


Why does my personality suddenly change when I speak a different language?


John Lewis
Have you ever smelled something and suddenly been reminded of your childhood? Or listened to a song and suddenly remembered something that you studied while listening to that song years before?
Our experiences are tied with our senses in interestingly ways. We have different ways of perceiving life depending on certain triggers.
I am an introvert who doesn’t talk a lot, especially with people I don’t know. But after living in Polynesia for years speaking French I opened up a lot. I learned a new culture and way of life. There was a hole different side to me that was more laid back, more outgoing, more likely to joke around.
Now, whenever I speak in French that part of me comes out because of the trigger that is speaking French. I have different experiences and ways of seeing things in French, and I have a different way of expressing myself in French. After all, you can’t translate two languages word for word.
There are even a handful of English words that I never use in English but I use when I speak French because it’s part of French slang.
In short, your personality will change depending on any amount of triggers-language, culture, accent, weather, landmarks-places like your school or a favorite spot to hang out that triggers memories from your past, a book, food, a style of clothing.

Stanislava Suplatovich
, former Tutor at IL Club, Vlapostok (2017-2019)
Originally Answered: Why does my personality switch when I’m speaking another language?
It can be related to the so-called code switching. When you switch deliberately from one language to another during a conversation, you may subconsciously want to adapt to your interlocutor's mindset shaped by a different language and thus your personality may also undergo some changes. You do it in order to make them understand you better. This is at least the way I see it.

Kathryn Berck
When my dogs ignore my corrections, I switch to Greek. Somehow ‘Eh! Skilakia! Ela tho!” works a whole lot better than, “Come.”

当我的狗子无视了我的呼唤时,我就转向了希腊语。不知怎么的,就觉得“Eh! Skilakia! Ela tho!”比英语的“Come.”要好多了。
Brian Gerke
My guess is it is because each language represents another society that thinks differently

Stanislava Suplatovich
I said the same in a different way. Any language shapes the society that uses it and is at the same time its reflection. Making yourself understood by a person who represents another culture means putting yourself in their shoes. Interpreters are taught this technique. And the more traditional and patriarchal society is, the more effort a speaker from another culture makes to be understood. The more their personality changes during a conversation. Fortunately, only during a conversation. However, given enough time and immersion in another language medium, one's personality may change crucially.

Sébastien Gravier
, B.A. Linguistics & Comparative Linguistics, Free University of Berlin (1998)
There are several reasons, I guess:
Because when you speak a foreign language, you are somehow playing a role. You get out of this intimate shell that is in yourself speaking your mother tongue, connected with the deepest feelings and recollections.
The phonology of a foreign language can be so different from that of your own language that your voice is a bit different. the voice is a part of your identity and hearing a lower or higher voice coming out of your mouth makes you feel a bit different.
There are mimics associated with a language (think of Italian) and you will sometimes copy them even if they are not usual in your mother tongue. It makes feel you different.

Alexia Landa
, Everything you say can and will be used against you.
Different languages have different cultural backgrounds and grammatical structures. As a result of your empathy, you may be susceptible to the former and change your personality accordingly. Also, your personality is also based on your ways of thinking. The grammatical structures of a language can change the way you think by forcing you to focus on the same parts of the sentences you speak in a different sequence, changing your personality temporarily as well.

Mario Rossi
It’s a know fact that we use different parts of the brain when we speak our mother tongue language and other languages.
That may be at the root of why we feel and behave differently when we speak and think in other languages.

Zurina Abdillah
, INTP, reads extensively on MBTI typology
It depends on the cultural backgrounds influencing on how you learn and use that specific language. You may used the language to adapt with what context expected from that culture, hence you may feel like you behaved differently when switching language.
Also, tonal languages can sound intimidating and may affect how you present yourself to others.

Juha Vilen
, A long, long time political insider.
One reason is that different languages actually work differently, not just culturally but by their underlying logic.
An example: native english speakers pide genders into two words, he and she. When they are faced with a transgender person, they need a third word to describe this person.
On some other languages, there is only one word for person, be that person male, female, or transgender. As a difference, english speakers will amplify the cultural shock they experience, while speakers of the other language will experience the cultural shock as highly diminished and muffled, as the new strange person is referred in the same form as anyone else.
As a consequence, the choice of language will be a large part of affecting your reaction and thus behaviour and thinking.
In other ways, your native language is more personal to you. The words have more emotional meaning, while other languages are words, without the emotional baggage that comes with them.
For example, someone from USA might experience a strong cultural aversion to anything communism related because of the word, but might actually support several communist ideas as long as the word itself is not used and the cultural-emotional response is not triggered.
From the cultural side, many cultures expect certain kind of behaviour. Spanish and italian tend to be loud, japanese and chinese require you to be respectful and when speaking finnish, you dont just use words but have to know how to space your silences. You have to change your way of speaking when changing the language and that is simply done by changing how you react to things, in other words, changing your personality in some ways. As social animals, this is actually quite natural to us.

Ahmed Mahamat
, studied at Lycée François René De Chateaubriand
It doesn’t really answer to the question but a funny thing I’ve noticed on myself and other people who grew up in Africa but live in France. We tend to lose the French accent and speak with accent from our home country when we are upset.
ps: i am learning English so if you have any language correction i would be glad to know.

Alaa Alshoaiby
, knows Arabic
When you learn another language you make a chance for yoirself to learn more from difderent cultures, for example, when I learned English, I found alot of useful youtube channel that taught me alot of things that arren’t known in my cultre, or when I want to solve a math problem I find that English speaking youtubers can explaing better than the youtubers who speak my language.

Olivka Fiby
, Human Resources Specialist (2020-present)
I am not sure why but I noticed changes as well. Even pitch of my voice changes. When I speak my original language, which is Slovak my voice is deeper, when I speak English it suddenly gets higher. And my attitute changes too. I am louder, use more gestures…I wouldn’t say that it’s personality change but rather change in demeanor, outward behaviour. I am still the same but English allows me to act a bit differently with its more straightforward expressions for example. I snuck English words here in there into my original language pattern pretty often too. But we have more colourful insults. So to sum it up, I am not sure if I helped with my response. But all languages have a bit different essence, different prononciation, different emphasis on various syllables and one may seem as different person when speaking language with different rules. But it is rather person bending to language than vice versa.

Joel Thomas
, 10+ years as a translator, interpreter, linguist
Because when we talk about “language” we are often confusing the map for the territory. Grammar and vocabulary are like the lines and colors on a map. They are only the most essential and quantifiable aspects of a language. The actual “territory” is so much richer.
Comprehensible input is like getting to know a place by living there. If I ask you to draw a map of your hometown you might struggle, especially if you don't have much experience with maps. But a map could never do justice to the rich knowledge you have of your hometown.
People who think that when you speak a different language, your manner, tone of voice and so on should stay the same as your mother tongue, and only the words coming out of your mouth should be different, are confusing the map for the territory. It's like me thinking I know your hometown because I have a map and everything's just like my hometown but in different places.
When you learn a language naturally you're getting a whole package. You learn that when people are in situation A and they want to express emotion B, they make themselves understood in a certain way which includes but is not limited to the specific words coming out of their mouths. When you've seen it enough times it becomes a part of you, so that next time you want to express the same thoughts and emotions you automatically know how to do it so that people “get you.”
So it's not that your personality changes. You are still you, but you've learnt how to truly express yourself. You've lived in the town so long that you now have all the local knowledge and you don't need a map anymore. Congratulations!

Lollo Rosso
, State exam Learning Languages & Humans , German High School (1984)
Perhaps the coloring of each language somehow influences your emotions and reactions and outlook. I feel more femme fatale when speaking French and have more verve when speaking Spanish.

Emiliya Shishkova
, Real 4 years Sociology, University in Bulgaria/ Self-educated by Excessive Reading and Interest in Sociology …
It doesn’t because this isn’t possible. Personality is a constant. Period. Your voice can sound differently but it’s not possible to become a psychopath from an empath, nor a coward from a brave person. You should look up the term “personality”.

René Alix
, polyglot, 12 languages and aiming for more.
I think this is not uncommon, because we adjust to the culture surrounding us. We do this even in our native language; we change a little depending on whether we’re talking with our peers, or our boss, or our mother. Some of us even become a bit of a chameleon in the way we speak when we are with somebody who has a markedly different way of speaking (I have an embarrassing story about that from when I started stuttering while I was talking with somebody who had a strong stutter). I also intuitively adopt accents when I speak with people with a strong accent.
When we move to a completely different culture those of us who want to fit in will adapt our behaviour,and our way of expressing ourselves. Come to think of it, this might be common because it is an evolutionary advantage — if you do in Rome as the Romans do, you’re probably safer than if everything about you screams ”foreigner”.
Many things shifts for me when I speak another language. It has different sounds, different ways to express concepts. I don’t so much think I am a different person, as other aspects of me come to the fore.

But we also do not have the same emotional connection with a language that we did not speak while growing up. I have lived in English-speaking countries for decades now, have been natively fluent for a long time, and feel completely comfortable in English, maybe even a little more so than in my native tongue with which I have experienced some attrition. But to this day swear words don’t affect me the same way as swear words in my native tongue do, they do not have the same impact. I was raised not to swear at all, and punished for violating that rule, and find it still very difficult to use nasty words in my native tongue — but in English I can swear like a sailor and feel no compunction about it at all.
I would suggest not to try to connect the two languages culturally. You’ll improve more quickly in English if you try to think in English (by which I mean how you verbalize in your head before you say or write anything). Do not translate. This will be hard at first, but in the long run it will be very beneficial. Translating slows you down, and keeps a barrier up in your mind against the new language.

Karen Parson
, Polyglot for many years
You’ll know countries and cultures differ, and it will largely depend on how you immersed yourself in the language when you learned it! Here’s an example:
When I learned to speak Italian, I watched Italian movies which stereotypically at the time, involved strong emotions and very intense discussions between the characters. I imitated those characters just as a baby imitates adults when they learn to speak. It’s a natural process, really. You imitate tones, sounds, you might gesticulate a lot like Italians often do. It’s also because you’re ‘’ in character ‘’ you’re playing a part because it’s not your mother tongue. That’s why if I had learned Italian from purely a textbook alone, I could never convince anyone. Learning a language successfully depends on completely immersing yourself in it, sounds, sights, action and culture. You know you are when you start dreaming and thinking in the language.
I find that fun!

你会知道国家和文化是不同的,这在很大程度上取决于你在学习语言时是如何沉浸其中的! 这里有一个例子。
Claudia Calvi
, Languages teacher
When I speak Italian I become emotional and expressive. When I speak English as an Australian, I'm laid back. When I speak at work, my German directness comes through. When I speak Indonesian I play with words. When I copy French and practice my minimal French I announce dinner is on or we are going out, the same way as a French mum, because that's who I am copying. This is in fact your greatest gift, to adapt and change, and share the perspective offered by different languages. When you speak someone's language you connect to their heart, you affirm that this way of looking at the world is valid and to be cherished. Enjoy your multiple perspectives and the ability to function in more ways than one! You are an evolved creature now!

Paul Denlinger
, Studied linguistics at the University of St. Andrews
You should not try to connect them; the thought processes with Chinese and English are different.
When you use English, you should think in English. When you think in Chinese, you should think in Chinese.
That is what being bilingual is all about. It is not weird; it is normal for bilinguals. You should celebrate it since most people cannot do it.
If you need to, or try to translate from one language into another, then you are not bilingual.




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