余生漫长 与岁月深爱 The rest of my life is long May I love you with years





When people reach middle age, they always feel that the years are hasty and short.

The goal set is difficult to achieve. The fame you want seems close at hand, but the reality is far away.

Looking at the achievements and brilliance of others, my heart will be filled with anxiety and envy wave after wave.

Worried that his years are getting old, no officials, no nobility, and mediocre. Envy others for their career, money and family.





Life road, their own scenery is different, it is difficult to become a shining meteor in the night sky, then the mediocre who glows and warms himself and accepts the current situation has his own worldly joy.

The wind of years will eventually bring everyone. White hair and wrinkles are the gifts of years. Faltering, has also stepped down yesterday's ups and downs.

Life, not so fast, not so slow. Along the way, success or failure, the important thing is to straighten out the mentality.

Life comes and goes empty. After prosperity, it will be lonely. Too many pursuits will only increase troubles and sadness.





Years, this is a flower bloom, there is bud bloom, there is decay. Riding in pursuit of the wind is a teenager, calm and calm, middle-aged.

Every stage is a human experience. Dreams and ideals are yearned for by the people, but after wandering and catching up, if you still can't get them and keep them, it's better to let go earlier.

Holding coffee and milk is certainly a kind of happiness. But as far as you are concerned, perhaps an ordinary sugar has been completely sweet.

The ideal appearance of life also includes that you can spend the rest of your life in the way you like after walking through the mountains and rivers.



Therefore, I hope we can adjust our mentality in the evening wind at dusk in early autumn.

That is, rather than rush after the sunset, it is better to wait for the stars rising all over the sky.

余生漫长 与岁月深爱 The rest of my life is long May I love you with years

余生漫长 与岁月深爱 The rest of my life is long May I love you with years

余生漫长 与岁月深爱 The rest of my life is long May I love you with years



标签:山长水远   岁月   凡俗   步履蹒跚   深爱   人心   花开   远在天边   仕途   艳羡   余生   美文   平庸   中年   着急   漫长   心态   理想   人生

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