秋分,正是最美时!Autumnal equinox, the most beautiful time


Nature accidentally overturned the palette, and colorful harvest pictures unfolded slowly. The sun passes through the bent ears of rice and shines on people's faces with a happy smile. In the coming year, you are more eager to spread your youth on the fertile land with your calloused hands and grow hope year by year!



In the autumnal equinox, yin and yang are half and half, so the day and night are equal and the cold and heat are flat. This is another equinox solar term after the spring equinox.

There are three times in the autumnal equinox: first, the thunder begins to stop, the autumn rain is continuous, and bursts of cool wind pass by. After years of polishing, the naughty child hides the thunder in summer, and the mature breath of autumn comes to his face; Second, the insects in the cave began to prepare for the cold winter and guard the children and home. So did our purpose of wandering in a foreign land; The water began to dry up after three seasons. The streams in mountain streams could not resist the long years, leaving only a shallow riverbed, and the old time was sealed in memory.



Today is also the fourth Chinese farmers harvest festival. After spring ploughing and summer ploughing, the crops are gradually full. Harvest, more hope for life, better life, hard work will eventually have a full return of pride; Harvest is a dialogue with harmonious nature and a deep love for green countryside.

Listen to the birds chirping and singing by the high valley; You can smell the fruits and melons all over the mountains. The aroma is refreshing and mixed with the smell of soil. It is especially kind; You see, the goshawk flying in the air is always determined to move forward. Harvest is the inheritance of creating a happy life with both hands. Only efforts can reap fruitful results. Pay tribute to labor and thanksgiving to the earth!




Middle age is like autumn. Young people's ignorance, young people's youth's astringency, middle-aged confusion and lack of confusion, suddenly wake up. No matter once prosperous or depressed, they will eventually return to plain, return to the truth, learn to be lenient, cultivate their heart and cultivate themselves, don't be disturbed by the current chores and secular life, and leave more time for themselves and their families. Know how to choose and put down.

In fact, life is a practice. You can't lose anything. Let yourself have the calm to pick up the steps and walk casually. Love and enjoy life with a sunny, peaceful and warm heart!

The autumnal equinox is the cut-off point of the boundary between cold and warm, the end point from cultivation to harvest, and the starting point from noise to tranquility. I wish you and me well!

秋分,正是最美时!Autumnal equinox, the most beautiful time

秋分,正是最美时!Autumnal equinox, the most beautiful time

秋分,正是最美时!Autumnal equinox, the most beautiful time



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