



一、 需要合理安排运动时间和强度。夏季昼长夜短,气温较高,所以应该选择清晨和傍晚运动为宜。一般不主张在强烈阳光下进行体育锻炼,因为阳光中含有强烈的红外线,它可以透过皮肤、头骨而辐射到脑细胞中去,容易使大脑发生病变,也会导致类似中暑的症状,因此切忌在正午阳光照射下运动。运动的强度不宜过大,每次锻炼持续时间以半小时为宜。


二、 切忌锻炼后立即洗冷水澡。这样做对身体有害无益,因为经过运动后,新陈代谢十分旺盛,体内产热量增加,皮肤体表毛孔张开,若此时洗冷水澡,皮肤受冷刺激,使毛细血管骤然收缩,汗孔关闭,机体来不及适,致多种疾病油然而生。合理的方法是,洗温水澡或用温水擦洗全身,待机体恢复平静后,方可改用较低温度的凉水洗澡。


三、 切忌运动后大量冷饮。运动后全身血液进行了重新分配,大量血液涌向肌肉和体表供应运动之需,而消化器官则相对血液较少,若此时大量饮用冰冻饮料,由于温度过低,强烈刺激处于暂时贫血状态的胃,损伤其生理功能,轻者出现食欲减退,重者导致急性胃炎,并进一步引起慢性胃炎、胃溃疡等疾病。其实,夏季运动后喝温热饮料最适宜。实验证明,水温在25-30度左右的饮料,能较快地渗透到粘膜组织,被胃吸收,消暑解渴。


四、 切忌运动后大量喝水。因为运动后,各个器官处于调整、休息阶段,大量摄入水分无疑会增加消化系统、血液循环系统的负担。合适的补充体液丢失的方法是少量多饮,即多次少量地饮水,若出汗较多时,可适当饮些盐开水,不主张喝大量的凉开水。




Notes after Exercise in Summer

Dear friends, nice to meet you!Now it is time for “Health talk for three minutes every day”,My name is Hu Junhui, a doctor of Daojian Doctor Group of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation.Today, I will mainly introduce some notes after exercise in summer.

First, you need to arrange the time and intensity of exercise reasonably.In summer, the days are long and the nights are short, and the temperature is higher,so it is appropriate to exercise in the early morning and evening.Generally, it's not recommended to exercise in strong sunlight,as the sunlight contains strong infrared rays, and it can radiate into brain cells through the skin and skull,which is easy to cause brain lesions and lead to the symptom similar to heatstroke.Therefore, do not exercise in the midday sun.Intensity of the exercise should not be too high, and exercise for half an hour is appropriate each time.

Second, do not take a cold bath immediately after exercise,which is bad for your health.As after exercise, the body's metabolism is high, body heat production increases, and the skin surface pores open, if you take a cold bath at this time, your skin gets cold,it will make capillaries suddenly shrink, sweat hole closed, and the body can not adapt, resulting in a variety of diseases. The reasonable method is to take a warm bath or scrub the whole body with warm water,then you can bathe in cool water with lower temperature after the body returns to normal.

Third, do not drink lots of cold drinks after exercise.The blood of whole body will redistribute after exercise, a large amount of blood flows to the muscles and body surface to supply the needs for exercise,while the amount of blood in digestive organs is relatively small. Drinking a lot of frozen drinks at this timewill strongly stimulate the stomach and damage the physiological function of stomach, which is in the state of temporary anemia, as the temperature of frozen drinks is too low.Mild cases will appear loss of appetite,and severe cases may develop acute gastritis and further causes chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and other diseases.In fact, it is best to drink warm drinks after summer sports.Obvious experiments has proved that drinks with water temperatures around 25 to 30 ℃can penetrate the mucosal tissue and to be absorbed by the stomach and achieve the effect of relieving heat and thirst quickly.

Fourth, avoid drinking plenty of water after exercise.As all the organ are in the stage of adjustment and rest after exercise, a large amount of water intake will undoubtedly increase the burden of the digestive system and the blood circulation system.The appropriate way to replenish body fluids is a little water with many times, that is, drinking for many times but a small amount of water each time. if sweating more, you can drink some salt boiling water properly,do not drink a large amount of cold boiled water.

Finally, I wish you all a happy life and good health!To learn more knowledge about Cardiovascular disease, please pay attention to us.See you next time.



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