















The best exercise time for diabetic patients

Dear friends, nice to meet you!Now it is time for “health talk for three minutes every day”,My name is Ren Huifang, a nurse of Anyang Daojian Hospital.Today, I'd like to talk about the best exercise time for diabetic patients.

When is the best exercise time for diabetic patients? This determination should be combined with each inpidual's situation. Generally speaking, diabetic patients should not take part in exercise on an empty stomach in the morning,because the carbohydrate stored in the human body is finite on an empty stomach, and exercise will consume energy. In order to maintain the stability of blood glucose,gluconeogenesis will occur, that is, fat and protein will be converted into sugar. When the glucose produced by gluconeogenesis can not meet the needs of exercise,hypoglycemia will occur.

It is not suitable for diabetic patients to exercise in the morning,because the morning temperature is relatively low. Once patients encounter cold air, cold air will stimulate blood vessels,which is easy to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. Exercise before meals may cause blood glucose fluctuation, which may cause hypoglycemia due to delayed meal,or hyperglycemia due to no medication. Therefore, the best exercise time for diabetic patients should be 1-2 hours after meal. This period is the time when blood glucose rises.Exercise at this time is conducive to lowering blood glucose and blood lipid, and it can also avoid stomach discomfort.Some studies have found that,the hypoglycemic effect is better if patients do exercise 90 minutes after a meal than 30 minutes and 60 minutes after a meal.

Secondly, diabetic patients should do exercise before the sun goes down, as this time is also a good choice. Because the diet advice of diabetic patients is to eat less and more meals, it is necessary to add meals in the afternoon.Therefore, exercise before sunset will not cause hypoglycemia symptoms. In addition, there is sufficient oxygen in the air, and exercise near night can also get sufficient sunshine, which is more beneficial to health!

In addition, diabetic patients should try to avoid long-term fasting exercise, and they had better not do exercise just after insulin injection or taking hypoglycemic drugs within half an hour, because exercise at this time will accelerate the absorption of hypoglycemic drugs,which is more prone to occur hypoglycemia.

The last is the length of exercise.Diabetics should exercise at least three to five times a week.The best duration of each exercise is 40 minutes to 60 minutes, including the time for preparation and the time for formal exercise.

Exercise intensity must be combined with their own physical conditions,choose the exercise project suitable for their own.In general, patients can do aerobic exercise mainly, such as walking, running, cycling, climbing, climbing, climbing, rowing, swimming and so on. The older patients with diabetes and poor physical fitness should do the exercises with less intensity, such as walking, Taijiquan, Baduanjin, etc.

That's all for today's sharing. Finally, I wish you all a happy life and good health! To learn more about cardiovascular disease, please pay attention to us.See you next time!



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