
天津大学钟澄团队ACS AMI:多孔亚氧化钛导电添加剂诱导锌镍电池负极锌均匀沉积


可充电锌基电池因其成本低、环保、安全等优点是有前景的下一代储能体系。其中锌镍电池相比于其他二次碱性锌基电池(大多≤1.5 V)具有更高的工作电压而受到了广泛的关注。此外,因其优异的倍率性能,锌镍电池在一次调频和不间断电源等需要高功率的应用中显示出巨大的潜力。然而,锌镍电池的循环性能较差,阻碍了其商业化应用。这主要是由于放电产物(ZnO)在碱性介质中较高的溶解性,导致锌的再分布不均匀,从而引起电极枝晶的产生和形状的变化。在高倍率的实际应用条件下,锌枝晶和电极形变更为严重。众多研究学者关注提升锌电极的可逆性和稳定性,其中引入添加剂是一种有效而简单的策略。




Figure 1. (a) Diagram of the preparation process of ms-Ti4O7. (b) The mean particle size of TiO2 precursor varied with (the left part) hydrothermal reaction time under the glucose concentration of 0.5 mol L−1 and (the right part) glucose concentration under the reaction time of 2 h without pH adjustment. (c) XRD patterns of TiO2 precursors and (d) ms-Ti4O7. (e) TEM images of prepared TiO2 precursor and (f) Ti4O7 synthesized without pH adjustment (s-Ti4O7). (g) TEM images of TiO2 precursor and (h) ms-Ti4O7 synthesized with pH adjustment.


Figure 2. (a) Low- and high-magnification SEM images of the prepared ms-Ti4O7. (b) High-magnification TEM image, (c) HRTEM and (d) SAED images of the synthesized ms-Ti4O7. High-resolution XPS spectra of (e) Ti 2p and (f) O 1s for the ms-Ti4O7. (g) N2 adsorption and desorption curves for p-Ti4O7, s-Ti4O7 and ms-Ti4O7. (h) The charge density difference of Zn(OH)42− ions adsorbed on the Ti4O7 (120) and (i) the corresponding sliced two-dimensional (2D) contour map showing the electron transfer between Zn(OH)42− ions and Ti4O7. O and Ti atoms are shown in red and blue, respectively.

相比于s-Ti4O7和p-Ti4O7,ms-Ti4O7修饰的电极更有有利于离子传输,表现出更高的电化学活性和可逆性。得益于ms-Ti4O7较好的离子扩散性能,采用ms-Ti4O7修饰的电极组装的锌镍电池具有更高的放电比容量和循环稳定性,在10 A (~138 mA cm−2)的高放电电流下,可以稳定循环700圈,放电电压高于1.2V。

Figure 3. (a) CV curves, (b) EIS results of the ZnO electrode, p-Ti4O7, s-Ti4O7, and ms-Ti4O7 modified electrodes. (c) Capacitive and diffusion contribution of p-Ti4O7, s-Ti4O7 and ms-Ti4O7 modified electrodes. (d) Tafel plots of the pristine ZnO electrode, p-Ti4O7, s-Ti4O7 and ms-Ti4O7 modified electrodes. (e) Charge and discharge curves of zinc–nickel batteries based on the ZnO electrode, p-Ti4O7, s-Ti4O7 and ms-Ti4O7 modified electrodes at 2.5 A. (f) Discharge capacities of the zinc–nickel batteries based on the p-Ti4O7, s-Ti4O7 and ms-Ti4O7 modified electrodes at different current densities. (g) Energy retention and (h) cycling performances of the zinc–nickel batteries based on the ZnO electrode, p-Ti4O7 modified electrode, and ms-Ti4O7 modified electrodes.


Figure 4. (a) Optical image of ZnO anode after the cycle; (b–d) Optical microscopy (OM) cross-sectional images and (e–g) three-dimensional images of the region from upper, middle and lower regions of the electrode, respectively; (h) Optical image of ms-Ti4O7 modified anode after the cycle; (i–k) OM cross-sectional images and (l–n) three-dimensional images of the region from upper, middle and lower regions of the electrode, respectively.


Figure 5. (a) The adsorption capacity of p-Ti4O7 and ms-Ti4O7 for Zn(OH)42− measured by the ICP-OES tests. SEM images of (b) ms-Ti4O7 modified anode and (c) p-Ti4O7 modified anode after cycling test. (d) TEM image and (e–g) corresponding mapping results of ms-Ti4O7 modified anode after cycling test. (h) HRTEM image of ms-Ti4O7 modified anode after cycling test. (i) XPS spectrum (Ti 2p) of ms-Ti4O7 modified anode before and after the cycle; (j–k) Photographs of a unmanned aerial vehicle powered by three zinc–nickel batteries in series. (l) Photograph of a small electric motorcycle powered by four zinc–nickel batteries in series.


Xiaorui Liu, Qingyu Wang, Haozhi Wang, Jie Liu, Xiayue Fan, Cheng Zhong,* and Wenbin Hu, Mesoporous Ti4O7 Spheres with Enhanced Zinc Anchoring Effect for High-performance Zinc–Nickel Batteries, 2022, 14, 56856–56866.


钟澄教授:天津大学材料科学与工程学院教授、博导。国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才,国家优秀青年科学基金获得者,英国皇家化学学会会士,入选2021、2022年度全球“高被引科学家”名单。获复旦大学学士和博士学位。目前主要研究方向为电化学冶金和电池电化学。在Nature Energy、Nature Reviews Materials、Nature Communications、Chemical Reviews、Chemical Society Reviews、Advanced Materials 等国际知名刊物发表SCI收录论文180余篇。编著《科学研究与论文写作》等中英文专著/教材3部,担任国际电化学能源科学研究院终身理事(Board Committee Member of the International Academy of Electrochemical Energy Science)以及Carbon Energy、Frontiers in Chemistry副主编。



标签:多孔   添加剂   天津大学   电池   负极   导电性   电化学   电极   诱导   活性   颗粒   均匀   离子

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