几内亚1985年1法郎硬币Guinea1Franc coin

几内亚1985年1法郎硬币(收于2021年)几内亚全称几内亚共和国,位于西非西岸、西濒大西洋、官方语言为法语的非洲国家。国土面积:245,857平方公里。人口数量:1240 万(2018年)。首都:科纳克里。总统:阿尔法·孔戴。





The full name of Guinea is the Republic of Guinea, which is located in the west coast of West Africa, bordering on the Atlantic Ocean in the west, and the official language is French. Land area: 245,857 square kilometers. Population: 12.4 million (2018). Capital: Conakry. President:Alpha Condé.

Guinea was a part of Ghana Kingdom and Mali Empire from 9th to 15th century AD. Portuguese colonists invaded in the 15th century, followed by Spain, Holland, France and Britain. The Berlin Conference in 1885 designated Guinea as the French sphere of influence. It was named French Guinea in 1893. On October 2, 1958, it declared independence and established the Republic of Guinea. The Second Republic of Guinea was established in April 1984. The Third Republic was established in January 1994.

Guinea pursues a foreign policy of good-neighborliness,non-alignment,comprehensive openness and independence,and emphasize that diplomacy serves development.Guinea advocate strengthening unity and cooperation among African countries and actively participating in the construction of the African Union. Now It is a member of the United Nations, the World Trade Organization,the Non-Aligned Movement, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Organisation of la Francophonie, the African Union, the Economic Community of West African States, the West African Economic and Monetary Union and the Mano River Union. It has established diplomatic relations with more than 110 countries. Guinea established diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China on October 4, 1959. It is the first sub-Saharan African country to establish diplomatic relations with China. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, bilateral relations have developed smoothly.

Guinea is a least developed country. The economy is dominated by agriculture and mining, the industrial base is weak, and food cannot be self-sufficient. Rich in natural resources, the proven reserves of aluminum ore rank first in the world. Rich in water resources, it is the birthplace of the three major rivers in West Africa and is known as the "West Africa Water Tower". On September 26, 2012, Guinea reached the completion point of heavily indebted poor countries; The International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club cancelled the Guinean government's debts of US$ 2.1 billion and US$ 356 million respectively. Inland transportation is underdeveloped, mainly by road transportation.

Guinea Franc, formerly known as Guinean Syli, is issued by the Central Bank of Guinea. The name of the secondary currency is Centime; 1 Franc =100 Centimes. The front main picture of this 1 franc coin shows the country name, issue year and national emblem. The guns and swords crossed in the center of the national emblem issued the steel oath of the people to defend national independence and freedom by force; At the top, a dove of peace flying with an olive branch pulls peace and friendship all over the earth. The decorative belt at the lower end reads "Labor, Justice and Unity", full of independent dignity and pride of freedom. The main picture on the back shows palm branches and denominations.

几内亚1985年1法郎硬币Guinea1Franc coin

几内亚1985年1法郎硬币Guinea1Franc coin



标签:几内亚   法郎   不结盟运动   国际货币基金组织   西非   马里   非洲联盟   法语   国徽   法国   共和国   资源丰富   硬币   独立   组织   国家   时尚

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