变老的路上 On the way to aging





Slowly, we will all grow old, from the beginning to the end, natural and inevitable.

On the way to grow old, we should learn to understand, because only by understanding others can we be understood by others.

On the way to grow old, you should learn to be patient, because things have come true and you can't change them.

On the way to grow old, we should learn tolerance, because who can live without mistakes? No one is perfect.







On the way to grow old, we should learn to be silent, because silence is gold.

On the way to grow old, you should learn to say no, because don't force what you can't do, and do what you can.

On the way to getting old, we should learn to quit, because our children have established their new family, and we should learn to quit appropriately.

On the way to aging, we should learn to observe, because there are all kinds of wonders in the world. Only by watching its change can we clearly argue between right and wrong.

On the way to getting old, we should learn to forget, because only by forgetting our age can we achieve a real young attitude, so as to make ourselves younger and younger.

On the way to aging, we should learn to adapt, because we must survive under any conditions.









On the way to grow old, we should learn to cherish, because what we get now is the best.

On the way to grow old, we should learn to pretend to be stupid, because it is difficult to be confused in life.

On the way to grow old, we should learn to be happy, because only when we spend every day happily can we live a wonderful life.

On the way to grow old, we should learn to be content, because only in this way can we feel how beautiful life is now. It is really the so-called contentment.

On the way to getting old, we should learn to bear it, because some unexpected things always happen in life. We have no choice but to bear it silently and face it bravely.

On the way to grow old, we should learn to listen, because listening to her is not only a respect for her people, but also a relief and comfort for her people. On the way to grow old, we should learn to know without saying, because more words will lose.

On the way to grow old, we should learn to extricate ourselves, because only in this way can we surpass ourselves.

On the way to grow old, we should learn to advance in spite of difficulties, because this can temper our will. I will look at things in two, because everything is not transferred for my own purpose.






On the way to aging, we should learn to look at the world with our hearts, because only in this way can we see people as they are.

On the way to getting old, we should learn to pick it up and put it down, because only in this way can we start a new starting point.

On the way to grow old, we should learn to love, because love can give me strength. Only love can get real happiness. Learn to be grateful, because gratitude can bring harmony, happiness and no regrets.

The way to grow old is always accompanied by the happiness of learning while walking. As long as we feel it with our heart, we will find that happiness is around us!

As long as we walk slowly, taste carefully and understand deeply on the road of aging, we will find a more beautiful and red sunset!

变老的路上 On the way to aging

变老的路上 On the way to aging

变老的路上 On the way to aging



标签:知难而进   路上   目的   言多必失   都会   美文   沉默   用心   事情   起点   自我   发现   年轻   幸福   人生   快乐

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