“最难的部分是把你的脚放在地板上。”看看这12 人早上如何早起?

“最难的部分是把你的脚放在地板上。”看看这12 人早上如何早起?

"The hardest part is putting your feet on the floor." 12 morning people on how they get up early.

I'm desperate to become a morning person. 我渴望成为一个早起的人。

As someone who works on a laptop all day and clocks off when it's dark outside, I'd love to get up early, see the sunrise and get a morning walk in before my workday begins. But three alarms and many snooze buttons later, I'm still in bed and that plan's out the window.作为一个整天在笔记本电脑上工作并在外面天黑时关闭时钟的人,我很想早起,看日出,然后在我的工作日开始之前早上散步。 但是三个闹钟和许多小睡按钮之后,我还在床上,那个计划撇在窗外。

And I'm over it.我正在克服这个困难。

With the hopes of becoming a morning person when summer comes, I asked the early risers to share how they do it and what tricks work for them. 希望在夏天到来时成为一个早起的人,我请早起的人分享他们是如何做到的,以及对他们有用的技巧。

“最难的部分是把你的脚放在地板上。”看看这12 人早上如何早起?

Here's what they shared:以下是他们分享的内容:


"I've always been a morning person. Not necessarily an early riser but I much prefer the 'promise of a new day'. Currently, I get up at 5.30am because I have to. If I want to get to work on time and get things done that's just the time I have to get up. The hardest bit is putting your feet on the floor. After that, it's easy. Having a cat or dog that starts to hassle you at 5.30am helps. But for me, it's mind over matter. Just do it."“我一直是个早起的人。不一定是早起的人,但我更喜欢'新一天的承诺'。目前,我早上 5.30 起床,因为我必须这样做。如果我想准时上班 把事情做完,这正是我必须起床的时候。最难的一点是把脚放在地板上。之后,就很容易了。在早上 5 点 30 分开始骚扰你的猫或狗会有所帮助。但对我来说, 事关重大。去做吧。”


"A good night routine helps a good morning routine and a good morning routine makes it easier to just do, instead of think. Having something to look forward to when you get up - i.e. pets, your favourite cup of tea, music or journal. Then during your night routine, having your clothes ready, doing all the things to increase sleep quality, read or meditate before bed."“良好的夜间例行程序有助于良好的早晨例行程序,而良好的早晨例行程序可以让你更容易去做,而不是思考。当你起床时有一些值得期待的东西——比如宠物、你最喜欢的一杯茶、音乐或日记。 然后在你的夜间例行活动中,准备好衣服,做所有事情来提高睡眠质量,在睡前阅读或冥想。”

“最难的部分是把你的脚放在地板上。”看看这12 人早上如何早起?


"My sunrise simulation alarm clock is the most amazing thing I've ever bought. Instead of waking up in the dark, shocked by the sound of my alarm, my body now wakes up naturally with the light going from deep red to a yellow glow and the sound of birds at the peak of the alarm. It was a game-changer for me!"“我的日出模拟闹钟是我买过的最神奇的东西。不再在黑暗中醒来,被我的闹钟声震惊,现在我的身体自然醒来,灯光从深红色变为黄色 以及警报高峰期的鸟鸣声。这对我来说改变了游戏规则!”


"A gym buddy! That's the only way I can get up and get the gym done."“一个健身房伙伴!这是我起床完成健身房的唯一方法。”


"The morning is by far the BEST part of the day. I go to the gym or I got for a walk (Sydney lockdown) and it’s peaceful, the birds are waking and I feel like I have the streets to myself. When I get home, I’m ready to face the day. But I’m in bed really, really early."“到目前为止,早上是一天中最美好的时光。我去健身房或散步,那里很安静,鸟儿都醒了,我觉得我有自己的街道。当我得回家了,我已经准备好迎接这一天了。但我真的很早就上床了。”

“最难的部分是把你的脚放在地板上。”看看这12 人早上如何早起?

"I leave my blinds open all night so I rise naturally with the sun and birds most of the year. In winter it’s a bit tougher."“我整晚都开着百叶窗,所以一年中的大部分时间我都会随着太阳和鸟儿自然地升起。冬天会更难熬。”


"Get out of bed. That’s key and go to bed early. Either put your alarm outside the room or set something up that means that you need to get out of bed. Once you're out, it's easy. It's the getting out that’s tricky. I find it easier to start in summer when it’s warm and light."“早起床,早点睡觉是关键!要么把闹钟放在房间外面,要么设置一些意味着你需要起床的东西。一旦你出去了,这很容易。棘手的是走出去,我发现在温暖而轻盈的夏天更容易开始。”

“最难的部分是把你的脚放在地板上。”看看这12 人早上如何早起?


"Marry a tradie! I'm up at 4.45am every day. Maybe sleep in till 5.30am on the weekend but not if the surf's up! It's very loud, there's no way I can sleep through it all. But he does bring me a cuppa in bed every morning."“嫁给一个技工!我每天早上 4.45 起床。周末可能要睡到早上 5.30,但如果海浪起来就不会了!声音很大,我不可能熬过这一切。但他确实让我每天早上在床上喝一杯。”


"Huge vote for getting your morning things ready as part of your night before routine. If you want to get up early to exercise, have your clothes and shoes there or if you want to meditate or journal, have your things ready! It just means that your morning brain gets to function on autopilot until it’s fully woken up and by then, you’re already up/dressed/taking action!“在例行工作前一天晚上准备好早上的东西的巨大举动,如果你想早起锻炼,把衣服和鞋子放在那里,或者如果你想冥想或写日记,把你的东西准备好!这只是意味着 你早上的大脑开始自动驾驶,直到它完全醒来,到那时,你已经起床/穿好衣服/采取行动!

"Give yourself some grace too! Spring isn’t too far away and by then the mornings will be lighter and warmer, so go for it then if it feels utterly impossible now."“也给自己一些恩典吧!春天不会太远,到那时早晨会更轻更暖,所以如果现在感觉完全不可能,那就去吧。”

“最难的部分是把你的脚放在地板上。”看看这12 人早上如何早起?


"Remind yourself when the alarm goes off that 'it gets better as soon as you are out of bed' - that works for me. Just got to rip that doona off and get on with it!"“当闹钟响起时提醒自己,'一旦你起床,情况就会好转' - 这对我有用。只需要把那个 doona 撕掉,然后继续!”


"I set one alarm... and the second alarm is an app called Loudest Alarm Clock in the World. This thing shrieks the loudest random noises you have ever heard."“我设置了一个闹钟……第二个闹钟是一个叫做世界上最响亮的闹钟的应用程序。这东西发出了你听过的最响亮的随机噪音。”


"The morning is my favourite time of the day. So full of promise, I love it! I either go for a walk or go to the gym as soon as I wake up (tomorrow 5.30am). Doing exercise immediately is great, if I think too long about it (like on the weekends) I might start to delay it and then ditch the idea, but if I go straight away, it’s such a great start to the day. That and coffee, of course."“早上是我一天中最喜欢的时间。充满希望,我喜欢它!我一醒来就去散步或去健身房(明天早上 5 点 30 分)。立即锻炼是很棒的,如果 “我想得太久了(比如在周末)我可能会开始推迟它然后放弃这个想法,但如果我马上去,这真是一天的一个很好的开始。当然,还有咖啡。”

Are you a morning person? Tell me how you do it in the comments!你是早起的人吗? 在评论区告诉我你是如何做到的!



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