原创儿童英文故事The Animal Playground,专门为小学生设计



The Animal Playground

Xuanxuan was a good girl who loved animals. She lived with her mum, dad, brother and sister in a small house on a street near a park. Her family was not very rich, but they were happy. Xuanxuan had a lot of books about animals, and she liked to read them every night before she went to sleep. She also had a few animal toys, such as an elephant, a giraffe, a lion and a kangaroo. She kept them in a box beside her bed.

One day, Xuanxuan's mum told her that they were going to visit her aunt in another city. They would take the train and stay there for a week. Xuanxuan was excited because she had never been on a train before. She packed her clothes, her books and her animal toys in a big suitcase. She was ready to go.

Xuanxuan and her family took the bus to the train station. They bought their tickets and waited for the train to arrive. Xuanxuan looked at the window and saw many cars and people outside. She also saw some birds flying in the sky. She wondered what other animals she would see on her trip.

The train arrived and Xuanxuan and her family got on board. They found their seats and put their suitcases on the rack above them. Xuanxuan sat next to the window and looked outside. She saw the train leaving the station and moving faster and faster. She saw the buildings and streets becoming smaller and smaller. She saw the fields and trees passing by. She saw some cows, sheep and horses grazing on the grass. She saw some ducks swimming in a pond. She even saw some rabbits hopping in a field.

Xuanxuan was amazed by all the animals she saw. She wished she could get off the train and play with them. She took out one of her books and started to read about animals. She learned that elephants can swim very well, giraffes have long necks and tongues, lions are the kings of the jungle, kangaroos can jump very high, hippos are very big and heavy, zebras have black and white stripes, snakes can slither without legs, doves are symbols of peace, nightingales can sing beautifully, yaks have thick fur and horns, oxen are strong and hardworking, jellyfish have no bones or brains, bees can make honey and fly around in groups.

Xuanxuan was so fascinated by the book that she didn't notice that the train had stopped at a station. Her mum tapped her on the shoulder and told her that they had arrived at their destination. Xuanxuan put away her book and got off the train with her family. They met Xuanxuan's aunt who was waiting for them at the platform. She hugged them and welcomed them to her city.

Xuanxuan's aunt drove them to her house in her car. It was a big house with a garden full of flowers. Xuanxuan liked it very much. She followed her aunt inside and saw a beautiful room prepared for her. It had a big bed with a pink cover, a desk with a chair, a bookshelf with many books, a closet with some clothes, and a window with a view of the garden.

Xuanxuan thanked her aunt for the room and unpacked her suitcase. She put her clothes in the closet, her books on the bookshelf, and her animal toys on the bed. She looked around and felt very happy.

She went downstairs and joined her family for dinner. They had some fish, salad, bread, soup and fruit. Xuanxuan ate well and enjoyed the food. She also talked to her aunt about animals. Her aunt told her that there was an animal playground near her house where children could see and play with many kinds of animals.

Xuanxuan was very interested in the animal playground. She asked her aunt if they could go there tomorrow. Her aunt said yes and promised to take her there after breakfast.

Xuanxuan was so excited that she couldn't sleep that night. She lay on her bed and imagined what the animal playground would be like. She hoped to see all the animals she had read about in her book.

The next morning, Xuanxuan woke up early and got dressed quickly. She ran downstairs and ate breakfast with her family. Then she followed her aunt to the car and drove to the animal playground.

When they arrived at the animal playground, Xuanxuan saw a big sign with the words "Welcome to the Animal Playground" written on it. There was also a picture of an elephant sliding down a slide, a giraffe swinging on a seesaw, a lion riding a bicycle, a kangaroo jumping on a trampoline, and a hippo playing chess with a zebra.

Xuanxuan was amazed by the sign. She wondered if the animals really did those things. She wanted to see them by herself.

She followed her aunt to the entrance and bought ticketes. Then they entered the animal playground.

Xuanxuan saw many children and animals playing together. She saw some children feeding carrots to rabbits, some children brushing the fur of yaks, some children riding on the backs of horses, some children throwing balls to dogs, some children making snowmen with penguins, some children flying kites with eagles, and some children playing cards with monkeys.

Xuanxuan was delighted by all the activities. She wanted to join them and have fun with the animals.

She ran to the slide and saw an elephant sliding down it. The elephant was big and grey, with a long trunk and big ears. It looked very happy as it slid down the slide. Xuanxuan smiled and climbed up the ladder. She waited for the elephant to finish sliding and then slid down herself. She felt the wind in her hair and the sun on her face. She laughed as she reached the bottom.

She ran to the seesaw and saw a little giraffe swinging on it. The little giraffe was tall and yellow, with a long neck and brown spots. It looked very graceful as it swung up and down on the seesaw. Xuanxuan smiled and climbed on the other side. She pushed down with her feet and lifted the giraffe up. Then she let go and let the giraffe push her up. She felt the thrill of going up and down. She giggled as she balanced with the giraffe.

She ran to the bicycle and saw a lion riding it. The lion was strong and golden, with a big mane and sharp teeth. It looked very brave as it rode around on the bicycle. Xuanxuan smiled and asked if she could ride with it. The lion nodded and let her sit behind it. Xuanxuan held on to its mane and felt its warm fur. She felt the speed of moving forward. She roared as she rode with the lion.

She ran to the trampoline and saw a kangaroo jumping on it. The kangaroo was brown and furry, with long legs and a pouch. It looked very agile as it bounced up and down on the trampoline. Xuanxuan smiled and asked if she could jump with it. The kangaroo nodded and let her climb into its pouch. Xuanxuan felt cozy and safe in its pouch. She felt the bounce of going up and down. She squealed as she jumped with the kangaroo.

She ran to the chessboard and saw a hippo playing chess with a zebra. The hippo was big and pink, with short legs and a big mouth. The zebra was black and white, with long legs and stripes. They looked very smart as they moved their pieces on the chessboard. Xuanxuan smiled and asked if she could watch them play. They nodded and let her sit beside them. Xuanxuan watched them carefully and learned their moves. She felt curious about their strategy. She clapped as they played chess.

Xuanxuan had so much fun playing with all the animals in the animal playground. She felt happy and grateful for their friendship.

She thanked them for playing with her and said goodbye to them.

She followed her aunt back to the car and drove back to her house.

She told her family about her amazing day at the animal playground.

They listened to her story and smiled.

They were glad that she had such a wonderful time.

They hugged her and told her that they loved her.

Xuanxuan felt loved by her family.

She went upstairs to her room and took out her animal toys from her bed.

She looked at them and remembered all the animals she had played with today.

She put them back in their box and closed it.

She lay on her bed and closed her eyes.

She dreamed of going back to the animal playground someday.



标签:小学生   挑战赛   英文   游乐园   词汇   小女孩   神奇   适合   动物   漂亮   儿童   喜欢   故事

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