环球视角 l 过年回家被花式嫌弃 不挤兑你两句 咱俩真的无话可说

环球视角 l 过年回家被花式嫌弃 不挤兑你两句 咱俩真的无话可说



环球视角 l 过年回家被花式嫌弃 不挤兑你两句 咱俩真的无话可说


环球视角 l 过年回家被花式嫌弃 不挤兑你两句 咱俩真的无话可说



环球视角 l 过年回家被花式嫌弃 不挤兑你两句 咱俩真的无话可说


对Linda Culver来说,矛盾是在一件又一件不经意的小事中产生的。或许产生爱,需要很轰轰烈烈的情节,但打破爱,可能只需要几句不经意的话。

环球视角 l 过年回家被花式嫌弃 不挤兑你两句 咱俩真的无话可说

The first time she saw me after I moved away with my first husband she told me how fat I was. Literally the first thing she told me when she got off the plane. At the time I was 5’8” and weight approximately 150 pounds. In no way was I overweight. She however was 5’4” and weight no less than 250 pounds at any given time. I thought about just leaving her at the airport. That broke my heart cause she knew my appearance meant everything.


环球视角 l 过年回家被花式嫌弃 不挤兑你两句 咱俩真的无话可说

When I got engaged to my current husband he gave a beautiful ring he allowed me to pick out and get sized. I was over the moon when he asked me to marry him. When I came home I shared the news and showed her my ring. I was all smiles. The only thing she said was “it looks way too tight.” Seriously though, I’m glad she didn’t get to see me marry him.





环球视角 l 过年回家被花式嫌弃 不挤兑你两句 咱俩真的无话可说

I was always an obedient daughter who my parents loved to brag about. Straight As, considered pretty by the standards, popular at school and made friends easily. I was always the brightest star and I wanted the world to know it. But that all changed because of one word. Fat. Seeing my sister swing on the clothes line made me want to join in since my siblings were my besties. But once I had swung on it a couple of times along with my sister it broke. Me being the responsible daughter I was immediately told my dad about it not expecting that he would lash out on me and would then say, a sentence I till this day will never forget "it broke cause you went on it can't you see your obviously fat? You sister can't have broken it she is so skinney!” I was in shock but It was when my mum, the woman who I always listened to, made sure had eaten, slept enough and constantly clean for, cooked for looked me dead in the eyes and agreed with him.


环球视角 l 过年回家被花式嫌弃 不挤兑你两句 咱俩真的无话可说

It might not seem like that word could have this much impact but it did. It created this whole list of problems that after 11 whole years I haven't gotten over. 11 years stuck in the same cycle of restricting, forced vomiting, not wanting to eat for days and crying looking at mirrors. My mum broke my trust and made me feel like there was something wrong with me from a young age and her constant insulting in which she calls light criticing, along with bullying that i kept to myself left me with so much crippling self acceptance that I've been a homebody for months even before quarantine. I don't know what to do about. I'm so stuck it hurts but my mum doesn't understand mental health at all, she thinks your just weak for feeling this way and maybe I am and maybe that's why I haven't asked for help and never will.




下面是来自网友Ryan Gibbons的看法。

环球视角 l 过年回家被花式嫌弃 不挤兑你两句 咱俩真的无话可说

I found out that she was a hoarder. Like, she literally threw nothing away. There were boxes of things that hadn’t been used in decades, or were broken beyond repair, that were stashed away in every nook and cranny of the house. It was a nightmare to navigate. I found out that even though she claimed she wasn’t, she was really racist. I found out that even though she claimed that she wasn’t, she was really homophobic. She was a chain smoker. I can’t criticise her for smoking, I did that myself. But she always had a cigarette in her hand.


环球视角 l 过年回家被花式嫌弃 不挤兑你两句 咱俩真的无话可说




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