




冠脉支架,是心脏介入手术中常用的医疗器械。简单来说,就是在堵塞的血管中,用一种细小的金属支架,撑开堵塞的血管,让血液流通。冠脉支架手术是最近 20 年来全球普遍实施的,用于改善不稳定型心绞痛、心肌梗死的核心医疗手段。在很长一段时间里,冠脉支架手术以其创伤小、痛苦小、安全系数高等优点备受患者和医生青睐,甚至在使用过程中被过分夸大疗效成为“神话”。








3、当发生急性心肌梗死时,支架是救命的,时间就是心肌,不要犹豫,尽早实施急诊 PCI,可以明显改善预后,降低死亡率。





Popular science knowledge of coronary stent

Dear friends, nice to meet you!Now it is time for “Health talk for three minutes every day”,My name is Yang Xiao, a doctor of Anyang Daojian Hospital and Henan Zhonghui Cardiovascular Hospital.Today I'm going to tell you about the popular science of coronary stent.

Coronary stent is a common medical device in interventional surgery.Generally speaking, coronary stent implantation is to open the blocked blood vessels with a small metal stent in the blocked blood vessels, so as to let the blood flow. Coronary stent surgery is a global common practice in recent 20 years,which is used to improve the core medical means of unstable angina and myocardial infarction. For a long time, coronary stent surgery has been favored by patients and doctors for its advantages of small trauma, small pain and high safety coefficient. Sometimes, the clinical effect of coronary stent may be overestimated.

In the face of the "myth" of cardiac stent surgery,the society and even the medical community have criticized and questioned the coronary stent. There are various lies about coronary stent on the Internet, such as the early elimination of coronary stent by foreign countries, the coronary stent is a time bomb in the human body, and the coronary stent will break suddenly. These false information may mislead a lot of people who do not know the truth, resulting in serious consequences. Patients with acute myocardial infarction are often encountered in the hospital,and emergency coronary operation should be implemented immediately against the clock.However, family members listen to lies and directly give up treatment or are hesitant, resulting in patients missing the best opportunity for treatment.This makes the heart of the patients who have the opportunity to rescue have irreversible damage, and rapidly develops into malignant arrhythmia, heart failure, even sudden death, which seriously threatens the lives of patients.

Whether coronary stent is a myth or a lie, there will be under treatment or over treatment,which will ultimately damage the interests of patients.We should have a correct understanding of coronary stent in order to use it more reasonably.

For patients with stable angina pectoris,it is suggested that on the basis of changing life style and regulating sufficient drug treatment, the benefits and risks brought by stent operation should be fully evaluated and weighed according to the severity of symptoms and the degree of vascular stenosis. If the symptoms couldn’t be relieved or even aggravated under drug control, PCI is recommended.

If more than one of the main arteries that supply myocardial blood, coronary arteries or three vessels, have occurred calcified lesions, there may be problems such as excessive stent quantity and poor stent adherence when coronary stent surgery is carried out in this situation. Therefore, it is recommended to give priority to cardiac bypass surgery.

When acute myocardial infarction occurs, stent is life-saving, time is myocardial. Early implementation of emergency PCI can significantly improve the prognosis of patients and reduce mortality.

In addition, we should remind you that stent placement does not cure coronary heart disease or myocardial infarction, because it neither eliminates plaque nor prevents plaque growth. To prevent restenosis and control the development of coronary heart disease, it is necessary to improve the life style, take medicine and exercise properly.

Finally, I wish you all a happy life and good health!To learn more about cardiovascular disease, please pay attention to us. See you next time.



标签:支架   神话   心肌梗死   心绞痛   主干道   心肌   生活方式   冠心病   谎话   急诊   狭窄   血管   患者   心脏   手术   建议

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