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Dear friends, nice to meet you!Now it is time for “Health talk for three minutes every day”,My name is Ma Meiling, a nurse of Daojian Doctor Group of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation.Today, I will mainly introduce the wrong health preservation methods in life.

As life gets better and better, people pay more and more attention to health and health preservation.However, some seemingly healthy lifestyles do great harm to the body.The following things are often done by big families.You think they are in health preservation, but in fact, they promote illness.

Grains flour are prone to diabetes"Eat more grains, no miscellaneous diseases!" As a result, "grains flour" is quietly popular.Many people think that grains flour is convenient and has many benefits! But in fact, it does harm to the body. Cereals are rich in dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis.After grinding, the dietary fiber is destroyed, leaving only starch and sugar. Eating grains flour can quickly increase blood sugar, which is harmful to the body, and eating more will increase the incidence rate of various diseases, especially diabetes.

Eating porridge every day can lead to nutritional imbalance

Some old people eat porridge all the year round because of their bad chewing function, and a few people who pay attention to medicated diet take medicine porridge to maintain their health. According to the observation, the elderly people who eat porridge for a long time are generally thinner, because their gastric motility is poor.After eating porridge for a long time, the total calories and nutrients obtained by the human body are not enough to be consumed in the body, which leads to the imbalance of nutrition. Therefore, although eating porridge and taking medicine porridge often is a method of health preservation, it is not suitable for everyone, except for the weak body or the need for treatment.

Random Vitamin supplements may lead to stones

Many people regard Vitamins as omnipotent and think that taking a few Vitamins a day is good for your health. In fact, if the body does not lack Vitamins, no matter what kind of disease, taking Vitamins is a waste, and it may even aggravate the disease.For example, if patients with gastric ulcer take large amounts of Vitamin C, it will not only be ineffective, but also stimulate the stomach. Some people take Vitamin C effervescent tablets as a drug to improve immunity, but in fact, only Vitamin C deficiency patients need Vitamin C supplement. Long-term overdose of Vitamin C will also lead to urinary calculi and accelerate arteriosclerosis.

Random calcium, you should be careful of hypercalcemia, kidney stones

The concept of calcium supplement is deeply rooted in our country.Many elderly people think that the more calcium is added and absorbed,the stronger the bones will be, so they eat lots of calcium tablets. In fact, the more calcium is not the better. China's Nutrition Association recommends that the daily calcium requirement of the elderly with a weight of 50-70 kg is about 1000 mg. In addition to obtaining it in diet, the additional supplement of calcium is 300-700 mg. Excessive calcium supplementation will affect the absorption of iron and zinc,and it may also lead to hypercalcemia, kidney stones and other complications.In fact, a healthy and balanced diet can provide enough calcium. Good sources of calcium include milk, dairy products, soy products, green leafy vegetables, etc.

Today’s sharing is over now.To learn more about Coronary heart disease, please pay attention to us. Finally, I wish you all a happy life and good health! See you next time.



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