促进情绪健康的 7 种方法,一起试试吧

促进情绪健康的 7 种方法,一起试试吧

What you can do to create more positive emotions and boost emotional wellbeing.您可以做些什么来创造更多积极的情绪并促进情绪健康呢?

Boosting emotional wellbeing is not about stopping or avoiding emotions. Emotions are a normal and necessary part of life. Emotional wellbeing comes from enhancing emotional awareness, emotion regulation, and emotional recovery. That means increasing emotional wellbeing is entirely possible. Here are some ways to do it:促进情绪健康不是停止或避免情绪。 情绪是生活中正常且必要的一部分。 情绪健康来自增强情绪意识、情绪调节和情绪恢复。 这意味着增加情绪健康是完全可能的。 以下是一些方法:

促进情绪健康的 7 种方法,一起试试吧

1. Practice emotional awareness练习情绪意识

Emotional awareness often emerges from engaging in self-reflection: What are we feeling? Why are we feeling these things? And, what might help us stop feeling these things? When we're not aware of our emotions, we may engage in behaviors that hurt our emotional wellbeing. But, when we pay more attention to our emotions, we'll begin to learn which situations, people, or thoughts affect our emotions and as a result, we can take actions that help us have more enjoyable emotions.情绪意识通常来自于自我反省:我们的感受是什么? 为什么我们会有这些感觉? 而且,什么可以帮助我们停止感受这些事情? 当我们没有意识到我们的情绪时,我们可能会从事损害我们情绪健康的行为。 但是,当我们更加关注我们的情绪时,我们就会开始了解哪些情况、人或想法会影响我们的情绪,因此,我们可以采取行动来帮助我们拥有更愉快的情绪。

促进情绪健康的 7 种方法,一起试试吧

2. Practice mindful acceptance练习正念接受

Mindfulness involves emotional awareness but it also includes emotional acceptance. Emotional acceptance is when we experience emotions without judging. This helps prevent the development of secondary negative emotions. For example, if you feel guilty about feeling angry, then guilt is a secondary emotion. Acceptance of our negative emotions helps prevent these extra negative emotions from emerging. To practice acceptance, try to let your emotions come and go without labeling them as good or bad. Just let them be. This skill can be cultivated using mindfulness meditation.正念包括情感意识,但也包括情感接受。 情感接受是指我们在不加判断的情况下体验情感。 这有助于防止继发性负面情绪的发展。 例如,如果你对生气感到内疚,那么内疚是次要的情绪。 接受我们的负面情绪有助于防止这些额外的负面情绪出现。 为了练习接受,试着让你的情绪来来去去,不要给它们贴上好或坏的标签。 就让他们去吧。 这种技能可以通过正念冥想来培养。

促进情绪健康的 7 种方法,一起试试吧

3. Refocus your attention重新集中注意力

Another emotional wellbeing strategy involves re-directing your attention away from the bad things and towards the good things. For example, if we're focusing on the worst things in our lives or a situation, we might shift our attention to focus on the good parts. It's easier said than done, I know, but research shows that training ourselves to focus on neutral stuff instead of threatening stuff can reduce anxiety.另一种情绪健康策略涉及将您的注意力从坏事转移到好事上。 例如,如果我们专注于生活中最糟糕的事情或情况,我们可能会将注意力转移到好的部分。 我知道说起来容易做起来难,但研究表明,训练自己专注于中性事物而不是威胁性事物可以减少焦虑。

促进情绪健康的 7 种方法,一起试试吧

4. Practice reappraisal练习重新评估

Reappraisal is an emotion regulation strategy that involves reinterpreting a stressfulsituation in a more positive light. As a result, we feel better, and over time, can see boosts in emotional wellbeing. You can practice reappraising situations by listing things that are good in different situations—for example, how is this an opportunity to grow, what did you learn, and what are the good parts? Reappraisal is a skill, so the more you practice it, the easier it can become.重新评估是一种情绪调节策略,涉及从更积极的角度重新解释压力情况。 因此,我们感觉更好,随着时间的推移,我们可以看到情绪健康的提升。 您可以通过列出不同情况下的优点来练习重新评估情况——例如,这是一个如何成长的机会,你学到了什么,以及什么是好的部分? 重新评估是一种技能,所以你练习得越多,它就会变得越容易。

促进情绪健康的 7 种方法,一起试试吧

5. Try emotional distancing尝试保持情感距离

Emotional distancing involves imagining yourself as “a fly on the wall” when you are going through a hard time. Or, you could imagine you’re from the future looking back on your current self. For example, after a fight with your partner, think about how you'll feel about this fight in a week, month, or year. By using emotional distancing, we usually don’t feel quite as bad and can recover from negative experiences more easily .情感疏远包括在您经历艰难时期时将自己想象成“墙上的苍蝇”。 或者,你可以想象你来自未来,回顾现在的自己。 例如,在与你的伴侣吵架后,想想你在一周、一个月或一年内对这场战斗的感受。 通过使用情感疏远,我们通常不会感觉那么糟糕,并且可以更容易地从负面经历中恢复过来。

促进情绪健康的 7 种方法,一起试试吧

6. Use your imagination发挥你的想象力

When we imagine positive things, our brains produce similar signals as if we were experiencing those things in real life. That’s why positive imagination can be such a powerful tool for wellbeing. When times are tough, we might not have a lot of positive things to focus on or think about, but by using our imagination, we help our brains experience positive emotions nonetheless. So when you’re feeling bad, try to imagine yourself in a good place to generate more positive emotions.当我们想象积极的事情时,我们的大脑会产生类似的信号,就好像我们在现实生活中正在经历这些事情一样。 这就是为什么积极的想象力可以成为幸福的强大工具。 当时间艰难时,我们可能没有很多积极的事情需要关注或思考,但通过运用我们的想象力,我们仍然可以帮助我们的大脑体验积极的情绪。 所以当你感觉不好的时候,试着想象自己处于一个好地方,以产生更多积极的情绪。

促进情绪健康的 7 种方法,一起试试吧

7. Share your positive moments分享你的积极时刻

By sharing our positive moments, we help these moments to grow, expand, and last longer. So when something good happens to you, show, tell, or share your experience with someone you care about. For example, you could send a text to a friend or call them on the phone. Just be careful not to "humblebrag." For example, if you got a promotion, you could say, I'm feeling so great today about my career. I'd love to celebrate by taking you out to dinner.通过分享我们的积极时刻,我们帮助这些时刻成长、扩展并持续更长时间。 因此,当您遇到好事时,请向您关心的人展示、讲述或分享您的经历。 例如,您可以向朋友发送文本或通过电话呼叫他们。 小心不要“自卑”。 例如,如果你升职了,你可以说,我今天对我的职业感觉非常好,我很想带你出去吃晚饭来庆祝一下。



标签:中正   情绪   健康   想象力   内疚   负面   注意力   大脑   意识   事情   时刻   感觉   情况   时间   情感

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