


I am 25% Italian, 50% Irish, and 25% German. If I visit Europe, will they be surprised about my mixed heritage? Will I be considered from Ireland rather from Italy and Germany since I am 50% Irish?




Effweye Young
I think much of it depends on how you present yourself, and what language you speak. I am sure that if you were fluent in either Italian or German, locals would be more inclined to accept you as one of their own.
In Ireland, it would be dependent on whether you speak with the local accent….
Unlike America, most of the world view identity to be culturally-focused, not biological.

Olivier Gechter
No the language is not enough. You will be considered as an american tourist who speak exceptionaly well a foreign language. It will be appreciated, but no more.
You could be consider as european only if you live here years and adopt the local culture.

Loic Caquelard
If in a small city, one could likely live around and blend in for more than a decade, and yet still be labeled as “the American”.

Olivier Gechter
Yes. And in some region, you remain with the label “foreigner” all your life, even if you are french from another region

Loic Caquelard
Yes indeed.



Peter Spering
It’s GRT, or Genetic Resonance Technology.
For example when two people with German genes cross paths, they grow lederhosen and feel the need to have a night of efficient German sex.

Reuben Capio
how does efficient German sex work? haha

Jens Hiller
31 strokes, 5–8″ deep, keep dB below 95, except on a Sunday where it must not exceed 70.

Darren McSweeney
Surely they'd measure distance in millimetres, not the inefficient inches.




Eduard Von Vargtorn
In Europe we abolished any system of registering one’s ancestry, leave alone indicating specific percentages.
In Germany for instance this was quite common in the 1930s and early 1940s I believe.
For some reason it fell out of fashion. Nowadays you are only considered German if you grew up in Germany (irrespective of any DNA test).
So, I quite agree with you Mats, 100% American will do quite well. (Thanks God!)



Eduard Von Vargtorn
I’m not an expert on German nationality law but by descent the German citizenship can only be aquired if one of your parents is German citizen.
A German grandparent wouldn’t make it easier for the OP to get the German citizenship.

Brendan B Patman
Under German law as recently as 1999, one could go back UNLIMITED GENERATIONS to waltz into Germany & claim German citizenship! Somebody who could prove that one of his very great grandparents left a German-speaking territory in 1790 which was part of the German Reich in 1890 could easily be recognized as German, while it was darn nearly impossible for a son of Gastarbeitern such as Mike above to be naturalized!



Tom O'Hara
Rubbish, My kids have US, Canadian and Swiss citizenships (and passports). My father’s cousin also got his Irish citizenship 20 or so years ago.




Jopan Sheng
“….they will be friendly especially if you don’t behave like a typical American tourist”

Tom O'Hara
They would laugh at my wife in Italy if she were to claim to be Italian, even though she only speaks Italian and nearly all of relatives live in Italy.




Never understood why yanks are so fixated on ethnicity or skin colour






For example, I was raised as part of the London Irish community. The London Irish aren’t merely of Irish descent - they are, or at least were at the time, a distinct Catholic community with its own regiment and regimental kilt, and a strong continuing exchange of personnel back and forth with family in southern Ireland. There are Gaelic-speaking communities in Canada that have a similar relationship with Scotland.
But if your family left Ireland more than about 40 years ago, and haven’t kept up a very strong social and cultural connection in the interim, you’re just an American.

锚点Bradley Betts, lives in England
You’re American. Even though you haven’t said so, even though you’ve asked this anonymously, I know you’re American. I know this because of several things:
1- You have recent European ancestry, but don’t live in Europe.
2- You speak English well enough for it to be your first language, but you don’t live in Europe.
3- You talk of ‘visiting Europe’ as if you could do the whole continent in a day trip. Only Americans do that.
4- You’re obsessed with your exact ethnic admixture, and think having Irish/Italian/German ancestry actually makes you Irish/Italian/German. Only Americans do that.
If you visited Europe, no one would give a damn about your ancestry and we would all consider you to be American.

Bradley Betts, 在英格兰生活
1. 你有欧洲血统,但没有生活在欧洲。
2. 你英语说得足够好,可以把它作为你的第一语言,但你不住在欧洲。
3. 你说到“游览欧洲”,就好像你可以在一天之内游览整个欧洲大陆一样。只有美国人才会这么说。
4. 你痴迷于自己的种族混合,认为拥有爱尔兰、意大利、德国血统就意味着你是爱尔兰人、意大利人、德国人。只有美国人才这么做。
Karl Richard Adams
Bra-vo! I’m African-American which includes being 25-percent Scottish-Irish (I knew that long before DNA tracing became popular).
If I went to one of the countries on the west coast of Africa, the people would be: “That’s cool. Your line traces back here. Great! But you’re a black American.”
If I went to Ireland or Scotland, the people would be: “That’s cool. Some of your ancestors are from here. Great! But you’re a black American.”
And guess what? They would be right! I’m black, and I was born in Iowa. So I’m an American. That’s cool.

Chris Campbell
In Northern Ireland, I doubt we'd say anything about you being “black”. We generally have eyes and we generally don't care about that race nonsense. You might hear something like, “Ah, some of your ancestors are from here? That's nice. Do you know where abouts, like? Aye. You can get a train there, so you can. Which part of America are you from?” Etc.

你可能会听到这样的话:“啊,你的一些祖先来自这里?这很好。你知道具体哪个地方吗,比如? Aye。你可以在那里坐火车。你来自美国的哪个地方?”等。
Peter Rose
t Americans (white generally) seem to obsess about ancestry whereas the rest of the world seem to identify by nationality. Yet Americans are so overtly nationalistic - flag waving, pledge of allegiance, etc. Seems contradictory to me.

David Richardson
The first time I went to the US I got a flashback to when I worked in a car components factory in the vacation when I was a student. In the factory they plastered the company logo (Automotive Products in Leamington Spa) on everything - doors, walls, windows … even the soap and toilet paper. I realised after a day or two that you could easily forget who you worked for, since the work was so mindless.
When I heard Americans talking about how they were one-eighth Cherokee, two-fifths Irish, one-quarter Dutch (they meant Pennsylvanian), etc I realised why they needed so many American flags all over the place: Americans have issues about who they are and where they come from, so they need the constant reassurance of symbols and practices to remind them and reinforce their ‘Americanness’.

我第一次去美国的时候,回想起我还是学生的时候,在一家汽车零部件工厂工作的情景。在工厂里,他们把公司的标志(Leamington Spa的汽车产品)贴在所有的东西上——门、墙、窗户,甚至肥皂和卫生纸上。一两天后我意识到,你很容易就会忘记你为谁工作,因为那工作太不需要动脑筋了。
Barb Cronin
Nope I don’t think that’s the reason, I’m Australian and have an ancestry from England Ireland and France but when we trace our ancestry we do it usually just back to the first settler in Australia and the biggest prize is to find a convict or a highwayman. We don’t brandish the flag on everything and often debate whether we should change it . I’ve never called myself an Irish Australian , just Australian and happy to be. I suspect Canadians and New Zealanders might be the same.

Chris Castle
The bio says you live in England and you are asking a question that is usually only asked by Americans.
If you've lived in England long enough to have an English accent most Brits would think you're English & be surprised that you have origins elsewhere. Lots of us have Irish and other European backgrounds. I'm of 25% Welsh 50% English & 25% Irish extraction and grew up in a largely Irish diaspora with many Irish Catholic Nuns, Brothers as teachers and irish priests as community leaders. So whilst I have an affinity with Irish people, they consider me to be Welsh and so do I.
In Europe it is Citizenship, language and culture that are way more important than Ethnicity.
Germans would probably laugh at you if you claimed to be German but don't speak the language. Same in Italy. Though if you are visiting family, they'd probably accept you as one of their own.

Roger Moller
A very close friend of mine is 100% Irish, born in San Francisco and raised near Seattle. He and his wife and kids recently went to Ireland to see the country and track down some of his relatives.
He was particularly disappointed when any of his relatives introduced him to anyone, it was always “I would like you to meet our American cousin.”
He finally asked how come he wasn’t just their cousin, he is 100% Irish after all. The reply was “that may be so, but you were born and raised in America.” “You are an American that happens to be Irish.”

他最后问为什么他不单纯是他们的表亲,毕竟他是100%的爱尔兰人。回答是:“也许是这样,但你是在美国出生和长大的。” “你是个美国人,碰巧是爱尔兰人。”
Piet Bakx
Many Europeans living in Europe have mixed ancestry. I have French and German roots, next to roots from the Low Countries. Currently I live in The Netherlands and my nationality is Dutch according to my passport. And I have lived in Belgium in a part where people speak a form of French and in the north of England where people speak a slightly different form of English. Different from the English I had learned in school. I have a cousin who was born in Czechoslovakia, from a so called ethnic German mother and a Dutch father who married a German man from Bavaria. So her children are mixed and nobody gives a toss. I have been to weddings of Suisse and British, Dutch and French people. Do not be obsessed by ancestry.

Patrick Croley
That there’s been so many wars in European history and tribes, then fiefdoms, then kingdoms, then nations conquering each other back and forth throughout the centuries, the majority of Europeans can make claim to mixed ancestry, even if their family has lived in the same town for hundreds of years.
The borders have moved back and forth. Countries have come and gone. Languages have blended and evolved.
Having ancestry from a particular place isn’t really that important. It’s where you call home now that matters.




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