OpenAI CEO 创业访谈

Open AI 创始人 Sam Altman 关于创业的一次访谈。时代在变,新一代创业者的分享会让我们得到什么启发呢?




If you work really hard at the beginning of your career and you get a little bit better what you do every day every week every year there's a compound effect and it's far better to put that time in at the beginning of your career than at the end because if you do the beginning you get to benefit from it for the rest of the time you work. Working hard early in your career to get the leverage and the compounding effects is underrated and one of the most valuable pieces of advice that I never got.


You know the beginning of your career, I think in terms of setting the trajectory that the rest of your career follows, is the most valuable time and so obviously you don't want to work all the time but I do think you want to look for the intersection of what you're good at, what you enjoy, and what where you can create value for the world. In my experience, if you don't find somebody the intersection of those three, it's hard to really have an impact.


So I think it's really good when people think about what they're good at, what they like, and kind of how they can create value for the world. Sometimes you actually have to just try stuff to figure out what you like, but I really do think it is worth upfront thought about what you're going to spend most of your waking time doing.


Well, I don't think I work as hard as a lot of people, I think I do work pretty hard. But I'd say it's really, I think it's compound interest is a good metaphor here. If you work really hard at the beginning of your career and you get a little bit better what you do every day every week every year, and you learn more and you meet more people and you just get more done, there's a compound effect. It's far better to put that time in at the beginning of your career than at the end because if you do at the beginning, you get to benefit from it for the rest of the time you work.


So another thing that I have learned is that whenever I've helped people for no immediate benefit and with no intention of ever getting any benefit at all, time and again in my career, it has really later benefited me a lot. So I think, you at some point often get to a point in your career where you're limited by how many good people you know and how many of those you can work with or get to do things that together. Just helping a lot of people and spending a lot of time with a lot of people has benefited me.


You know, years after I really helped someone for no reason, I get to invest in their startup, then it goes on to be a huge success, or we're able to work on OpenAI together, any number of things. I think just trying to help a lot of people and out of that scene who is really impressive and who gets things done is helpful. But one thing I always try to do is like meet every person I had time for, go to everything I could, and just spend a little bit more time trying to learn and get better at what I did, what I do.


And I think so obviously you don't want to work all the time, but I do think you want to work harder than most people think you should. And I think that if you do that, you tend to benefit from it later. Life is super unfair, sometimes you also just get unlucky, and so all you can do is kind of maximize chances there. But I do think that the beginning of your career, in terms of setting the trajectory that the rest of your career follows, is the most valuable time.


The way things get done in the world are through a combination of focus and personal connection, and the additional point I would make, after having thought about it for a while, is that the third factor is self-belief. You really have to have a deep-seated personal conviction that this thing you're going to do, that a lot of people say is really stupid, is going to work and going to be important. But I think those three things – focus, personal connections, and self-belief – in my experience, are how things get done in the world.

要在世界上完成事情,需要集中精力、建立人际关系,并具有自信。你必须深信自己所做的事情,即使很多人认为它很愚蠢,也会成功并且具有重要意义。在我的经验中,这三个因素 - 专注、人际关系和自信 - 是实现目标的关键。

That is really valuable. Knowing when to quit and knowing when to give up on something is challenging; there's no perfect answer to that. But it's really important to get it approximately correct. I think most people give up on things way too early. So the mistake that most people make is they try something, it does not immediately work, and after a short period, they say, "You know what, I tried this thing, it's just not meant to be," and they immediately give up.


You know, the satirical version of this is people that are 23 and have started 14 startups because they give up on everyone before it could ever possibly be successful. These things are really hard; they take a very long time, there are a lot of critics, there are a lot of people who say this thing sucks, it's going to fail, it's really stupid. Most of the founders that I have spent a lot of time with, who have gone on to be super successful, spent a very long time on their idea when a lot of other people would have given up, and either people said it sucks or people said nothing at all.


A framework that I have for when to give up and when to keep working is: it should be an internal, not an external decision. If people aren't using it or if people are saying it's bad, that alone is not a reason to give up. You want to pay some attention to that; they might be right. But I think the best entrepreneurs I know make an internal decision about when to give up or when to keep working on something. It's basically when you have run out of ideas and something that's not working; then it's a good time to stop.


Yeah, I think if you don't actually believe what you're doing is really important, if you don't derive satisfaction from what you're doing, then you will not be able to sustain all of the bad things that happen in the incredibly long period of time. The only motivation that I have seen work for people over a long period of time is enjoyment in what they're doing, an intense belief that it matters, and ideally liking the people that they go to work with every day.


And so, when you look at really successful people and say, "How do they get all those things done?" it's that they have the benefit of momentum, and momentum is energizing, while lack of momentum is really not energizing. So if you really believe in something, there's an idea that you're super passionate about, you know, and you take a calculated risk to start a company, realizing you may forego a couple of years of steady income, that's a great risk to take. And if you don't take that risk, I think you have a very high chance that you end up regretting that.


I think people have terrible risk calculus in general. Even people who try to be really good about this are bad at it. The answer, I think, is almost always: a) you're wrong about what is risky and what is not risky, and b) most people don't take enough risk, especially early in your career. Being young, unknown, and poor – that is actually a great gift in terms of the amount of risk you can take, and I think people don't capitalize on that enough.

我认为人们总体上对风险的判断很糟糕。即使是那些试图在这方面做得很好的人,也很难做到。我认为答案几乎总是:a) 你对什么是有风险的,什么是没有风险的判断错误;b) 大多数人,尤其是在职业生涯初期,没有承担足够的风险。年轻、不知名、贫穷——这实际上是一份能让你承担更多风险的礼物,我认为人们没有充分利用这一点。

I think what risk actually looks like is not doing something that you will then spend the rest of your life regretting. There's a quote, "People regret way more the things they didn't do than the things that they did do." The wrong kind of risk to take is where people don't actually do things or don't commit to something because they don't want to fail, and they overrate the risk of failure, reputation damage, or embarrassment.


I think one really important thing to strive for in your career is to be a doer, not a talker. The reason that people don't do stuff is that it's hard, and it's risky. It's this combination of work and risk, and I think that's really bad. I think history belongs to the doers, and I think you should take a risk, actually do something, don't just sit around and talk, organize, and go to thought leadership conferences and whatever it is these people spend their time on other than actually building something.


One of the other things I learned that I wish I had gotten advice on early in my career is to ask for what you want. You will get told no a lot, but sometimes it will work. People don't want to fail, they don't want to be told no, they don't want to end up in some crisis, and they're just not aggressive enough. I think being willing to ask for what you want and being somewhat aggressive are really important characteristics of being an entrepreneur.


There are a lot of things that really go wrong, and they feel like company-killing events, and they feel like there's no way you're going to survive because the crises are really bad. The thing you learn is that you generally do survive these, and the world doesn't usually end. Even if, in the moment, something happens and you have no idea how you're going to get around it, you eventually figure out a way. I won't even say I wish someone told me this one because I don't think it's a lesson anyone can teach you. You have to just live through it.


Each crisis gets less scary than the one before it, and because of that, on the 19th major crisis, you're like, "Well, I survived the first 18, I'll probably get through this one," and you kind of just do. I think the whole idea is that people need to figure out for themselves what they believe in, what they think, and what they believe is high impact to work on for the future.


So what I will say instead is it's really important to actually think hard about where you think you can make the biggest contribution, what you're good at, what the world needs, and what you enjoy. Then go meet people to work with, learn as much about that field as you can, and have the courage of your convictions to actually take a risk, focus on it, and do something there. It's okay if you fail, and if you do fail, you'll not be in a much different place than you are today, and you can go try the next thing. But I think it's really important to be willing to take a risk and make some sacrifice to be able to try to impact the world in some way that you really care about. I think the sooner you get to work on that, the better you'll be.




标签:实干家   可能会   这一点   职业生涯   初期   事情   风险   努力   时间   工作

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