
罗马尼亚2013年版1巴尼硬币(收于2020年)罗马尼亚位于东南欧巴尔干半岛东北部,蓝色的多瑙河、有"罗马尼亚脊梁"之称的喀尔巴阡山和绚丽多姿的黑海是其三大国宝。国土面积238391平方公里。人口1952万(2018年)。首都布加勒斯特。 总统:克劳斯·约翰尼斯。




罗马尼亚列伊,是罗马尼亚官方货币,辅币名为巴尼,1列伊=100巴尼。此1巴尼硬币正面主图为国名、发行年份和一盾徽,盾面上有一只红嘴红爪的金鹰,鹰嘴啄着一个东正教十字架,两爪分别握着一把银剑和银色权杖。鹰胸前有一面小盾,盾面分五部分:左上角为一只金鹰,鹰头两侧为金色的太阳和月亮,这个图案是罗马尼亚公国国徽;右上角为公牛头,牛角之间是一颗金色五角星,牛头两侧为银色玫瑰花和月牙,这是摩尔多瓦公国的国徽图案;左下角为金色双孔桥和前爪紧握银色大刀的金狮,此为巴纳特及奥尔泰尼亚的国徽;右下角的图案被一红条分为上下两部分,上半部为一只金嘴灰鹰和金色太阳及银色月亮,下半部为金地上七个雉堞,这是特兰西瓦尼亚、马拉穆列什及克里沙纳的国徽;下方的楔形部分为两条尾部朝上的金色海豚,象征黑海地区。整个盾徽图案是主权独立、统一、不可分割的罗马尼亚民族国家的象征。背面主图为面额。Romania is located in the northeast of the Balkan Peninsula in Southeast Europe. Its three national treasures are the Blue Danube River, the Carpathians, known as the "backbone of Romania", and the gorgeous black sea. It covers an area of 238391 square kilometers. Population 19.52 million (2018).Bucharest,the capital. President:Klaus Iohannis.

Romania has a long history and its ancestors are dachians. The kingdom of Dacia was established around 70 BC. In 106 ad, Dacia was conquered by the Roman Empire. In the 14th century, three principalities of varajia, Moldavia and Transylvania were successively established. After the 16th century, it became a subsidiary state of the Ottoman Empire. On May 9, 1877, Romania declared independence from the Ottoman Empire. The kingdom of Romania was established in 1881 and formally unified on December 1, 1918. The people's Republic of Romania was founded in 1947. He joined the Warsaw Pact in 1955. In 1965, a new constitution was adopted to change the name of the country to the Socialist Republic of Romania. On December 28, 1989, it changed its name to Romania.

Romania attaches great importance to developing relations with countries in the Asia Pacific region and actively develops relations with China. Focus on developing relations with the United States, the European Union and NATO. Romania joined NATO on March 29, 2004 and EU on January 1, 2007. As of 2013, it has established diplomatic relations with 182 countries. China and Romania established diplomatic relations on October 5, 1949. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, both countries have maintained friendly and cooperative relations.

Romania began its transition from planned economy to market economy in 1989. The foreign investment law was passed in 1991 and revised in 1994. The main investors are Holland, Austria, Germany, Cyprus and France. Romania has economic and trade exchanges with more than 180 countries and regions in the world. Wine is a Romanian specialty. Because of its high quality and unique technology, Romanian wine has won gold and silver in world wine exhibitions and competitions. It is one of the top ten wine producing countries in the world and the eighth largest wine producing country in the world. Ten year compulsory education has been popularized in Romania. As of 2008, there are seven world heritage sites in Romania.

Leu romacircnesc is the official currency of Romania, with the secondary currency name of Bani, 1 LEI = 100 ban. On the front of the coin, the main picture shows the name of the country, the year of issue and an emblem. On the face of the shield, there is a golden eagle with a red beak and red claws. The eagle's beak pecks an orthodox cross, and the two claws hold a silver sword and a Silver Scepter respectively. There is a small shield in front of the eagle's chest. The shield is pided into five parts: a golden eagle in the upper left corner, the golden sun and moon on both sides of the eagle's head, which is the national emblem of the Principality of Romania; a bull's head in the upper right corner, a golden five pointed star between the bull's horns, and silver roses and crescent moon on both sides of the bull's head, which is the national emblem of the Duchy of Moldova; a golden double hole bridge and front claw grip in the lower left corner The golden lion with silver dagger is the national emblem of Banat and ortenia; the pattern in the lower right corner is pided into two parts by a red bar, the upper part is a golden beaked gray eagle, golden sun and silver moon; the lower part is seven battlements on the golden ground, which are the national emblems of Transylvania, malamulesh and Krishna; the lower part is two golden dolphins with tail upward It symbolizes the Black Sea area. The whole design is the symbol of independent, unified and inpisible Romanian nation-state. The main picture on the back shows the denomination.





标签:罗马尼亚   巴尼   巴尔干半岛   兰西   黑海   奥斯曼   北约   王国   公国   国名   国徽   硬币   葡萄酒   银色   图案   金色   时尚

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