西非2000年版25法郎硬币 25 francs coin



此硬币为联合国粮农组织增产纪念币,也作为流通币使用。材质为铝青铜。直径27。正面主图为面额25francs、法语Banque centrale des états de l'Afrique de l'Ouest(西非国家中央银行)字样及造型古朴,形象奇特的“人脸鱼形”图徽。“人脸鱼形”图徽是西非国家中央银行的行徽;此图案来源于因盛产黄金而被殖民者称为“黄金海岸”的西非加纳人称量黄金时使用的铜“砝码”;粗大的6根鱼须说明鲶鱼细长触须的难以型塑;酷似人脸般的鱼头及优美的鱼身、胸鳍、尾鳍和双目,体现了西非人对“鱼”的崇拜;相信人是由鱼变成的,渴望通过对鱼的崇拜,得以多子多孙、人丁兴旺。背面主图描绘一个非洲化学家灌装管图样及发行年份。此图案显示了粮农组织为增产粮食及消除非洲贫困地区的长期饥饿问题不断的在努力奋斗着。

The West African franc is the full name of the African Financial Community franc, which is the unified currency of the West African Economic and Monetary Union; The secondary currency is Cent; 1 Franc =100 cents. West African franc is an important tool for financial and economic cooperation between France and West African countries.

The West African Economic and Monetary Union was established in 1994. Its predecessor was the West African Monetary Union (established in 1962). The purpose is to promote the circulation of personnel, materials and funds among member States. Its characteristics are: it firmly fixes the common currency used by the national group with the external supporting currency, and actively cooperates with the supporting countries. By establishing a strong and independent central bank, implementing fiscal discipline and maintaining currency convertibility, it has brought potential benefits; However, because of the loss of the exchange rate as a means of adjustment, it also paid a potential price. On the whole, however, this practice brings more benefits to the system. Its member countries are Benin, Burkina Faso, Cô te d 'Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo. The Central Bank of West African States and the West African Development Bank are specialized financial institutions with autonomy.

This coin is a commemorative coin for FAO to increase production, and it is also used as a currency. The material is aluminum bronze. Diameter 27. The front main picture shows the denomination of 25francs, French Banque centrale des é tats de l 'Afrique de l 'ouest (Central Bank of West African States) and the "fish-shaped face" emblem with simple shape and peculiar image. The "fish-shaped face" emblem is the emblem of the central bank of west African countries; This pattern comes from the copper "weight" used to weigh gold,Ghana in West Africa was called the "Gold Coast" by the colonists because it is rich in gold.The thick six fish must show that the slender tentacles of catfish are difficult to shape; The face-like fish head and beautiful fish body, pectoral fin, caudal fin and eyes reflect the worship of "fish" by West Africans; believe that people are changed from fish, and eager to have many children and flourish through the worship of fish. The main picture on the back depicts an African chemist's filling tube pattern and its release year. This pattern shows that FAO is constantly striving to increase food production and eliminate long-term hunger in poverty-stricken areas of Africa.

西非2000年版25法郎硬币 25 francs coin

西非2000年版25法郎硬币 25 francs coin



标签:西非   法郎   几内亚比绍   布基纳法索   尼日尔   粮农组织   塞内加尔   马里   多哥   中央银行   鱼形   非洲   硬币   货币   国家   时尚   联盟

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