6 种间歇性禁食的流行方法,刘德华等明星也在用哦

6 种间歇性禁食的流行方法,刘德华等明星也在用哦

6 Popular Ways to Do Intermittent Fasting6 种间歇性禁食的流行方法

Intermittent fasting has recently become a health trend. Devotees claim it can cause weight loss, improve metabolic health, and maybe even extend life span.间歇性禁食近来已成为一种健康趋势。 信徒声称它可以减轻体重,改善代谢健康,甚至可以延长寿命。

Every method can be effective, but figuring out which one works best depends on the inpidual.每种方法都可能有效,但找出哪种方法最有效取决于个人。

Several methods of this eating pattern exist. But before embarking on an intermittent fast or deciding how often to fast, you should speak with a healthcare professional.存在这种饮食模式的几种方法。 但在开始间歇性禁食或决定禁食频率之前,您应该咨询医疗保健专业人士。

Here are 6 popular ways to do intermittent fasting.这里有 6 种流行的间歇性禁食方法。

1. The 16/8 method1. 16/8 方法(刘德华等明星正在采用的减肥方法)

The 16/8 method involves fasting every day for about 16 hours and restricting your daily eating window to approximately 8 hours.16/8 方法包括每天禁食约 16 小时,并将您的每日进食时间限制在约 8 小时。

Within the eating window, you can fit in two, three, or more meals.在用餐窗口内,您可以吃两餐、三餐或更多餐。

This method is also known as the Leangains protocol and was popularized by fitness expert Martin Berkhan.这种方法也被称为 Leangains 协议,由健身专家 Martin Berkhan 推广。

Doing this method of fasting can actually be as simple as not eating anything after dinner and skipping breakfast.实行这种禁食方法,其实可以像晚饭后不吃任何东西、不吃早餐一样简单。

For example, if you finish your last meal at 8 p.m. and don’t eat until noon the next day, you’re technically fasting for 16 hours.例如,如果您在晚上 8 点吃完最后一餐。 并且在第二天中午之前不要进食,从技术上讲,您禁食 16 小时。

For people who get hungry in the morning and like to eat breakfast, this method may be hard to get used to. However, many breakfast skippers instinctively eat this way.对于早上饿了又喜欢吃早餐的人来说,这种方法可能很难适应。 然而,许多不吃早餐的人本能地这样吃。

You can drink water, coffee, and other zero-calorie beverages during the fast, which can help reduce feelings of hunger.您可以在禁食期间喝水、咖啡和其他零卡路里饮料,这有助于减少饥饿感。

It’s very important to primarily eat healthy foods during your eating window. This method won’t work if you eat lots of processed foods or an excessive number of calories.在您的饮食窗口期间主要吃健康食品非常重要。 如果您食用大量加工食品或摄入过多卡路里,此方法将不起作用。

6 种间歇性禁食的流行方法,刘德华等明星也在用哦


16/8 方法涉及每天约 16 小时的禁食。 每天,您会将您的饮食限制在大约 8 小时的时间范围内,在此期间您可以吃两顿、三顿或更多餐。

2. The 5:2 diet5:2 饮食

The 5:2 diet involves eating what you typically eat 5 days of the week and restricting your calorie intake to 500–600 for 2 days of the week.5:2 饮食包括每周 5 天吃你通常吃的东西,每周 2 天将卡路里摄入量限制在 500-600。

This diet is also called the Fast Diet and was popularized by British journalist Michael Mosley.这种饮食也被称为快速饮食,由英国记者迈克尔莫斯利推广。

On the fasting days, it’s recommended that women eat 500 calories and men eat 600.在禁食日,建议女性摄入 500 卡路里热量,男性摄入 600 卡路里热量。

For example, you might eat normally every day of the week except Mondays and Thursdays. For those 2 days, you eat 2 small meals of 250 calories each for women and 300 calories each for men.例如,您可能每周的每一天都正常饮食,周一和周四除外。 在这 2 天里,你吃两顿小餐,女性每餐 250 卡路里,男性每餐 300 卡路里。

The 5:2 diet has been found to be effective at helping with weight loss.已发现 5:2 饮食可有效帮助减轻体重。

6 种间歇性禁食的流行方法,刘德华等明星也在用哦


5:2 饮食或快速饮食包括一周中的 2 天摄入 500-600 卡路里的热量,其他 5 天正常饮食。

3. Eat Stop Eat吃,停,吃

Eat Stop Eat involves a 24-hour fast once or twice per week.Eat Stop Eat 包括每周一次或两次 24 小时禁食。

This method was popularized by fitness expert Brad Pilon and has been quite popular for a few years.这种方法是由健身专家布拉德·皮隆(Brad Pilon)推广的,并且已经相当流行了几年。

Fasting from dinner one day to dinner the next day amounts to a full 24-hour fast.从一天的晚餐到第二天的晚餐禁食相当于整整 24 小时的禁食。

For example, if you finish dinner at 7 p.m. Monday and don’t eat until dinner at 7 p.m. Tuesday, you’ve completed a full 24-hour fast. You can also fast from breakfast to breakfast or lunch to lunch — the end result is the same.例如,如果您在晚上 7 点吃完晚饭。 周一晚上 7 点前不要吃东西。 周二,你已经完成了整整 24 小时的禁食。 你也可以从早餐到早餐或从午餐到午餐禁食——最终结果是一样的。

Water, coffee, and other zero-calorie beverages are allowed during the fast, but no solid foods are permitted.禁食期间允许喝水、咖啡和其他零卡路里饮料,但不允许吃固体食物。

If you’re doing this to manage your weight, it’s very important that you stick to your regular diet during the eating periods. In other words, you should eat the same amount of food as if you hadn’t been fasting at all.如果您这样做是为了控制体重,那么在进食期间坚持正常饮食非常重要。 换句话说,你应该吃同样数量的食物,就好像你根本没有禁食一样。

The potential downside of this method is that a full 24-hour fast may be fairly difficult for many people. However, you don’t need to go all in right away. It’s fine to start with 14–16 hours and then move upward from there.这种方法的潜在缺点是,对许多人来说,完整的 24 小时禁食可能相当困难。 但是,您无需立即全力以赴。 可以从 14-16 小时开始,然后从那里向上移动。

6 种间歇性禁食的流行方法,刘德华等明星也在用哦


Eat Stop Eat 是一种间歇性禁食计划,每周进行一到两次 24 小时禁食。

4. Alternate-day fasting隔日禁食

In alternate-day fasting, you fast about every other day.在隔日禁食中,您大约每隔一天禁食一次。

There are several different versions of this method. Some of them allow about 500 calories during the fasting days.这种方法有几个不同的版本。 其中一些在禁食日允许大约 500 卡路里的热量。

However, one small studyTrusted Source found that alternate-day fasting wasn’t any more effective at producing weight loss or weight maintenance than a typical calorie-restrictive diet.然而,一项小型研究发现,隔日禁食在减肥或维持体重方面并不比典型的卡路里限制饮食更有效。

A full fast every other day can seem rather extreme, so it’s not recommended for beginners.每隔一天完全禁食似乎相当极端,因此不建议初学者使用。

With this method, you may go to bed very hungry several times per week, which is not very pleasant and probably unsustainable in the long term.使用这种方法,您每周可能会饿着肚子上床睡觉几次,这不是很愉快,而且从长远来看可能是不可持续的。

6 种间歇性禁食的流行方法,刘德华等明星也在用哦



5. The Warrior Diet战士饮食

The Warrior Diet was popularized by fitness expert Ori Hofmekler.Warrior Diet 由健身专家 Ori Hofmekler 推广。

It involves eating small amounts of raw fruits and vegetables during the day and eating one huge meal at night.它包括白天吃少量的生水果和蔬菜,晚上吃一顿大餐。

Basically, you fast all day and feast at night within a 4-hour eating window.基本上,您可以在 4 小时的饮食窗口内全天禁食并在晚上大饱口福。

The Warrior Diet was one of the first popular diets to include a form of intermittent fasting.战士饮食是最早包含间歇性禁食形式的流行饮食之一。

This diet’s food choices are quite similar to those of the paleo diet — mostly whole, unprocessed foods.这种饮食的食物选择与古饮食非常相似——主要是全麦的、未加工的食物。

6 种间歇性禁食的流行方法,刘德华等明星也在用哦



6. Spontaneous meal skipping自发跳餐

You don’t need to follow a structured intermittent fasting plan to reap some of its benefits. Another option is to simply skip meals from time to time, such as when you don’t feel hungry or are too busy to cook and eat.你不需要遵循结构化的间歇性禁食计划来获得一些好处。 另一种选择是不时地不吃饭,例如当您不感到饥饿或太忙而无法做饭和吃饭时。

However, some people eat every few hours lest they hit starvation mode or lose muscle. Others’ bodies are well equipped to handle long periods of famine and can miss one or two meals from time to time. You know yourself best.然而,有些人每隔几个小时就吃一次,以免他们进入饥饿模式或失去肌肉。 其他人的身体有能力应对长期的饥荒,有时会错过一两顿饭。 你最了解自己。

So, if you’re really not hungry one day, skip breakfast and just eat a healthy lunch and dinner. Or, if you’re traveling somewhere and can’t find anything you want to eat, you may be able to do a short fast.所以,如果有一天你真的不饿,那就不吃早餐,只吃健康的午餐和晚餐。 或者,如果您在某个地方旅行并且找不到任何您想吃的东西,您也许可以进行一次短暂的禁食。

Skipping one or two meals when you feel inclined to do so is basically a spontaneous intermittent fast.当你想这样做时不吃一两顿饭基本上是一种自发的间歇性禁食。

Just make sure to eat healthy, balanced meals during the non-fasting periods.只要确保在非禁食期间吃健康、均衡的膳食。

6 种间歇性禁食的流行方法,刘德华等明星也在用哦



The bottom line结束语

Intermittent fasting is a weight loss tool that works for some people. It doesn’t work for everyone.间歇性禁食是一种对某些人有效的减肥工具。 它并不适合所有人。

It’s not recommended for people who have or are prone to eating disorders. It could also be a potential issue for those with underlying health conditions.不建议患有或容易患饮食失调的人使用。 对于那些有潜在健康问题的人来说,这也可能是一个潜在的问题。

If you decide to try intermittent fasting, keep in mind that diet quality is crucial. It’s not possible to binge on ultra-processed foods during the eating periods and expect to manage your weight and boost your health.如果您决定尝试间歇性禁食,请记住饮食质量至关重要。 不可能在进食期间狂吃超加工食品并期望控制体重并促进健康。

Furthermore, before embarking on an intermittent fast, you should consult a healthcare professional.此外,在开始间歇性禁食之前,您应该咨询医疗保健专业人士。



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