汪罗奎 | 闲言碎语之一张废报纸


忙完一些事,已是下午四点半钟光景,想轻松活动一下,就在宅院蹓达几圈。还没走完400步,偶见地上一报纸,团得皱巴巴的。出于好奇,便拾起来看看。哦,是《海宁日报》,2016年4月9日出刊。在5版专版,整版刊登了许涛的报道,以“云山拾起五色墨 闲情一片悠然心”为题,报道章耀山水画展。小小一张报纸,自然人家不当回事,不需要就当个废纸扔了,而我视作捡到宝贝一样,带回工作室,把它小心撸平,折好,收起来啦。



This morning in the courtyard sketching two small drafts of magnolia flower. In the afternoon, as my friend asked for painting, I drew a “bamboo fun drawing”, with inscriptions attached to it: melons planting can get melons; bamboo growing can cultivate morality! I was quite satisfied with this. I didn't mind whether he/she felt content or not.

After finishing some things, it was about 4:30 in the afternoon. I wanted to relax and walked around the courtyard for a few times. Before I took 400 steps, I happened to see a newspaper, which was crumpled. I picked it up and looked at it out of curiosity. It’s Haining Daily issued on April 9th, 2016. In the special edition of the 5th edition, a full page published the report of Xu Tao, with the title of “clouds and mountains picked up five colors of ink and fancy a leisurely heart”, reporting Zhang Yao’s Landscape Painting Exhibition. Of course, it was taken seriously, and thrown away as a piece of waste paper. However, I took it back to my work room as if I had picked up a treasure, smoothed it out carefully, folded it, and put it away.

I know Zhang Yao and have read many of his paintings. Although I haven't collected a decent painting of Zhang Yao, I really like his paintings from bottom of my heart. While chatting with people, I used to talk about paintings and calligraphy. Some people say they couldn't understand Zhang Yao's paintings, and I often don't miss such an opportunity. It seems that I don't know how high the heaven is and how thick the earth is, and become a teacher again (now retired, standing on the platform). I interpret the artistic conception expressed in Zhang Yao's paintings, introducing one by one. It will be okay whether my viewpoint is said right or wrong, accepted or not. Many painters always want to paint "real mountains and real water", which is realistic and full, and I sometimes have such a problem. Zhang Yao's paintings seem to be entirely different. Little do you know, simplifying or doing subtraction is the most difficult thing. And he has been striving diligently for more than 20 years, constantly practicing, and he has achieved a great deal.

It’s a pleasure to appreciate Zhang Yao's paintings. The greatest impression can be described in two words: "ink fun" filled, quaint, simple, and spontaneous. His landscape paintings have the desire to come out, at the moment of call. The feeling of fusion in the scene is the same as the painting in the nature. Like himself, there is no any deliberation, affectation in his paintings; everything appears as it really is.

汪罗奎 | 闲言碎语之一张废报纸





标签:井冈山   海宁市   海宁   款识   篆刻家   删繁就简   报纸   宅院   书画家   闲言碎语   减法   美文   书法   书画   中国民间

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