萨摩亚2000版2分硬币Samoa 2000 edition 2 Sene coin

萨摩亚2000版2分硬币(收于2020年)萨摩亚全称萨摩亚独立国。原名西萨摩亚。位于南太平洋中心,由10个岛屿组成。被苏格兰著名作家史蒂文森喻为南太天堂。国土面积 2934 km²。人口数量20万(2016年)。首都:阿皮亚。元首:图伊马莱阿利法诺·瓦莱托阿·苏阿劳维二世。




萨摩亚塔拉是萨摩亚法定流通的货币。辅币单位为分,1塔拉=100分。此硬币为F.A.O粮农币。正面主图为发行年份和前国家元首马列托亚·塔努马菲利第二殿下头像及萨摩亚文:"MALIETOA TANUMAFILI II SAMOA I SISFO "(马列托亚.塔努马菲利第二殿下.西萨摩亚)。背面主图为英文 XXI CENTRY.FAO.FOOD SECURITY(21世纪的粮农组织在多变世界中保障粮食安全)、2SENE(2分)和两支橄榄枝环抱着代表南十字星座的五颗五角星图样,象征和平与和睦。现在南十字座的星星在北半球已经看不见了。在通过炼狱的入口进入南半球时,但丁宣称,"我把心神贯注在另外一极上,我看到了只有最初的人见过的四颗星"。Samoa is the independent state of Samoa. Formerly known as Western Samoa. Located in the center of the South Pacific Ocean, it consists of 10 islands. It was described as a paradise in South Pacific by the famous Scottish writer Stevenson. The land area is 2934km. The population is 200,000 (2016).Capital:Apia.Head of State:Tuimaleali'ifano Va'aletoa Sualauvi II .

Samoa is the center of Polynesian Islands. Samoans settled here 3000 years ago. Conquered by Tonga about 1,000 years ago. An independent kingdom was established in 1250. In the mid-19th century, Britain, America and Germany invaded one after another. Western Samoa became a German colony in 1899. It was occupied by New Zealand during World War I and became a trust territory after World War II. Internal autonomy began in 1954. On January 1, 1962, it became independent, and its name was "Independent State of Western Samoa". In July 1997, it was renamed Samoa Independent State.

Samoa advocates safeguarding national independence in its foreign policy. While maintaining traditional friendly relations with New Zealand, Samoa attach importance to developing relations with Asia-Pacific countries.It is a member of the United Nations, Commonwealth, Pacific Islands Forum, Pacific Community, Pacific Regional Environment Programme and World Trade Organization. The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme, FAO, UNESCO and UNDP Pacific Regional Representative Offices are all located in Apia. It has established diplomatic relations with 97 countries. On November 6, 1975, China established diplomatic relations with Samoa. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, bilateral relations have developed smoothly.

Samoa's economy is dominated by agriculture, producing coconuts, cocoa, breadfruit and bananas. Bread tree is its characteristic resource. Industries include small light industry and agricultural products processing industry. Samoa's beautiful scenery and leisurely life make it a famous tourist destination, and tourism is one of the main economic pillars and the second largest source of foreign exchange in Samoa. It is one of the world famous offshore financial centers. Samoa has no army and no railway. There are two national hospitals in Samoa. People suffering from infectious diseases, diabetes, heart disease and cancer can enjoy free medical treatment. Implement compulsory education in primary and secondary schools.

Samoan tala is the legal currency in Samoa. The unit of secondary currency is Sene, 1 tala =100 Sene. This coin is F.A.O agricultural currency. The front main picture shows the release year and the head portrait of the former head of state, H.H. Malietoa Tanumafili II, and Samoan language: "MALIETOA TANUMAFILI II SAMOA I SISFO" ( H.H. Malietoa Tanumafili II, Western Samoa). The main picture on the back is English XXI CENTRY.FAO.FOOD SECURITY (FAO guarantees food security in a changing world in the 21st century), 2SENE(2 sene ) and two olive branches embracing the five-pointed stars representing the Southern Cross constellation, symbolizing peace and harmony. Now the stars of the Southern Cross are out of sight in the northern hemisphere. When entering the southern hemisphere through the entrance of purgatory, Dante declared, "I put my mind on the other pole, and I saw four stars that only the first people had seen".

萨摩亚2000版2分硬币Samoa 2000 edition 2 Sene coin

萨摩亚2000版2分硬币Samoa 2000 edition 2 Sene coin



标签:教科文组织   粮农组织   英联邦   但丁   独立国   西萨摩亚   阿皮亚   新西兰   区域环境   联合国   萨摩亚   太平洋   马列   德国   殿下   硬币   时尚

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