送别不说再见 Goodbye For Now


2021年10月1日,北京英式触式橄榄球社群自发的组织了一次以送别为主题的友谊赛。近几年一直活跃在北京触球界的3位重要伙伴Jos, Una(小叶), Sean,即将离开北京

On October 1, 2021, the Beijing Touch Rugby community organized a friendly tournament to mark the farewell of Jos, Una, and Sean - three important stalwarts who have been active in the Beijing touch community in recent years, and are about to leave Beijing.

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With nearly a hundred total players, 6 teams with all different backgrounds and ages contested 15 exciting games at the Beijing Olympic Forest Park North Sports Park.

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大部分队伍是临时组织的,好多球员之前没有一起打过球,但在快乐的气氛中,简单几次攻防后大家就迅速找到默契,十分过瘾和享受。6支队伍分别是来自北体的Lights(你要永远相信光)、中农大的CAU、主要球员来自对抗式的Purple Rain,还有北京触球社群散客组成的BJ Barbarians、猛狼Wolves以及劲旅北京鹤Cranes。

Most of the teams are temporary organised, many players have not played together before. The six teams are Lights from Beijing Sports University, CAU from China Agricultural Univ. , the Purple Rain team consist of mainly by contact ruggers, BJ Barbarians from The Beijing touch community, the Wolves and Beijing Cranes.

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送别不说再见 Goodbye For Now

送别不说再见 Goodbye For Now


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Jos, a South African, has lived in Beijing for many years. He is a member of the Aardvarks 15s rugby club and the backbone of the Beijing Crane Touch team. For the past 3 years, he has been a committee member of the Beijing Social Touch League (BSTL), responsible for finance. In the eyes of players, Jos has been a wonderful coach, patiently teaching even the most basic skills.

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Una, who moved to Beijing from Shanghai 3 years ago and she was a main driving force in the formation of BSTL. Responsible for refereeing, she led the Beijing Touch Community’s first offline referee training in 2019, sowing the seeds of development. She was the chief referee in the 3 Beijing City Leagues during 2019-2020 and many games during the pandemic. Una recently had to step away from Touch due to the demands of an online master's course of data analysis. Now, she is going back to New Zealand with her partner Sean.

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Sean is a typical stoic Kiwi (New Zealander) but will become a chatterbox on the topic of rugby. In the Beijing Touch community, he has refereed many games, and very willing to share his experience and opinions with others. An immense help and support to Beijing Touch, Sean will return to his home country of New Zealand due to work reasons.

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送别不说再见 Goodbye For Now


Beijing has a long history of touch rugby, both with Chinese and foreigners and has huge potential for growth. A few extra hands is all that is needed to make more days like today happen. For anyone interested, please reach out to BSTL.

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The departure of these 3 dear partners is a major loss for the Beijing Touch community and the Beijing Crane team! However, thanks to the determination of these pioneers, the Beijing touch community has continued to grow and grow. Today, the seeds they had planted have taken root and grown, even occasionally producing tiny fruit! Although there is still a long way to go to realize our vision, the foundations laid by these three members will surely be expanded upon.


Jos, Una, and Sean we wish you all the best! At the same time, the Beijing Rugby Community has open arms to anyone interested in joining us! Contact wechat:13488706616、15510009596,or weibo:BJTouch

背景知识Background Knowledge

触式橄榄球(Touch Rugby简称触球)是英式橄榄球(Rugby)的分支,以触摸代替冲撞。在最大限度的保留橄榄球精神和原则的前提下,门槛适中且超级安全的属性,在西方备受青睐,是一款强身健体且社交功能强大的超级运动。

Touch Rugby is a super-sport; highly popular in many commonwealth countries as it retains the spirit and principles of contact rugby while being safer and more socially friendly.


Social touch rugby has been around Beijing for years and around 50% of Beijing touch participants are foreigners, so it is also a good opportunity for local rugby enthusiasts to practice their English and familiarize themselves with international sporting culture.


In each of the 2019 and 2020 Beijing touch rugby leagues, there were over 150 players from 12 teams – the largest pool the competition as seen – pided into elite and development pisions.


Mixed pision rules require that 2 of the 6 players on the pitch be women at any given time. The nature of the game - safe, non-contact, easy to learn - makes it suitable for all ages, and allows newcomers to get involved straightaway too!


Notably, there was almost an even 50-50 split between local Chinese players and foreign expats - a healthy sign of anticipated growth.

作者:北京英式橄榄球志愿者团队BJ Rugby Volunteers Team




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