七载中华行,三年橄榄梦 My China Rugby Dream


The follow English article is from ThriveBeijing

七载中华行,三年橄榄梦 My China Rugby Dream


7 years in China, wow! Rebecca, how has your free time evolved over the years?


My China adventure started in a small village 2 hours outside of Chengdu in central China, working at a university. I thoroughly enjoyed it but wanted to move to the capital city to experience the culture Beijing has to offer. At first, I lived at my school which was in the middle of nowhere. At the time there was no English version of DiDi, so I was stuck on campus. I filled my evenings with tutoring.


On the weekends I managed to escape to parks and Sanlitun for a few drinks. I eventually moved off campus so that I could get involved in what the city had to offer. At first, I spent my free time at the gym and started to get into running (something I don’t think I will ever really enjoy).

七载中华行,三年橄榄梦 My China Rugby Dream


What fills your free time now?


Rugby! I saw a post about the Ducks rugby club on Wechat and their training was super close to my house. I’d been itching to get back into team sports for a while and had played a bit at university, so I thought this was a good opportunity to seize!

七载中华行,三年橄榄梦 My China Rugby Dream


It took me a few weeks to build up the courage to go.A rugby team consists of a lot of people and if they were all very experienced players, I may have felt like a fish out of water.

But my friends encouraged me to go.I was surprised to stumble across a women’s rugby team, let alone a huge rugby community.

七载中华行,三年橄榄梦 My China Rugby Dream


There’s a large men’s and women’s league in Beijing and rugby tournaments all over China so no matter which part of the country you’re in there’s probably a team nearby! I remember after the first training session how pumped I felt. It was overwhelming, but the coaches were so kind, and patient and they emphasized putting safety first.I walked away with the biggest smile on my face. I have been playing for 3 years now.

七载中华行,三年橄榄梦 My China Rugby Dream


Wow, what do you love most about it?


At first, I enjoyed the fitness aspect of rugby and learning the skills. I found it was exercise without effort—which is the best kind.


Then friendships blossomed. Then I became a member of the leadership committee this season. I would have never imaged the amount of work it takes to run a rugby club, but I love it.
My degree is in sports management so after all these years it’s great to put those skills into practice.

七载中华行,三年橄榄梦 My China Rugby Dream


How has your experience in Beijing changed since becoming part of the league?


Since joining the Ducks my life has changed for the better. Stress from work disappears when I am at training, and I have increased my friendship circle. It’s nice to meet people that work in different industries. We are a bilingual club and have a combination of both local and international players too. My Chinese is improving especially when it comes to rugby terminology – it’s a fun way to learn! I feel like I have a real purpose in Beijing now.

七载中华行,三年橄榄梦 My China Rugby Dream


Can someone with interest but no experience join the league?


They can 100% join our team! If someone is interested in playing but worried that contact rugby is a little scary or intense to start with, there’s a non-contact session on Tuesdays.
It’s a great introduction to the rules and skills of rugby without the tackling. We also have social members, that just come and enjoy the games on the weekend and join our social activities after. We love the support from our social members, it’s great to have people cheer you on from the sidelines.

七载中华行,三年橄榄梦 My China Rugby Dream





The Winter rugby season in Beijing runs from September to November, and the Summer season runs from March to June.But the Ducks train and have socials all year round and are always looking for people to join!

If you’re interested in playing rugby add Rebecca on Wechat: beccykemp or follow the club on Instagram:

Women’s: beijingduckswugby

Men’s: beijingducksrugbyclub

七载中华行,三年橄榄梦 My China Rugby Dream

编译:Emily,北京橄榄球志愿者Beijing Rugby helpers




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