

Balanced Diet: What It Looks Like And Why Is It Required

01/9​Balanced diet: what it looks like and why is it required平衡饮食:它的样子以及为什么需要它

You may have heard it many times to follow a diet which provides you with the required nutrients and helps your body to function properly. However, you may wonder what sources encompass a complete or balanced diet to aid in your weight loss journey or a healthy lifestyle. To end all your doubts regarding balanced diet we’ve brought all the information you need to know regarding this terminology. Here are the aspects that will rectify your current diet habit and make it more healthful and sustainable.您可能已经听过很多次这样的节食,它可以为您提供所需的营养并帮助您的身体正常运作。 然而,您可能想知道哪些来源包含完整或均衡的饮食,以帮助您的减肥之旅或健康的生活方式。 为了结束您对均衡饮食的所有疑虑,我们提供了您需要了解的有关该术语的所有信息。 以下方面将纠正您目前的饮食习惯,使其更加健康和可持续。


02/9​What is a balanced diet and why is it necessary?什么是均衡饮食,为什么有必要?

A well-balanced diet provides the nutrients your body requires to function properly. If not taken seriously, the body can become more prone to disease, infection, weariness, and low performance. Especially if children do not consume enough nutritious foods, they may experience growth and developmental issues, as well as low academic performance and frequent illnesses.均衡的饮食可为您的身体提供正常运作所需的营养。 如果不认真对待,身体会变得更容易生病、感染、疲倦和表现不佳。 尤其是如果孩子没有摄入足够的营养食品,他们可能会出现生长发育问题,以及学习成绩低下和经常生病。

To acquire all the nutrition below are the sources you should unforgettably include to your diet:要获得以下所有营养,您应该在饮食中不可忘记地包括以下来源:



Fruits are nutrient-dense foods that can fulfil our sweet desire. Locally grown fruits are fresher and contain more nutrients than imported fruits. Fruits contain natural sugar, and unlike the toxic processed sugar found in candies and many sweet pastries, fruits include fibre and other healthful nutrients that boost immunity.水果是营养丰富的食物,可以满足我们对甜蜜的渴望。 本地种植的水果比进口水果更新鲜,营养成分更多。 水果含有天然糖分,与糖果和许多甜糕点中发现的有毒加工糖不同,水果含有纤维和其他可增强免疫力的健康营养素。

However, diabetes patients should consider doctor’s advice on which fruit to consume, when and how much to eat.但是,糖尿病患者应该考虑医生的建议,吃什么水果,什么时候吃,吃多少。



Essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are found in abundance in vegetables. To receive a comprehensive range of nutrients, eat a variety of veggies in various hues. Not to forget greens such as spinach, kale, green beans, broccoli, and collard greens that are high in nutrients. Particularly use local, seasonal produce which is simple to prepare and inexpensive as well.蔬菜中含有丰富的必需维生素、矿物质和抗氧化剂。 要获得全面的营养,请吃各种颜色的蔬菜。 不要忘记菠菜、羽衣甘蓝、青豆、西兰花和羽衣甘蓝等富含营养的蔬菜。 特别是使用当地的时令产品,这些产品易于准备且价格低廉。

If you don't like greens, you can eat them in a variety of ways, by including them in soups, stews, and pasta meals, salads, purées, juices, and smoothies.如果您不喜欢蔬菜,您可以通过多种方式食用它们,包括将它们加入汤、炖菜和意大利面食、沙拉、果泥、果汁和冰沙中。



Whole grain bread or roti contribute vitamins, minerals, and fibre to your diet. They give flavour and texture to a dish. While the nutritional value of refined white flour used in many breads and baked items is very low. This is because much of the nutrition is found in the grain's hull, or outer shell, which is removed during the processing process. Hence always opt for products made with whole grain.全麦面包或烤肉饼为您的饮食提供维生素、矿物质和纤维。 它们赋予菜肴风味和质地。 虽然许多面包和烘焙食品中使用的精制白面粉的营养价值非常低。 这是因为大部分营养都存在于谷物的外壳或外壳中,这些外壳在加工过程中会被去除。 因此总是选择用全麦制成的产品。



Protein is required for a variety of tasks, including wound healing and muscle maintenance and development.各种任务都需要蛋白质,包括伤口愈合和肌肉维护和发育。

Animal based protein动物‬蛋白‬

Red meats, such as beef and mutton, are healthy animal-based options. While poultry examples include chicken and turkey. Salmon, sardines, and other healthful seafood options. Processed meats and red meats have been linked to an increased risk of cancer and other illnesses. Some processed meats also have a lot of preservatives and salt added to them. The best alternative is to get it fresh and unprocessed.牛肉和羊肉等红肉是健康的动物选择。 家禽的例子包括鸡肉和火鸡。 三文鱼、沙丁鱼和其他健康的海鲜选择。 加工肉类和红肉与癌症和其他疾病的风险增加有关。 一些加工肉类还添加了大量的防腐剂和盐。 最好的选择是让它新鲜且未经加工。

Plant based protein植物‬蛋白‬

Protein, fibre, and other nutrients can be found in nuts, beans, and soy products. Lentils, beans, peas, almonds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, tofu, tempeh, and other soy-based products are all good sources of protein and nutritious meat substitutes.蛋白质、纤维和其他营养素可以在坚果、豆类和豆制品中找到。 扁豆、豆类、豌豆、杏仁、葵花籽、核桃、豆腐、豆豉和其他大豆制品都是蛋白质和营养丰富的肉类替代品的良好来源。



Protein, calcium, and vitamin D are all important elements found in dairy products. They are high in fat as well so low fat alternatives may be the ideal choice if you're trying to cut down on your fat intake. Your doctor can assist you in making your decision.蛋白质、钙和维生素 D 都是乳制品中的重要元素。 它们的脂肪含量也很高,因此如果您想减少脂肪摄入量,低脂肪替代品可能是理想的选择。 您的医生可以帮助您做出决定。

08/9​Dairy-free alternatives不含乳制品的替代品


Many dairy-free milks and other dairy replacements are now available for vegans, produced from flax seed, almonds and cashews, soy, oats, and coconut.许多不含乳制品的牛奶和其他乳制品替代品现在可用于纯素食者,由亚麻籽、杏仁和腰果、大豆、燕麦和椰子制成。

These are frequently fortified with calcium and other nutrients, making them suitable substitutes for cow's milk. Some have sugar added to them, so read the labels carefully before purchasing.这些通常含有钙和其他营养素,使它们成为牛奶的合适替代品。 有些添加了糖,所以在购买前仔细阅读标签。

09/9​Fats and oils脂肪和油


Fat is necessary for energy and cell health, but too much fat can cause the body to consume more calories than it requires, leading to weight gain.脂肪是能量和细胞健康所必需的,但过多的脂肪会导致身体消耗超过所需的卡路里,从而导致体重增加。

Include unsaturated fat in your diet rather than saturated fats as it is known to elevate cholesterol levels and risk of cardiovascular disease.在您的饮食中加入不饱和脂肪,而不是饱和脂肪,因为众所周知,饱和脂肪会提高胆固醇水平和患心血管疾病的风险

Must have fats: vegetable oils and fish oils必须有脂肪:植物油和鱼油

Fats in controlled amount: butter, cheese, and heavy cream控制量的脂肪:黄油、奶酪和重奶油

Strict no- no: trans fats, found in many processed and prepackaged foods. Deep-fried foods are heavy in calories but low in nutrition, so you should avoid them whenever possible.严格禁止:反式脂肪,存在于许多加工和预包装食品中。 油炸食品热量高但营养低,因此应尽可能避免食用。



标签:饮食   乳制品   替代品   营养素   膳食   肉类   蛋白质   维生素   外壳   脂肪   蔬菜   水果   身体   营养   加工   健康

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