


Look, unlike the first strike policy of the United States/NATO and Russia's first use of nuclear theory, China is the first country to commit to a "no first use" policy. This means that China's nuclear forces were designed from the beginning for retaliatory retaliation - which means they must be protected from any aggressor with a nuclear trigger who launched the first strike.


The result is that, unlike the nuclear arsenals of the United States or Russia, China prefers to build launch sites in deep mountains, while most of the active missiles of the United States or Russia are stationed in armored launch wells on flat plains.


Although no one has an exact number due to the confidentiality of China's nuclear power, it is well known that many of China's strategic forces are deployed on TELs rather than in fixed launch wells.


Then, these TELs are hidden in the concrete reinforced tunnel network below the mountain. Each network can reach tens of kilometers and traverse multiple mountains and valleys. Some people claim that multiple networks are actually interconnected through tunnels hundreds or even thousands of kilometers, allowing China to pass its nuclear missiles through the entire province without being detected.


The length of China's' Underground Great Wall '(which Chinese say is a 5000 kilometer deep tunnel) is very long, indicating that there may be plans to deploy larger scale nuclear armed intercontinental ballistic missiles. "- National Institute of Public Policy (NIPP) report in 2017.


Each local network also has at least a dozen or more fortified entrances from which TEL can peek and launch missiles.


To destroy armored doors designed for nuclear weapons, direct (or very close) hits are required. This means that you cannot only conduct aerial explosions to achieve maximum area coverage, but rather directly launch missiles for ground impact. This is why China has built a tunnel network in mountainous areas, with the tunnel entrance located deep in the valley - the "fold" of the mountains has become a natural barrier, limiting the damage caused by each nuclear explosion.


This means that you basically need to equip each tunnel entrance with a separate target warhead to make it unusable. In order to destroy even a tunnel network and prevent the hidden TEL from being used, you must dismantle every entrance.


If even a hidden entrance to any network fails to catch your attention, then the entire operation is a failure - trucks can launch and launch solid fuel rockets within a few minutes.


Of course, this does not include those nuclear missile submarines that hide underwater for several months at a time.


Good luck! So I suggest we stop fantasizing about unilateral nuclear war and start thinking about how to prevent it.



Chinese people may be full of surprises and wisdom, you don't even know. Below is a story about the leader of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao Zedong.


During the Sino Soviet conflict on Treasure Island, it is said that after losing, the Soviet leadership was actually considering using nuclear weapons to attack China, in order to eliminate China's threat once and for all.


When intelligence was intercepted, the Chinese Military Commission held an emergency meeting, and no military leader was afraid of the Soviet Union launching nuclear weapons into China. They did not propose a ceasefire, but carefully analyzed enriched uranium stocks and decided to retaliate against the Soviet Union while manufacturing nuclear weapons.


Mao Zedong sat there quietly listening to every military leader's speech.


At the end of the meeting, Mao Zedong made a decision that they would not retaliate against the Soviet Union with nuclear weapons. He then formulated a strategic plan that left the attendees at a loss: to prohibit any intention to use nuclear weapons against the Soviet Union, to send all field troops to the border, and once the Soviet Union launched nuclear weapons against China, all Chinese troops would enter Soviet territory, followed by local and civilian armies, all attacking the Soviet Union and occupying their land, Ultimately, all Chinese people will move to the Soviet Union and settle there.


Everyone was at a loss, and Mao Zedong continued to explain his plan, "If the Soviet Union launches nuclear weapons, China will face large-scale nuclear pollution, and we must take action. This is not a choice


We attacked wave after wave, we advanced forward, took over and destroyed military facilities and airports, and Chinese civilians armed themselves and marched into the Soviet Union


"Our army is good at guerrilla warfare, and the Soviet Union will find it impossible to stop us. There are more than 600 million Chinese people, who were born, raised and trained through war and blood in difficult times, and they cannot stop us."


The military leader was both shocked and excited. How will we deal with the nuclear weapons we possess? "Asked one of them.


Attack all accessible US military bases so that the US cannot use and destroy us after our break with the Soviet Union


Mao Zedong instructed to immediately send the information to the leadership of the Soviet Union and the United States.


Henry Kissinger obtained this information through Poland. Due to the poor relationship between China and the United States, Nixon summoned the military, who were concerned that although it seemed impossible, Mao Zedong would indeed do so, especially considering how Mao Zedong joined the Korean War without any warning.


If China decides to launch all nuclear weapons on US bases, then the United States will lose all its power in the Asia Pacific region. In addition, if Mao Zedong transferred the Chinese to the Soviet Union, he may further advance towards Europe and even the mainland of the United States.


The United States decided to side with China and warn the Soviet Union, which increased the cost of war for the Soviet Union, so the Soviet Union would not impulsively attack China. Later, the United States quickly summoned the Soviet ambassador and made this clear.


Before the United States issued a warning, the Soviet leadership had decided not to engage in war with China and had taken action to repair relations with China. Alexei Kosikin contacted Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai and requested an urgent meeting with Mao Zedong, but Mao Zedong decided to ignore it and instead took a nap.


Alexei Kosygin requested to meet again on his way back from his visit to Vietnam. He attended Ho Chi Minh's funeral in Vietnam and Zhou agreed to meet him at the airport for half an hour, but the world didn't know what they were talking about.

阿列克谢·科西金(Alexei Kosygin)在访问越南回来的路上要求再次会面,他在越南参加了胡志明的葬礼,周同意在机场迎接他半个小时,但全世界都不知道他们谈论了什么。

The Chinese may surprise you, their strategy is invincible, and nuclear weapons may not even be their best weapon.



It is likely not, at least from what we have seen, China's anti ballistic missile system is not stronger than other countries in the world, while the United States' nuclear arsenal is the heaviest and most powerful. However, if the United States dares to act, it will also cease to exist.


Although China's civilians and most of its military will be destroyed and wiped away from the Earth in a nuclear storm, China's own nuclear power will be relatively unaffected.


When the US warhead enters, both China and Russia will remain vigilant and respond accordingly to the upcoming strike. Russia has its own reasons for retaliation, as in this situation, they are not only "allies", but nuclear radiation may also reach Russia.


China's ballistic missile network is hidden in a complex mountain tunnel network, almost unaffected by any form of first strike. Once the dust settles, people in the network will deploy launchers to their respective launch sites and retaliate against them.


The main component of China's ground nuclear power can reach the mainland of the United States, and China's latest sea based nuclear power can reach the mainland of the United States from Chinese waters. For a long time, it is well known that Russia's ground and sea nuclear forces can also achieve this.


In short, the United States made a major mistake by eliminating its greatest threat, but at the same time, China and Russia adopted the approach of "if I want to destroy, you will destroy with me" and returned this. Of course, Russia will also use nuclear weapons to attack other European countries. They have enough backup weapons, why should NATO escape unscathed?


It is almost impossible to destroy a nuclear power with nuclear weapons and expect oneself to escape unscathed. China's nuclear weapons are well protected and hidden, while Russia's "nuclear dead man switch" ensures that anyone who fires at them will be eliminated. It is basically impossible to conceal the launch of ballistic missiles, and then the warhead also falls to Earth at hypersonic speeds.


To make an analogy, imagine two gunmen, but they are both trapped in place and unable to move. The speed of the bullets is slow enough for another person to see, think, and shoot.



If they do this, the United States may have gone crazy. But for a hypothetical question, this is also a hypothetical answer. As early as the 1960s, when China had only a few experimental nuclear weapons and no advanced delivery systems, it faced the risk of being destroyed by nuclear attacks from the United States and the Soviet Union. Because at that time, the People's Republic of China was the great enemy of both countries.


Chairman Mao issued instructions without hesitation: "Dig deep tunnels, gather grain everywhere, and never seek hegemony. He said, "If imperialists dare to launch a nuclear attack on us, our population will be reduced by half, but capitalism will be buried." Since then, China has had the world's most comprehensive and largest underground complex. Premier Zhou Enlai said, "Once war breaks out, there will be no more borders.


Now, in the 2020's, China's technology has made significant progress. If the United States launches nuclear weapons, it will definitely be at war with China, which will kick off and make progress towards this goal. China will be prepared enough and not caught off guard. Their advanced anti missile defense system will be warned. In addition, it will also prepare retaliatory weapons. The US nuclear attack may not be 100% successful. It should be prepared to accept China's retaliatory nuclear attack, and may also face a fierce nuclear attack from Russia.


This is clearly an apocalyptic scenario that all humanity will oppose. The United States has no reason to engage in such a malicious nuclear attack, as China has repeatedly stated that it does not want any form of war. It wants multilateral trade. Trade is beneficial to humanity.



Yes, I believe the United States can use nuclear weapons to attack China, but militarily, the People's Liberation Army of China is rapidly modernizing its own weapon system, and it will become increasingly difficult for US nuclear weapons to pass through the PLA's defense. I believe China is one of the few countries that the United States is unwilling to engage in war with.


The nuclear attack will respond to China's attacks on the US mainland, US bases, and US Navy fleets in the Pacific. Any nuclear bomber will operate at known air bases such as Guam, and they will be attacked by ballistic and cruise missiles. Nuclear submarines will be a priority target for Chinese Navy and Air Force ASW assets and equipment, while the US Navy will be threatened by a rapidly increasing number of highly advanced and effective weapon systems.


Therefore, yes, the United States may use nuclear weapons to attack China, but with the progress of China's weapons technology, this will become increasingly difficult. retaliatory strikes against the US military are certain, and China is likely to launch a nuclear attack on the mainland of the United States.


But this may never happen, because if the world's two largest economies were at war, it would be catastrophic for both countries and the rest of the world. Therefore, I doubt that any president would bear the risk of a world chaos after a nuclear strike against China.




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