







1. 世卫组织称全球90%学生受停课影响




2. 外交部正协调接有切实困难留学生回国




3. 使馆拟为旅西中国留学生开临时航班





Luckin Coffee fabricates sales


Luckin Coffee Inc, the so-called rival to Starbucks in China, has exposed itself to risks of delisting and even bankruptcy due to severe fabrication of sales data, experts said. The Nasdaq-listed Chinese coffee chain saw its share price crash more than 75 percent to $6.4 on Thursday, after the company disclosed its earnings results were substantially inflated.


Liu Jian, chief operating officer and a director of the company, and several employees reporting to him, had engaged in misconduct, including fabricating transactions, according to a company statement released on Thursday. The aggregate sales associated with fabricated transactions amount to around 2.2 billion yuan during the April to December period last year, according to Luckin's preliminary internal investigation. The company said "investors should no longer rely upon" these numbers. "


The consequences may be devastating for Luckin, more than merely getting delisted," said Dong Dengxin, director of the Finance and Securities Institute at the Wuhan University of Science and Technology. Investors will probably bring a class-action suit against the company, which could lead to a massive amount of compensation and bankrupt the firm, according to Dong. "It alerts Chinese firms, both listed at home and abroad, to the bottom line of integrity," Dong said.




Land border control tightens


Chinese authorities Monday stressed measures to further prevent imported COVID-19 infections through border control. The demand was made at a meeting of the leading group of China's COVID-19 epidemic response.


Noting the rapid spread of the pandemic overseas and the rising risk of imported cases through land borders, the meeting urged local authorities to hold the line with communities, ports and borders. China will support border regions in stepping up lab testing and medical treatment capabilities, while toughening port management, quarantine inspections and traffic controls.


Stricter epidemic control measures will be imposed in economic cooperation centers and trade markets along the border. Efforts will be made to ensure smooth international freight transport as well as safety.




Hurun's latest rich list


Ma Yun, founder of Alibaba Group, and Ma Huateng, CEO of Tencent, have tied for the position as China's richest man, Hurun research institute reported on Monday. Sun Piaoyang, chairman of Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine, and his wife Zhong Huijuan, chairwoman of Hansoh Pharmaceutical Group, grabbed the third spot.


The world's top 100 billionaires lost $408 billion in two months, wiping out all the gains made in the past two and a half years, according to the wealth impact two months after the COVID-19 outbreak as analyzed by Hurun. The wealth of Warren Buffett, the richest investor in the world, shrunk $19 billion. Only 9% of the Hurun Global Top 100 saw their wealth increase, all coming from China, the report said.


The wealth of Liu Yonghao, chairman of New Hope, surged 20%, reaching 105 billion yuan and Chinese pork producers Qin Yinglin and wife Qian Ying of Muyuan saw their wealth increase by 16% to reach 155 billion yuan. With a surge in demand around the world for ventilators and medical equipment, the wealth of Xu Hang, co-CEO and chairman of medical equipment maker Mindray, increased 26%, reaching 95 billion yuan.




Wuhan ends monthslong lockdown


Wuhan, the megacity in central China, started lifting outbound travel restrictions from Wednesday after almost 11 weeks of lockdown to stem the spread of COVID-19. At highway checkpoints, cars honked horns and rushed out after barricades were removed at midnight. Big data from Wuhan traffic police forecast the expressways would see the peak of outbound vehicles on Wednesday.


More than 55,000 passengers are expected to leave Wuhan by train on Wednesday, and about 40% of them are going to the Pearl River Delta Region. Wuhan Tianhe International Airport started resuming domestic passenger flights early Wednesday. The airport is expected to see more than 200 inbound and outbound flights on the day.


On Jan 23, Wuhan declared unprecedented traffic restrictions, including suspending the city's public transport and all outbound flights and trains, in an attempt to contain the epidemic.




Rocket prepares for April launch


China's Long March 5B carrier rocket is scheduled to make its debut flight later this month at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in South China’s Hainan province, according to the China Manned Space Agency. The agency recently published a picture of the first Long March 5B that has been assembled inside a colossal building, indicating the giant rocket is ready for its maiden mission.


A Long March 5B is 53.7 meters long, with a diameter of 5 meters. It will be propelled by liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen and kerosene, and will have a liftoff weight of about 849 metric tons. The new model will be tasked with sending large spacecraft to low-Earth orbit.


It will be tasked with serving the construction and operation of China's future space station, as well as the country's manned lunar missions being planned by scientists, the agency noted.





NZ rule-breaker site crashes


So many New Zealanders have reported their neighbors to the authorities for breaking lockdown rules that a new police website to record such incidents crashed. More than 2,000 people rang an emergency police line last week to report rule-breakers. As a result, a dedicated website was set up in the hope it would dissuade them from ringing 111.


Police commissioner Mike Bush said the "vast majority" of New Zealanders were complying with lockdown rules, and were "passionate and determined" to make others toe the line as well. However, there remains confusion and debate as to what activities are permitted under lockdown, with some people under the impression that they cannot leave their homes under any circumstances, while others are continuing to walk, surf, run and play golf.


John Ombler, who is co-ordinating the government's response to the crisis, said some outdoor activity was permitted. "You can leave the house for physical exercise by yourself or with other members of your household; stick to your bubble," Ombler said. "By all means, go for a short walk or run in your neighborhood."




YouTube to reduce video quality


Videos on YouTube will now default to standard definition for all users worldwide, a step down from the typical high definition that users normally see. The move is aimed at easing the burden on internet infrastructure as lockdowns and other emergency policies have kept millions at home.


The global change, which was announced and began rolling out on Tuesday, is expected to last for approximately 30 days as millions of people around the globe stay home amid the coronavirus pandemic. Due to more people working and studying from home, the internet's underlying infrastructure is expected to face "an enormous stress test," industry analysts said.


Even some of the biggest tech platforms are now grappling with a greater challenge in keeping their services up and running amid surging demand.




Brands' social distancing logos


It's not just people that are social distancing. Brands are doing it too. McDonald's, Coca-Cola, Audi and Volkswagen are just a few of the corporate conglomerates that are interpreting "social distancing" with logo redesigns. The term has become popular recently because of the spread of the novel coronavirus.


Social distancing means standing 6 feet apart from others in an effort to lower the risk of contracting the illness. The messages and logos created to promote social distancing have pros and cons, according to two experts in the design field.


"Our current global situation is no joke. It's a serious matter," Douglas Sellers, executive creative director for firm Siegel+Gale said. "And brands designing social distancing logos have the potential to diminish the severity of what we are going through. The creativity, passion, and thought that goes into wanting to help, educate, and be part of the physical distancing movement is a worthy note," Sellers said.



[Photo/McDonald's, Nike, Audi and Volkswagen]

British PM in intensive care


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was taken to intensive care on Monday night after his coronavirus symptoms worsened, Downing Street said. Johnson has asked British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to deputize for him.


The prime minister, 55, was admitted to St Thomas' Hospital in London with "persistent symptoms" on Sunday night, 10 days after testing positive for coronavirus.


"Over the course of Monday afternoon, the condition of the prime minister has worsened and, on the advice of his medical team, he has been moved to the intensive care unit at the hospital," the spokesman said.




Abe set to declare emergency


Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Monday night he will declare a state of emergency for Tokyo and six other prefectures. The state of emergency, which will be officially declared on Tuesday, applies to Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama, Osaka, Hyogo and Fukuoka prefectures. "Given the state of crisis on the medical front, the government was advised to prepare to declare the state of emergency," Abe said.


Under a recently amended law, Abe is empowered to declare a state of emergency if the coronavirus outbreak "poses a grave threat to people's lives and health" and "the rapid spread of the virus is likely to have a huge negative impact on people's livelihood and the nation's economy".


After the declaration, the government can order school closures and limit access to large facilities such as department stores and movie theaters. Local authorities would also be able to set up temporary hospitals without the consent of owners of land or buildings.




Miss England back to help


Bhasha Mukherjee, a junior doctor who won the title of Miss England in 2019, is trading in her crown for a stethoscope to help out on the front lines of the ongoing coronavirus crisis.


The beauty queen said she was doing charity work in India, when her ex-colleagues at the the Pilgrim Hospital in Boston, England, began messaging her about the difficulties front-line workers had been experiencing amid the health crisis.


Mukherjee contacted the hospital and told them she wanted to return to her post. Mukherjee returned to England last Wednesday and is currently in self-isolation as recommended by health officials until she can return to work. "There's no better time for me to be Miss England and helping England at a time of need," she said.




World trade to fall by up to 32%


World trade is expected to fall by between 13% and 32% in 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic disrupts normal economic activity and life around the world, the World Trade Organization (WTO) said Wednesday in its latest annual Trade Statistics and Outlook Report. The WTO added that the decline would likely exceed the trade slump brought on by the global financial crisis of 2008-09.


According to the report, estimates of the expected recovery in 2021 are equally uncertain, with outcomes depending largely on the duration of the outbreak and the effectiveness of the policy responses.


"The immediate goal is to bring the pandemic under control and mitigate the economic damage to people, companies and countries. But policymakers must start planning for the aftermath of the pandemic," said WTO Director-General Roberto Azevedo. Azevedo underlined that "if countries work together, we will see a much faster recovery than if each country acts alone."



[Photo/China Daily]

Sanders quits presidency campaign


Bernie Sanders announced on Wednesday he is dropping out of the race for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, leaving former vice-president Joe Biden as the party's nominee against President Donald Trump in November.


Speaking from Burlington, Vermont, Sanders announced his "very difficult and painful decision" in a live streamed address to supporters. "I cannot in good conscience continue to mount a campaign that cannot win and which would interfere with the important work required of all of us in this difficult hour," Sanders said.


Sanders had a strong performance in the first three states that held primaries in February. It appeared he was unstoppable until the last day of February when Biden surged to a blowout victory in South Carolina. Biden acknowledged that he still needs to gain support from Sanders' followers, and said they are "more than welcome" and "needed" for him to defeat Trump in November.










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