36 岁的 Facebook掌门人扎克伯格是如何赚取和花费其1140 亿美元的?

36 岁的 Facebook掌门人扎克伯格是如何赚取和花费其1140 亿美元的?

36 岁的 Facebook掌门人扎克伯格是如何赚取和花费其1140 亿美元的?

These days, his fortune has reached $114 billion.如今,他的财富已达到1140亿美元。

In May 2012, eight years after its founding, Facebook debuted on the New York Stock Exchange. At the time, it was the biggest technology IPO in history.2012 年 5 月,即成立八年后,Facebook 在纽约证券交易所首次亮相。 当时,这是历史上最大的科技IPO。

36 岁的 Facebook掌门人扎克伯格是如何赚取和花费其1140 亿美元的?

Most of Zuckerberg's fortune is derived from his 13% stake in Facebook. While Facebook spent more than $25 million on him in 2020 alone, his take-home pay is just $1.扎克伯格的大部分财富来自他持有的 Facebook 13% 的股份。 仅在 2020 年,Facebook 就在他身上花费了超过 2500 万美元,但他的实得工资仅为 1 美元。

36 岁的 Facebook掌门人扎克伯格是如何赚取和花费其1140 亿美元的?

Despite his status as one of the richest tech moguls, the 36-year-old Harvard dropout leads a low-key lifestyle with his wife, Priscilla Chan, and their two young daughters.尽管他是最富有的科技大亨之一,这位 36 岁的哈佛辍学生与妻子普莉希拉·陈 (Priscilla Chan) 和两个年幼的女儿过着低调的生活方式。

36 岁的 Facebook掌门人扎克伯格是如何赚取和花费其1140 亿美元的?

Like many other Silicon Valley stalwarts, Zuckerberg doesn't dress in flashy suits — he keeps things simple in jeans, t-shirts, and sweaters. But they're reportedly much more expensive than they look, retailing for hundreds, and even thousands, of dollars.像许多其他硅谷中坚人物一样,扎克伯格不穿华而不实的西装——他穿着牛仔裤、T 恤和毛衣保持简单。 但据报道,它们比看起来贵得多,零售价为数百甚至数千美元。

36 岁的 Facebook掌门人扎克伯格是如何赚取和花费其1140 亿美元的?

Zuckerberg is known for driving relatively inexpensive cars. He's been seen in an Acura TSX and a Honda Fit, both of which are valued at or under $30,000.扎克伯格以驾驶相对便宜的汽车而闻名。 他曾在一辆 Acura TSX 和一辆本田飞度上见过,这两款车的价值都在 30,000 美元或以下。

36 岁的 Facebook掌门人扎克伯格是如何赚取和花费其1140 亿美元的?

He's also been spotted driving a black Volkswagen Golf GTI, a car that he bought well after making his fortune. That car would cost about $30,000 new.他还被发现开着一辆黑色的大众高尔夫 GTI,这是他在发财后买的好车。 那辆车的新车售价约为 30,000 美元。

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But he has dropped serious cash on at least one sports car: an Italian Pagani Huayra that sells for about $1.3 million.但他至少在一辆跑车上投入了大量现金:一辆售价约 130 万美元的意大利帕加尼 Huayra。

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There's one thing Zuckerberg doesn't seem to mind splurging on: real estate. In May 2011, he bought a 5,000-square-foot home in Palo Alto for $7 million. He's since tricked it out with a "custom-made artificially intelligent assistant."扎克伯格似乎并不介意挥霍在一件事上:房地产。 2011 年 5 月,他以 700 万美元在帕洛阿尔托购买了一套 5,000 平方英尺的住宅。 从那以后,他用“定制的人工智能助手”把它骗了。

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The next year, Zuckerberg began buying the properties surrounding his home, spending more than $30 million to acquire four homes, with plans to level them and rebuild.第二年,扎克伯格开始购买他家周围的房产,花费超过 3000 万美元购买了四套房屋,并计划将它们平整并重建。

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He also owns a townhouse in the Mission District of San Francisco. He bought the 5,500-square-foot home in 2013 and proceeded to make over $1 million in renovations, including adding a greenhouse and remodeling the kitchen.他还在旧金山的 Mission 区拥有一栋联排别墅。 他于 2013 年购买了 5,500 平方英尺的房屋,并进行了超过 100 万美元的装修,包括增加温室和改造厨房。

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In 2014, the billionaire's real-estate portfolio jumped the Pacific when he spent $100 million on two properties on the island of Kauai: the Kahu'aina Plantation, a 357-acre former sugarcane plantation, and Pila'a Beach, a 393-acre property with a white-sand beach.2014 年,这位亿万富翁斥资 1 亿美元购买了考艾岛上的两处房产:占地 357 英亩的甘蔗种植园 Kahu'aina Plantation 和占地 393 英亩的 Pila'a Beach,他的房地产投资组合跃升太平洋。 拥有白色沙滩的物业。

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But the couple's presence in Hawaii has drawn backlash over the years: In 2016, Zuckerberg angered neighbors by constructing a 6-foot wall around his property, and in 2017, Zuckerberg filed suit against Hawaiian families who had legal-ownership claims on parcels of land within his property. Though he dropped the suit, residents accused him of "neocolonialism."2016 年,扎克伯格在他的财产周围建造了一堵 6 英尺高的墙,激怒了邻居,2017 年,扎克伯格对夏威夷家庭提起诉讼,这些家庭对他财产内的土地拥有合法所有权要求。 尽管他放弃了诉讼,但居民们指责他是“新殖民主义”。

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Zuckerberg has also shelled out for two lakefront properties on Lake Tahoe, which cost a combined $59 million. One of the houses, called the Brushwood Estate, spans 5,233 square feet on six acres of land. The property features a guest house and a private dock.扎克伯格还斥资 5900 万美元购买了太浩湖的两处湖畔房产。 其中一栋名为 Brushwood Estate 的房屋占地 6 英亩,占地 5,233 平方英尺。 酒店设有旅馆和私人码头。

36 岁的 Facebook掌门人扎克伯格是如何赚取和花费其1140 亿美元的?

Between his two Lake Tahoe properties, Zuckerberg owns about 600 feet of private shoreline on Lake Tahoe's west shore.在他的两处太浩湖房产之间,扎克伯格在太浩湖西岸拥有约 600 英尺的私人海岸线。

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When Zuckerberg buys properties, he tends to buy the other homes surrounding it for privacy reasons, just as he did in Palo Alto.当扎克伯格购买房产时,出于隐私原因,他倾向于购买周围的其他房屋,就像他在帕洛阿尔托所做的那样。

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Zuckerberg doesn't appear to travel much for pleasure. But when he traverses the globe for work, Facebook foots the bill: Security for Zuckerberg and his family cost the company $23 million in 2020, according to the company's most recent proxy statement.扎克伯格旅行似乎并不多是为了消遣。 但是,当他周游世界去工作时,Facebook 会买单:根据该公司最近的委托书,扎克伯格及其家人在 2020 年的安全费用为 2300 万美元。

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But Zuckerberg's travel mostly ground to a halt in 2020. He appeared to spend a lot of his time in Hawaii, riding a $12,000 electric surfboard and kayaking with his family.但扎克伯格的旅行在 2020 年基本停止。他似乎在夏威夷度过了很多时间,骑着价值 12,000 美元的电动冲浪板和家人一起划皮划艇。

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But ultimately, opulence and luxury are just a blip on Zuckerberg's radar. In fact, his main priority seems to be giving his money away, rather than spending it.但归根结底,富裕和奢侈只是扎克伯格雷达上的昙花一现。 事实上,他的首要任务似乎是把钱捐出去,而不是花钱。

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Zuckerberg has signed onto the Giving Pledge, joining Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and over 200 other millionaires and billionaires who have vowed to donate the majority of their wealth to philanthropy. He plans to sell 99% of his Facebook shares during his lifetime.扎克伯格签署了捐赠誓言,加入了比尔盖茨、沃伦巴菲特和其他 200 多位百万富翁和亿万富翁的行列,他们发誓要将大部分财富捐赠给慈善事业。 他计划在有生之年出售其 99% 的 Facebook 股份。

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Zuckerberg said in September 2017 that he planned to sell 35 to 75 million shares over the following 18 months to fund the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, totaling between $6 billion and $12 billion.

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The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is a philanthropic organization Zuckerberg founded with his wife in 2015 focused on "personalized learning, curing disease, connecting people, and building strong communities." CZI has awarded roughly $2 billion in grants over the years.Chan Zuckerberg Initiative 是扎克伯格与他的妻子于 2015 年创立的慈善组织,专注于“个性化学习、治疗疾病、联系人们和建立强大的社区”。 多年来,CZI 已授予大约 20 亿美元的赠款。

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CZI is invested in tackling both local and global issues. In 2020, for example, the organization poured $4.2 million into a jobs program for residents of Kauai and committed $1 million to help the region battle the coronavirus. CZI has also contributed millions in the last year to causes like criminal justice reform and affordable housing.CZI 致力于解决本地和全球问题。 例如,在 2020 年,该组织向考艾岛居民的就业计划投入了 420 万美元,并承诺投入 100 万美元帮助该地区抗击冠状病毒。 CZI 去年还为刑事司法改革和经济适用房等事业捐款数百万美元。

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Zuckerberg and Chan have also poured billions into research focused on curing the world's diseases by the end of the century. In order to accomplish this lofty goal, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative launched a nonprofit called Biohub to start looking into the cure for disease, including research on genomics, infectious diseases, and implantable devices.扎克伯格和陈还投入了数十亿美元进行研究,重点是到本世纪末治愈世界疾病。 为了实现这一崇高目标,Chan Zuckerberg Initiative 发起了一个名为 Biohub 的非营利组织,开始研究疾病的治疗方法,包括对基因组学、传染病和可植入设备的研究。

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Zuckerberg believes that Biohub will help speed up research to cure disease, telling The New Yorker in 2018 that "we'll basically have been able to manage or cure all of the major things that people suffer from and die from today. Based on the data that we already see, it seems like there's a reasonable shot."扎克伯格认为 Biohub 将有助于加快治愈疾病的研究,他在 2018 年告诉《纽约客》,“我们基本上已经能够管理或治愈人们今天遭受和死亡的所有主要疾病。根据数据 我们已经看到,似乎有一个合理的镜头。”

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Last August, the launch of a new Instagram feature designed to compete with TikTok sent both the company's share price and Zuckerberg's net worth to new heights. The move caused Zuckerberg's net worth to exceed $100 million for the first time, making him one of only a few centi-billionaires on Earth. These days, he's worth $114 billion.去年 8 月,旨在与 TikTok 竞争的 Instagram 新功能的推出将该公司的股价和扎克伯格的净资产都推向了新的高度。 此举使扎克伯格的净资产首次超过 1 亿美元,成为地球上仅有的少数亿万富翁之一。 如今,他的身价为 1140 亿美元。

36 岁的 Facebook掌门人扎克伯格是如何赚取和花费其1140 亿美元的?



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