

To understand what lies at the heart of William and Kate, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s marriage, and how they have managed to escape the Windsor curse, you have to go back to July 29, 1980.要了解剑桥公爵和公爵夫人威廉和凯特的婚姻的核心是什么,以及他们如何设法摆脱温莎诅咒,您必须回到 1980 年 7 月 29 日。

It was a Tuesday and crowds had gathered at Cowdray polo club to watch Prince Charles do his darnedest with his mallet and there among the bevy of Sloane-y gals watching the future king was an intriguing new face.那是一个星期二,人群聚集在考德雷马球俱乐部,观看查尔斯王子挥舞着他的木槌尽其所能,而在一群斯隆女孩中观看未来的国王是一个有趣的新面孔。

On the day, The Sun’s long-time royal photographer Arthur Edward had heard a whisper that Charles had a new girlfriend but when he spotted the 19-year-old he snapped a few shots but dismissed things. She was so young and a nursery teacher.那天,《太阳报》的长期皇家摄影师亚瑟·爱德华 (Arthur Edward) 听到有人小声说查尔斯有了新女友,但当他看到这位 19 岁的女友时,他拍了几张照片,但对此不予理会。 她太年轻了,是一名幼儿园老师。

The girl was, of course, the teenage Lady Diana Spencer and exactly a year to the day later, she would walk down the aisle of St Paul’s in London while a global audience of 750 million people watched on.这个女孩当然是十几岁的戴安娜·斯宾塞夫人,一年后的第二天,她将走在伦敦圣保罗教堂的过道上,而全球有 7.5 亿观众在观看。


Later, she would reveal she felt like a “lamb to the slaughter” on her wedding day but to the outside world, she was a fairytale made flesh and blood. It would be years before the world would come to see just how wretched the Wales’ union was.后来,她透露自己在婚礼当天感觉自己像个“待宰的羔羊”,但在外界看来,她是一个有血有肉的童话。 世界要过几年才能看到威尔士的工会有多悲惨。

When 30 years later, Kate Middleton made her own four-minute walk up the aisle of Westminster Abbey to trade haunting Chelsea’s frock shops to be a working HRH, the numbers were stacked against her.30 年后,凯特·米德尔顿 (Kate Middleton) 在威斯敏斯特教堂 (Westminster Abbey) 的过道上步行 4 分钟,将见鬼的切尔西 (Chelsea) 连衣裙店换成了职业的 HRH,但数字对她不利。


The house of Windsor might be splendid at many things – breeding horses, christening boats and keeping their Teutonic tidily hidden away – but on the marriage front, they have a truly appalling track record.温莎家族可能在许多方面都很出色——饲养马匹、洗礼船和将条顿人整齐地藏起来——但在婚姻方面,他们的记录确实令人震惊。

Prince Edward is the only one of the Queen’s four children who has not been porced and Princess Anne’s son Peter Phillips became the first of Her Majesty’s grandchildren to dissolve his union earlier this year.爱德华王子是女王四个孩子中唯一一个没有离婚的,安妮公主的儿子彼得菲利普斯今年早些时候成为女王陛下第一个解散婚姻的孙子。

So how in the name of Mischon de Raya, Diana’s famous porce firm, has Kate managed to pull off the royal coup of the century and made their marriage work?那么,以戴安娜著名的离婚公司 Mischon de Raya 的名义,凯特是如何成功完成本世纪的皇室政变并使他们的婚姻成功的呢?


In April this year the couple marked 10 years of marriage, releasing a slick, professionally-produced ‘home movie’ featuring the Cambridge family gambolling over sand dunes, all rendered in muted, co-ordinating hues and projecting cozy domesticity.今年 4 月,这对夫妇标志着结婚 10 周年,发布了一部专业制作的精巧“家庭电影”,以剑桥家族在沙丘上的嬉戏为特色,所有影片均以柔和、协调的色调呈现,展现出温馨的家庭生活。

The answer, according to insiders, is two-fold.据业内人士称,答案有两个方面。

To start with, they work well together – and I mean, work.首先,他们可以很好地协同工作——我的意思是,工作。


While Charles watched, dismayed and perturbed, as his new wife’s popularity eclipsed his own, setting off years of the duo intractably locked in a game of one-upmanship, William and Kate have escaped following in his parents’ sour footsteps.当查尔斯沮丧和不安时,他的新婚妻子的声望超过了他自己,这引发了两人多年来顽固地陷入单人游戏的局面,而威廉和凯特却没有追随他父母的酸溜溜的脚步。

“They’ve got a solid relationship and she gives him confidence,” one friend who attended the couple’s 2011 wedding revealed to The Times. “There is no jealousy, no friction, they are happy for each other’s successes.”“他们的关系很牢固,她给了他信心,”参加这对夫妇 2011 年婚礼的一位朋友向《泰晤士报》透露。 “没有嫉妒,没有摩擦,他们为彼此的成功感到高兴。”


According to The Times, “In private William talks as passionately about Kate’s work as his own campaigns, and takes pride in her growing confidence on the public stage.”据《泰晤士报》报道,“威廉私下里对凯特的工作和他自己的活动一样充满热情,并为她在公共舞台上日益增长的信心感到自豪。”

Look at any photos of the couple out and about during an official engagement and it is clear that they are better together, a smiling, warm double act – the sum is greater than the aristocratic parts, if you will.看看这对夫妇在正式订婚期间四处走动的任何照片,很明显他们在一起更好,一个微笑,温暖的双重表演——如果你愿意的话,总和大于贵族部分。

“Ultimately they are very much on the same side, on the same team. There is quite a lot of affectionate joshing between them but they have always had each other’s backs,” a source close to the couple told The Telegraphearlier this year.“最终,他们在同一支球队,在同一支球队。 他们之间有很多深情的开玩笑,但他们总是互相支持,”与这对夫妇关系密切的消息人士今年早些时候告诉《每日电讯报》。

“They are both very similar in the respect that they are intrinsically quite shy people who have sometimes struggled with life in the limelight,” one royal insider has said. “When he is having a difficult time, she is the one who helps him through it but it works both ways. He is there for her and she is there for him.”一位皇室内部人士说:“他们都非常相似,因为他们本质上都很害羞,有时会在聚光灯下与生活作斗争。” “当他遇到困难时,她会帮助他度过难关,但它是双向的。 他在她身边,她也在他身边。”


Perhaps more interesting is how their partnership has affected William and given him the critical stability and groundedness that was lacking in his life for so long.也许更有趣的是,他们的伙伴关系如何影响了威廉,并赋予他生命中长期缺乏的关键稳定性和脚踏实地。

“Marriage maketh the man,” a friend has told The Times. “Catherine’s groundedness has been the critical anchor.”“婚姻造就男人,”一位朋友告诉《泰晤士报》。 “凯瑟琳的脚踏实地一直是关键的支柱。”

“Watching them over the past decade, they are the couple who finish each other’s sentences,” royal biographer Katie Nicholl has said. “As with any marriage, there have been ups and downs, but they have got through them. This is a marriage based on friendship.”皇家传记作家凯蒂·尼科尔 (Katie Nicholl) 说:“过去十年看着他们,他们是完成彼此成就的夫妇。” “就像任何婚姻一样,有起起落落,但他们都挺过来了。 这是建立在友谊基础上的婚姻。”


That equality extends their home life where they reportedly balance their ever-growing royal workloads with raising their three children, with them taking it in turns and juggling diaries to ensure one of them always does the school drop offs and is there when they come home in the afternoon.这种平等延长了他们的家庭生活,据报道,他们在抚养三个孩子之间平衡了不断增长的皇室工作量,他们轮流工作并写日记,以确保其中一个总是放学并在他们回家时在那里等待孩子们回家。

There is also something fascinating in considering the one thing that Kate gives William that no one else in his world ever has – a taste of normality. From their early years as a couple, he spent time with the Middleton family, reportedly even calling Michael Middleton, on occasion, ‘Dad’.考虑到凯特给威廉的一件事是他在世界上其他人从未有过的——一种正常的品味,这也令人着迷。 从他们作为夫妻的早年开始,他就与米德尔顿一家共度时光,据报道,他有时甚至称迈克尔米德尔顿为“爸爸”。

There were Sunday lunch roasts (with William’s favourite red wine on hand) and the duo even spent Christmas there on two occasions, skipping the elaborate, deeply formal royal celebration at Sandringham.有周日午餐烤肉(手头有威廉最喜欢的红酒),二人甚至两次在那里度过圣诞节,跳过在桑德灵厄姆举行的精心制作、非常正式的皇家庆祝活动。

(Let’s never forget the ruckus William set off in 2008 when, during his RAF training, he landed a military helicopter on the Middletons’ lawn as part of a training flight.)(让我们永远不要忘记威廉在 2008 年开始的骚动,当时他在英国皇家空军训练期间,作为训练飞行的一部分,将一架军用直升机降落在米德尔顿的草坪上。)

“[William] absolutely adores them. Michael is charming. Really kind, soft and gentle. William loves going to the country to stay with them. Their family life is so soothing for him as it’s so different from his own family,” a friend of the Middleton family said last year.“[威廉] 绝对崇拜他们。 迈克尔很有魅力。 真的很温柔很温柔。 威廉喜欢去乡下和他们呆在一起。 他们的家庭生活对他来说是如此舒缓,因为这与他自己的家人如此不同,”米德尔顿家族的一位朋友去年说。

The centrality of his wife’s family was only affirmed when two days after the birth of their first child George, they relocated to Michael and Carol’s $9.4 million home Bucklebury Manor to spend their first few weeks acclimatising to parenthood.在他们的第一个孩子乔治出生两天后,他们搬到迈克尔和卡罗尔价值 940 万美元的巴克伯里庄园,在最初几周适应为人父母的生活,这才证实了他妻子家庭的中心地位。

Interestingly, one of the most significant ways his wife has proven to be a steadying influence on the future King William V is when it comes to dealing with the baying media.有趣的是,他的妻子已被证明对未来的威廉五世国王产生稳定影响的最重要方式之一是与喧闹的媒体打交道。

Despite having spent years being chased, literally, by photographers around London, it was Kate who is reported to have been the one to push for a more strategic and sanguine approach.尽管多年来一直被伦敦各地的摄影师追赶,但据报道,凯特是推动更具战略性和乐观态度的人。

“Where his relationship with the media was once all fury and frustration, he now understands using the power of modern media, so the public feel they’re getting enough access,” the same friend has said.“他与媒体的关系曾经是愤怒和沮丧,但他现在明白使用现代媒体的力量,所以公众觉得他们获得了足够的访问权,”同一位朋友说。


When the Cambridges became parents in 2013 welcoming son Prince George, it was Kate who reportedly decided to take a leaf out of Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden’s book and to establish a compact with the press and the public. The royal house would doll out regular photos of the baby and in return would be able to enjoy a blessed peace that William was denied as a child.当剑桥夫妇于 2013 年成为父母欢迎儿子乔治王子时,据报道,凯特决定借鉴瑞典王储维多利亚公主的书,并与媒体和公众建立契约。 王室会定期发布婴儿的照片,作为回报,他们将能够享受威廉小时候被剥夺的幸福和平。

A close aide told The Times, “For years, the battles around privacy and paparazzi intrusion were all consuming. He wanted to know, could we build them a credible plan allowing them a family life while slowly increasing the profile of official life? It took years to get there, but the success of that plan allowed him to be confident and content in his role. He’s not worried about his kids’ privacy any more and he has been able to be the kind of dad he wants to be.”一位亲密助手告诉《泰晤士报》,“多年来,围绕隐私和狗仔队入侵的斗争都令人费解。 他想知道,我们能否为他们制定一个可信的计划,让他们过上家庭生活,同时慢慢提高官方生活的形象。 花了数年时间才实现这一目标,但该计划的成功让他对自己的角色充满信心和满足。 他不再担心孩子的隐私,他已经能够成为他想成为的那种父亲。”

The rare success that is William and Kate’s partnership also lies in the fact that their priorities align perfectly.威廉和凯特的伙伴关系罕见的成功还在于他们的优先事项完全一致。

“Kate understands that the only credo of the Royal Family is duty, duty, duty,” one royal courtier told Tatler last year.“凯特明白王室唯一的信条是责任、责任、责任,”一位皇室朝臣去年告诉《闲谈》。


Which might sound simple on paper but the reality is far more demanding. Consider that less than 24-hours after giving birth for the first time she appeared in front of cheering, clapping crowds and a veritable wall of cameras that towered over the new family. Still, time and again she has approached daunting moments such as this with grace and poise.这在纸面上听起来可能很简单,但现实要求更高。 试想一下,在她第一次生完孩子后不到 24 小时,她就出现在欢呼、鼓掌的人群和耸立在新家庭上方的名副其实的摄像机墙前。 尽管如此,她还是一次又一次地以优雅和镇定的态度对待诸如此类的令人生畏的时刻。

Likewise in 2012. She and William were in Malaysia in the midst of a tour of southeast Asia to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee when topless photos of Kate, taken during the couple’s recent holiday in France, were published.同样在 2012 年。 她和威廉正在马来西亚进行东南亚巡回演出,以纪念女王的钻禧,当时凯特的近乎裸照照片是在这对夫妇最近在法国度假期间拍摄的。

Both the duke and duchess were “furious”, according to biographer Nicholl, after being briefed about the situation by their private secretary, Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, but she still put on an exemplary performance shaking hands and accepting flowers as they ploughed through the day’s itinerary.根据传记作者尼科尔的说法,公爵和公爵夫人在听取了他们的私人秘书杰米·洛瑟-平克顿 (Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton) 的情况简报后都“愤怒”,但她仍然表现出模范的表演,他们在一天的耕作过程中握手并接受鲜花 行程。

Thursday this week marked 40-years since Charles and Diana’s wedding and it is impossible to not compare the two marriages, one defined by hurt and rancour and the other by their success as a consummate partnerships, both in public and at home.本周星期四是查尔斯和戴安娜结婚 40 周年,我们不可能不对这两段婚姻进行比较,一段是伤害和怨恨,另一段是在公共场合和家庭中作为完美伴侣的成功。

Diana might have been a lamb to the slaughter on her wedding day but when Kate made that daunting, nerve-jangling four-minute walk down the aisle, looking back, she was actually a wolf in an Alexander McQueen gown. Thank god for that. I’m sure the Queen does.戴安娜在婚礼当天可能是被宰杀的羔羊,但当凯特沿着过道步行四分钟令人生畏、紧张不安时,回头看,她实际上是一头穿着亚历山大麦昆礼服的狼。 感谢上帝。 我相信女王会的。



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