


能源关税比较平台 Utility Bidder 的一项研究揭示了清洁能源领域的前 20 个国家,以及最依赖化石燃料的国家。


挪威总能源使用量的 56% 来自可再生能源,而英国排名第 20,清洁能源仅占 13%。




巴西是可再生能源供应量第二高的国家,在生物燃料和废物能源方面处于领先地位。这些能源占其总能源供应的 32%。



可再生能源占新西兰能源供应的 42%。它是风能和太阳能的世界领先者,占其能源供应的 25%。



新加坡 98% 人口依赖化石燃料,成为世界上最糟糕的国家。

相对于能源供应总量,该国使用石油的比例是世界上最高的,化石燃料占其能源供应的 73%。由于其理想的贸易地点和安全的环境,它是埃克森美孚等大型石油公司的所在地。

紧随其后的是澳大利亚(93% 的依赖度)和南非(91%)。

卢森堡和荷兰以 90% 的化石燃料依赖度位列第四和第五位。


荷兰的天然气供应量是名单上任何其他国家中最高的。其中 50% 来自欧洲最大的格罗宁根气田。

然而,荷兰政府已承诺到 2022 年停止格罗宁根油田的常规生产。


Norway is the country with the highest share of renewable energy in the world, according to new data.

A study by energy tariff comparison platform Utility Bidder reveals the top 20 countries in the clean energy field, as well as those which rely most on fossil fuels.

The fossil fuels measured were coal, oil and natural gas, while renewable sources were biofuels and waste, wind, solar and hydro. The figures were sourced from the International Energy Agency (IEA).

56 per cent of Norway’s total energy usage comes from renewable sources, while the UK ranks 20th with clean energy only accounting for a dismal 13 per cent.

What do Norway, Brazil and New Zealand have in common?

These three countries are all world leaders when it comes to renewable energy. They came first, second and third respectively in the rankings.

Norway utilises hydropower more than any other country around the globe - it accounts for 45 per cent of its supply alone. The Nordic country is known for its many steep valleys and rivers, as well as increased rainfall due to climate change, meaning hydroelectricity is bountiful.

With the second highest supply of renewable energy, Brazil is the leader in biofuel and waste energy. These sources account for 32 per cent of its total energy supply.

It is the second-largest producer of ethanol fuel and is an industry leader, with sugarcane-based ethanol being touted as the most successful alternative fuel to date.

Renewable energy sources account for 42 per cent of New Zealand's energy supply. It is a world leader in wind and solar energy which make up 25 per cent of its energy supply.

Situated in the path of the ‘Roaring Forties’, a set of strong and constant westerly winds, the nation is perfectly positioned for wind power. It enjoys plenty of sunshine for solar energy too, as well as having an increasing market for solar hot water heating systems.

Which five countries are most reliant on fossil fuels?

With 98 per cent reliance on fossil fuels, Singapore comes out as the worst in the world.

The country uses the highest proportion of oil in the world relative to total energy supply, with fossil fuels making up 73 per cent of its energy supply. It is home to major oil companies such as Exxon Mobil, due to its ideal trading location and perceived safe environment.

Singapore is closely followed by Australia, with 93 per cent reliance, and then South Africa with 91 per cent.

Luxembourg and the Netherlands take fourth and fifth spot with a joint 90 per cent fossil fuel dependence.

The Netherlands has the highest supply of natural gas of any other country on the list. Fifty per cent of this comes from the Groningen gas field, the largest in Europe.

However, the Dutch government has committed to stop regular production from the Groningen field by 2022.



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