翻译练习:What Are The Best First Lines In Fiction(2)

What Are The Best First Lines In Fiction(2)


翻译练习:What Are The Best First Lines In Fiction(2)

A Tale of Two Cities turns 160 this November, but though its first sentence - all 119 words of it - is by far and away its most celebrated feature, beginnings weren't much dwelled upon when Dickens penned it. The earliest English-language novels tended to favour leisurely, not to say long-winded set-ups, often deferring the start with a preface. Contrast that with a style that's been dominant for around a century now, of arriving late and dropping the reader into the narrative in medias res - in the middle of things. These days, it's not just the style of opening sentences that is different, it's the weight we give them as critics, writers, even readers. We frontload our expectations, insisting that a handful of words must contain the DNA of all that is to come, encapsulating the conflict of a 300-page story.


Of course, there are as many ways of beginning a novel as there are novels, and yet themes and trends are there for the spotting. There's the sweeping statement, for instance, provocative and seductive in its certainty, of which Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina is surely the best-known example - "All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way". And LP Hartley's The Go-Between ("The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there") adds a plangent note that still reverberates, well over half a century on. Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice - an opener almost as famous as Dickens' - subverts this epigrammatic set-up with a layer of characteristic irony: "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife".




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