

公元3-7世纪印尼境内分布着很多小王国和部落。15世纪,葡萄牙、西班牙和英国先后侵入。1596年荷兰侵入;1602年成立具有政府职权的"东印度公司"对这些地区实行殖民统治;1799年东印度公司解散后殖民地被荷兰政府接管,史称荷属东印度。1942年日本占领印尼;1945年8月17日, 八月革命爆发,印尼共和国成立;之后被迫改为印度尼西亚联邦共和国并加入荷印联邦。1950年8月重新恢复为印度尼西亚共和国,为联合国第60个成员国。1954年8月脱离荷印联邦。


印尼是世界第三大热带森林国家;据不完全统计,印尼约有40000多种植物,其中药用植物最为丰富,印尼盛产各种热带名贵的树种,如铁木、檀木、乌木和袖木等均驰名世界; 印尼的渔资源极为丰富,苏门答腊岛东岸的巴干西亚比亚是世界著名的大渔场。印尼无国教,但一定要信仰宗教,约87%的人信奉伊斯兰教,是世界上穆斯林人口最多的国家。

印度尼西亚卢比是印度尼西亚的法定货币,由印尼中央银行发行。此50卢比硬币,材质为铝,约20mm,正面主图为一只金色飞鹰和发行年份及国名;神鹰尾部有八根羽毛表示8月,双翅上各有十七根羽毛表示17日,象征印尼的独立日(8月17日)。神鹰胸前有一枚盾微,一条黑色横线横贯盾徽,表示赤道穿过印尼领土;黑色小盾和五角星象征宗教信仰,也象征"潘查希拉"——印尼建国的五项基本原则。飞鹰胸前水牛头展现人民主权;榕树象征民族意识;棉桃与稻穗象征丰衣足食。金链环紧紧相扣象征国内各种族一律平等。神鹰双爪下的饰带上用古印尼文书写着印尼格言"异中有同"。背面主图为黑枕黄鹂及面额。Republic of Indonesia, referred to as Indonesia or Indonesia; The territory spans Asia and Oceania, and the world's largest archipelagic country, also known as "the country of thousands of islands"; Every island is full of green mountains and green waters, and it is summer all the year round. People also call it "emerald on the equator". The land area is 1,919,440 square kilometers; With a population of over 254 million (2014), it is the fourth most populous country in the world. Capital: Jakarta. President: joko widodo.

There were many small kingdoms and tribes in Indonesia from the 3rd to 7th century AD. In the 15th century, Portugal, Spain and Britain invaded successively. Dutch invasion in 1596; In 1602, the "East India Company" with government authority was established to colonize these areas; After the dissolution of the East India Company in 1799, the colony was taken over by the Dutch government, which was called Dutch East India in history. Japan occupied Indonesia in 1942; On August 17, 1945, the August Revolution broke out and the Republic of Indonesia was established; After that,It was forced to change to the Federal Republic of Indonesia and join the Dutch-Indian Federation. In August 1950, it was re-established as the Republic of Indonesia and became the 60th member of the United Nations. In August 1954,It separated from the Dutch-Indian Federation.

Diplomacy: Indonesia pursues an independent and active foreign policy and adheres to the principles of non-interference in internal affairs, equal consultation and peaceful settlement of disputes in international affairs. It is one of the important sponsors of the Ten Principles of Bandung Conference, and an advocate and important member of international/regional organizations such as G20, New Asia-Africa Partnership, Group of 77 and Organization of Islamic Conference. Adhere to the principle of taking ASEAN as one of the cornerstones of implementing foreign relations. With the help of the national image of "democratic and moderate Muslim", It actively communicate Islam with the western world and play a unique role in some regional and international issues. Indonesia and China established diplomatic relations on April 13, 1950. Diplomatic relations were frozen in 1967. Diplomatic relations were resumed on August 8, 1990. In 2000, the two countries established a long-term, stable and comprehensive partnership of good neighborliness and mutual trust. Indonesia is one of the countries with the most serious Chinese exclusion problem. The "Red Creek Massacre" created by the Dutch colonial authorities in 1740, the Lishui Massacre in November 1945, the Bandung Massacre in March 1946, the Wendeng Massacre in June of the same year, the Yamaguchi Massacre in August, the Bayan Yadi Massacre in September, the Jugang Massacre in January 1947, The three-year "Qing Communist Party" began in 1966,"Red bowl incident",Black may riots and other atrocities shocked the world.It has a long-term negative impact on the relations between China and Indonesia.

Indonesia is the third largest tropical forest country in the world. According to incomplete statistics, there are about 40,000 kinds of plants in Indonesia, among which medicinal plants are the most abundant. Indonesia is rich in various tropical rare tree species, such as iron wood, sandalwood, ebony and sleeve wood, which are well-known in the world; Indonesia is rich in fishery resources, and Bagan Siabia on the east bank of Sumatra Island is a world-famous fishing ground. Indonesia has no state religion, but it must believe in religion. About 87% people believe in Islam, making it the country with the largest Muslim population in the world.

Indonesian rupiah is the legal tender of Indonesia and issued by the Central Bank of Indonesia. This 50 rupiah coin is made of aluminum, about 20 mm. The front main picture shows a golden eagle, the year of issue and the country name; There are eight feathers on the tail of Condor indicating August, and seventeen feathers on both wings indicating 17th, symbolizing Indonesia's Independence Day (August 17th). There is a shield on the chest of the Condor, and a black horizontal line crosses the shield emblem, indicating that the equator passes through Indonesian territory; The small black shield and the five-pointed star symbolize religious belief and "pancasila", the five basic principles of Indonesia's founding. Flying eagle's chest shows people's sovereignty; Banyan tree symbolizes national consciousness; Cotton peaches and ears of rice symbolize ample food and clothing. The tight interlocking of gold links symbolizes the equality of all ethnic groups in China. An Indonesian motto, "There are similarities among differences", is written in ancient Indonesian documents on the decorative belt under the eagle's paws. The main picture on the back shows the black pillow oriole and its denomination.







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