously?



And then one day, my mother gave me the best advice of my life. She told me that most of the times, it’s less about being good and more about being just. You can be good and that will sure make you everyone’s favorite, but being just will give you peace and make you happy. If somebody’s unreasonably mean to you, stop pandering. Find justice for yourself and walk off with dignity. If a lie gets you or someone else, out of an unfortunate situation where you/he/she don’t deserve to be, then go ahead with it. Being good is easy, but being just needs so much courage. A good person won’t do wrong, but a just person won’t let wrong happen to anyone at all.

My mother asked me who I wanted to be? And suddenly I knew that I need to be just to myself and everyone else to be able to live with myself.





性是健康关系的重要组成部分。网友Sheri Walters的家人对性持一种正常的看法。她向我们分享了她母亲给她的一个重要建议。


My mother had always been honest about sex and her experiences as a woman in this world.

She probably didn’t need to give me this advice, but it is the best advice I received and have told friends and will tell my children the same, boy or girl. It really helped me focus my sexual energy on finding the right person than just filling a void.

I was not prude or pro absence. Seriously in HS my friends all thought I was going to be the first. I was interested in sex but instead of just looking for someone to get it over with, I was looking for a good person who made me feel safe, cared for and who I cared for back. I empowered myself with a specific choice.




So I looked, and looked and looked. I found the right guy at 20. I wasn’t his first but that was ok with me, it was special with a special person. I am still very very grateful to him for making it a good loving experience and to myself that I waited. I literally thank myself for sticking it out.

What’s more is I saved myself tons of heartache. One night stands were never my thing, and I think it’s because to me sex was part of a healthy relationship. If the relationship wasn’t healthy, there was no sex, no more relationship…easy. My sibling choose a friend. Again a healthy relationship with a person she cared about and cared for her. It may have happened only once with him but at least it was a choice with a person with mutual trust, care and admiration.







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