


Why do you love your job?


Tom Sullivan, studied at California State University, Chico
I like my current job for a lot of reasons, but one above all others really stands out. I like it because it keeps me incredibly motivated to keep working hard and striving for success.
How, you ask, does one stay incredibly motivated to work hard and strive for success on a regular basis? The biggest part of the answer, but not all of it, is that my work is highly incentivized.
I work in software sales. It is a new career for me, but six months in now I realize it is the perfect fit. What I didn't like about all my old jobs was the downtime, the boredom between projects, and the stress when things got really busy or really difficult. I also didn't like getting the same paycheck every two weeks, i didn't keep me motivated and it was pretty boring.
In sales, I can always be doing something to create more opportunities for myself. Because my work is incentivized, and because I get paid for what I sell, I am always looking to create more opportunity or learn more skills. I also get really excited when good things happen, and know that when someone tells me 'no', there are tons of other people I could talk to in order to get that 'yes.' In fact, I accept that I will have to go through many 'nos' to get to a 'yes' and I actually enjoy that process.
n, and in sales you have to win to survive. This makes it so that you absolutely have to keep evolving, keep finding new strategies and tactics, and coming up with new ideas, to win big and win often.
I like sales because 'I eat what I kill,' as the saying goes. I get paid out on what I win for my company and myself. In order to get success in this environment, I must perform, and perform at my best, at all times.
If I could sum it up into one sentence about why I like my current job this would be it: I like being in software sales because I earn my living based on my success, which incentivizes me to perform well, constantly learn and evolve, and make me a better and smarter version of myself in the process.
My job is awesome. If you have the right mindset, the ability to dream big and the desire to win, sales is really an amazing opportunity. Don't listen to all the negative stuff people say about sales, if you can succeed in sales you can succeed in life.

Sanya Kuttan, Software tester at Techplus (2020-present)
I am a software tester, so my job responsibilities involves following steps:
a.) Understand the new software from developers
a.) Create Test cases
b.) Perform each test case and find software errors(bugs) if any.
c.) If i find a bug then co-ordinate with developers, mark it as QA Fail.
d.) Even if the software is working fine as per requirement, co-ordinate with developers and show them all the test cases, and confirm if any test cases is missing. Then mark as QA Pass.
e.) Once, the product is deployed on live, then make sure to test and confirm everything is working fine on live environment.

1.)Office location:My office is in Ahmedabad only, and i live with my family and a decent amount gets credited into my bank account everymonth. Neglecting hardships of daily commute by bus for 22 days in a month for 23 kms everyday, i enjoy my bus ride too. Even when i get back home i am left with hardly any household chores to complete.
2.) Morning shift: I had worked for the previous 2.5 years with an Healthcare IT industry sacrificing my precious night sleep. My current job time is from 10 am to 7pm so i am left with much time even after my job. I get ample time to spend with my family. I get good time and spend with my family watching comedy shows, discussing office stories, investment plans and many more.
(Actually, I was even able to watch WC2019 tournament with my papa which is a childhood ritual and happiness.)
3.)Happiness: Every morning i wake up with immense happiness, willingness, enthusiasm to reach office as i get to do a job which i wished for since long.Even if i recall or recollect each day in my current office, there has never been a day when i reluctantly left for office, or unwillingly worked on any task the organization.
4.)Friends: I am blessed with small, but intellectual team comprising developers, designers and software testers working in unison. We do have our seldom set of arguments and debate sessions among each other but ultimately support each other in times of necessity.Co-incidentally i also happened to meet my school friend, Shree(nostalgia) in my office premises and we take our lunch together, recollecting childhood stories.

5.) Applause/Acclamation: I am blessed with a good manager who greets me with smile, listen my queries, provide solutions calmly and often acknowledges my good work. He had already appreciated and recognized my work in front of whole team.
His exact words:Sanya have been taking care of all certifications, integration and few client and team mails single-handedly from past 15 days without much assitance from anyone.
6.)Respect: Every member of technical department let it be developer, designer or software tester is treated with tremendous respect and admiration. We also help other teams by dissecting logs,and if required we do interact via email with hoteliers to finally conclude the concern.
7.)Salary:My previous jobs paid me well but no respect or acknowledgment. Actually i never liked my job in previous offices and was forced and stuck to just collect monthly salary. That is not the case in my current job, though i earn less but it would not be wrong if i say to “Having a whale of time”.
8.)Holidays:I get leaves on alternate saturdays, i. e. Second and fourth saturday of every month. Hence, was able to resume my hindustani music classes and get 6 good days in a month to help my mummy in household chores. I get enough time to complete my other work and also to learn about new technologies.

他的原话是:三亚(Sanya )在过去的15天里一直在独自处理所有的认证、整合以及少量的客户和团队邮件,无需任何人的帮助。
9.)Bugs: We assume and believe that it is always easy to point other’s mistakes but not in our case. When a bug is discovered, we inform concerned developers and, for sure most of the time developers will never agree with software testers at first and may engage in a healthy debate session. But, then all is well that ends well, right? So, a small argument or even debate is good if our motive is to deploy a software with least errors/bugs.
10.)Meetings:Our manager/Team lead conduct a 30 minutes scrum meeting everyday. Everyone is questioned about their current tasks, time frx expected to complete tasks. I found it very important for a smooth work environment.
11.) Knowledge: We use different software tools like Postman, Json editor, etc. and i get to learn something new everyday. Interactive session with developers is always intellectual. The way they come up with logical solutions for any situation/error is commandable. We teach, practice and encourage and equally grow towards our goal which is undeniably the reason behind laurels for my organization even after good 20 years.
12.)Freedom:Freedom to explore the software without any restrictions. No fear of laws, no futile monthly assessments to judge my software compliance knowledge, no more one on one sessions even if any mistake. Freedom to test by accessing any software module, but with sheer alxness to prevent any major blunder.
There are many good things about my company and colleagues and i can go on and on but i would conclude for now.

Steven Horne, Affiliate Marketer/ Affiliate Marketing Mentor
Yes, I do and I’ll tell you why. But first, let me explain to you want I do.
So, I am an affiliate marketer. I get paid to promote other people’s stuff in small commissions. Right now, I have ads running on several different social media platforms so all I really have to do is check them often to make sure they’re each performing well.
That part of what I do is fun, I enjoy that. However, there’s something that I recently started to do that I enjoy even more: helping others learn affiliate marketing.
This makes for an interesting dynamic because people who sign up to learn affiliate marketing are often skeptical of what can be done with it, so I’ve sometimes take challenges just to prove to them it can be done. And this makes for some fun events.
So far, I’ve shown them I’ve even shown them how you can use Facebook to make $1,000 in a week. But now, I have two challenges that will take longer, but I have no doubt I can pull through.
So, not only am I able to share what I love to do with other people, I’m able to show them in real-time it can be done and how to do it; eliminating the fear that holds so many backs.
Plus, I use the money I earn from them enrolling to learn new things, then I just come back and teach them what I’ve learned after testing it myself. That means I’m able to do something else I love to do and that’s learning new things.
I’m lucky to be able to change the lives of so many and I would trade this for anything in the world.

Vinay Pateel, Factories, Startups, Music Festivals, Govt - Worked it all.
My job is weird.
What kind of a job is that?
I was educated to become an engineer. I worked as an engineer too, for 3 years. That was 7 years ago. My heart was not in it.
I decided to abandon that life and choose a new life. I have always been good at creating. Art and design come naturally to me.
So i told myself I'm a graphic designer. And then i told the world I'm a Graphic Designer. I got paid to be that.
Then i told myself I'm an illustrator. And then i told the world I'm an Illustrator. I got paid to be that.
After that i told myself I'm a painter. And then i told the world I'm a Painter. I got paid to do that.
Then i told myself I'm an installation artist. And then i told the world I'm an Installation Artist. I got paid to do that.
Then i told myself I'm a creative director. And then i told the world I'm a Creative Director. I got paid to do that.
Then i told myself I'm a video maker. And then i told the world I'm a Filmmaker. I'm getting paid to do that now.
I've generalised and written the above statements for the sake of convenience. It is all true though. I couldn't get into the details since it would make the answer long and irrelevant.
All of it may sound easy and glamorous, but i work my ass off in order to be what i want to be. There is always a price to pay for what you want.
I do whatever the fuck i want to, and get paid for it.
So, yes, I LOVE my job.

The point of sharing my story is to let you, the reader, realise that you can become whatever you want to become. You can achieve whatever you want to achieve, only if you give yourself to your dreams. You'll pay the price with mind-numbing hard work and countless other struggles, but you might end up with a job that you can confidently say you LOVE.
I'm happy to get into the details of any of my jobs if there is interest. Or you can check out the lixs on my profile to find more.
I would love to help/advice anyone that's struggling with their work lives. I really wish for everyone to find happiness in their work. This is your life.
Sorry about the rant, I'm half sleepy as i write this answer, but it's really important for people to realise YOU CAN BE WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT TO BE.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Brian Good, I used to run 7 loads simultaneously at the laundromat.
I usually like my jobs at first. Usually I’ve been living very frugally between jobs, so the first paycheck allows me to address some of my accumulated deprivations. If you never drove a farm tractor before, that can be fun for a while even if you don’t feel that you want to be a tractor driver for the rest of your life.
The key to job satisfaction is to identify the skills that are so rewarding to you that you will do that work for free, and then try to find a job employing those skills. For instance, I really like writing at Quora.
The book “What Color is your Parachute” suggests that you write an essay cataloging the achievements in your life and describing what you found satisfying about them.
Another factor in job satisfaction is the work environment. I like investigative work, and my best-paid job involved investigations that were very important to my bosses. But though I liked the work, I was surrounded by the kind of clerks who lack curiosity, and value above all neatness and order and conformity. I’m more a thrive-on-chaos kind of guy. The work environment was not satisfactory.
One way to find job satisfaction is to accept the fact that you will not find a slot that engages your aptitudes, but you can work to support a cause that you believe in—education, health care, enterprising start-ups, charitable organizations, social change groups—so that even if the work itself is tedious you find some satisfaction in the ultimate outcome. I like writing at Quora because I like putting forth information that I consider to be very important, and I like helping people sort out their thoughts, their feelings, and their options. That suggests that I would enjoy teaching or counseling or customer-service work.

Brian Dennis, Unemployed/Medically Disabled (2018-present)
I'm only 31yo and hope that someday I'll find a way to get better and be able to go back to the workforce. I'm 100% Permanent and Total under VA disability, so the retirement pay ain't bad. But even with that, not working, isn't my favorite job.
No, my favorite job was working as a Paper Sheeter in Washington state. Only 6–8 people in a large warehouse per shift and all i had to do was watch a machine cut paper and change out operations on it every now and then. I was making almost $70k a year, being my own supervisor, listening to Audible, and only worked 8 hour days. With that came a nice apartment, easy bills, a great environment for doing stuff on weekends, a loving wife, a 750+ credit score, and easy vehicle payments. I'd still be doing it today if my disabilities didnt start getting in the way. Being disabled has been the worst. Besides the actual symptoms, it's the limitations. Had to quit my job and move back home with my parents. My wife never came back from her visit home to Sweden and we ended in porce. I retaliated by giving into an old addiction of gambling destroying my credit and racking up debt. Not being able to pay the debt on time involving constant phone calls from collections so my account is constantly overdrawn trying to pay back debt. Making payments on a car that I can't drive due to missing insurance payment at time and hitting a deer, hell I don't even have a bed because when I moved I had to get rid of everything to make it home. Now let me tell you about my actual disabilities. I have PTSD, narcolepsy, sleep walk, act out dreams involving yelling, fighting, and taking my clothes off. Physically I have arthritis in most of my joints including Deteriorated disk Disease of my back, and my hands are getting number and weaker each day and the va schedules appointments months away so treatment is a joke. Everyone always says “I wish I didnt have to work, thatd be awesome", no, it's really not, not if the trade off is what I had/have to go through. And honestly, compared to other disabled people i don't even have it that bad. Sure our circumstances are what we make them, but believe me I wasnt planning this all out. I got here hoping things would eventually get better, but so far I've hit every branch of “fuck me" on the way down to where I'm at now. I can only say that I've probably reached the bottom or close to it by now, so there's only the way up from here.




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