

美国论坛Qupra也有位美国网友对中国人的富有强烈的历史观提出了疑惑:为什么中国似乎比其他曾经伟大的国家更痴迷于自己的古代历史? 这个话题也是引起了不少国内网友的热议。我们摘取部分网友的观点进行了分享。



All great nations, past and present, care very much about their history. History informs their people about who they are, what they believe in, and how they should live. History and culture are intimately tied together.


History can be a source of great pride. For China, being the longest continuous civilization in human history (over 5,000 years!) is a very big deal. China has a rich legacy of inventions and innovations.


China’s system of governance has stood the test of time, over 2,000 years and 16 great dynasties! It’s based on a remarkable and fascinating Chinese philosophy, mostly Confucian and Taoist.


This is what makes Sinology such a great subject to study.



1. The Chinese culture has been inherited in its entirety. Chinese people nowadays can easily read ancient books that have been written for a couple of thousand years. This is something that no other country in the world can do. Modern British people cannot read English from hundreds of years ago. The stability of Chinese characters has enabled the Chinese to know far more about history than people from other countries.

1. 中国文化被完整地传承了下来。如今的中国人可以很容易地阅读几千年前的古籍。这是世界上任何一个国家都做不到的。现代英国人看不懂几百年前的英语。汉字的稳定性使中国人比其他国家的人更了解历史。

A typical example is Vietnam, which has abandoned Chinese characters for less than 100 years. The Vietnamese today are unable to read ancient books that are thousands of years old, or even understand something that can be easily recognised in a Chinese environment.


2. A bunch of anti-Chinese people are there to say that China was once occupied in history, but unfortunately, either the occupiers themselves took the initiative to integrate into China or were quickly repulsed. It didn't affect the heritage of Chinese culture.

2. 有一群繁华人士说,中国在历史上曾经被占领过,但不幸的是,要么是占领者自己主动融入中国,要么很快就被击退了。这并不影响中国文化的传承。

For example, when the Mongols occupied China, what happened was that Kublai took the initiative to issue an imperial edict to establish the Yuan Dynasty and publicly declared it as the successor to China, and then resumed the imperial examinations and the use of Chinese characters as the national script.


The Qing dynasty was even more dry, as the Qing emperor simply said that he and the Han Chinese were of the same ancestry, and then also used Chinese characters extensively. By the late Qing dynasty, Manchu officials could not even speak the Manchu language, and only spoke Chinese.


All this is documented in history. The transmission of history and culture is not whether it was occupied for a short time, but whether the original civilization was inherited.


3. For example, I often argue with my Vietnamese and Korean friends on quora, and I can find plenty of ancient books and even ancient Vietnamese and Korean data (because they are all written in Chinese characters) to point out their mistakes.



The claim that China is “more obsessed with its ancient history than any other once-great nation” isn’t true.


I’m pretty sure that Egypt, Greece, and Italy are at least as “obsessed” with their ancient history as China is. Indeed, the entire modern nation-state of Greece is essentially founded on the idea that it is a restoration of the glory of classical Greece. That why, in 1834, after the Greek Revolution, Greece specifically chose Athens to be its capital—even though it was a rather small town at the time. This is also the reason why Greece has invested so much money into restoring the Parthenon and other monuments on the Athenian Akropolis, which, believe it or not, were even more ruined 150 years ago than they are today.


All nation-states are built on the impression of a shared national history and identity. When the states that control countries with lots of ancient history try to promote awareness of that history, they do so partly for the purpose of furthering a shared national mythology among the people who live in that country.


They are also, however, trying to promote tourism and convince people from other countries to come visit their country, since this brings money into the national economy. They tend to focus on advertising specific monuments. Thus, Egypt advertises the Pyramids of Giza, China advertises the Great Wall and the Forbidden City, Greece advertises the Athenian Akropolis, and Italy advertises the Colosseum and the Pantheon.


ABOVE: Photograph from this article from The Guardian of various tourists taking photos with the Parthenon on the Athenian Akropolis



An important reason why Chinese people pay attention to history is that there are many lessons in history for people to learn.


By studying important events in history, we can help us to eliminate some obviously wrong choices and clear the direction of possible success when facing difficulties.


When studying history, its practical significance is to let us understand the laws of human society and human nature's response, as well as what changes may be brought about by possible accidents. This applies to a very wide range of fields such as society, economy, humanities and military affairs.


Fortunately, China's history has been described countless times in very detailed written language from different perspectives, and the corresponding figures, objects and places are left on the same land. This makes history no longer an abstract and simplified story, which makes history a fact that can be analyzed and studied in detail.


At the same time, because of the universality of Chinese characters, we do not need to become scholars to read them. Any Chinese who have received basic education can acquire the knowledge we need by reading ancient texts.



To the Chinese, history is like the Bible to Christians. History is a guide to social development. Unlike Eric Chan's fantasies, The Chinese pragmatic culture makes history accurate and valuable. For example, since 1057 BC, China has recorded 32 times of Comet Halley's return in 40 times, which is the highest in the world. (Why is this comet called Halley, not a Chinese name?)

历史之于中国人,犹如圣经之于基督徒。历史是社会发展的指南。与Eric Chan(最后一位网)的幻想不同,中国的实用主义文化使历史准确而有价值。例如,自公元前1057年以来,中国在40次哈雷彗星返回中记录了32次,这是世界上最高的。(为什么这颗彗星叫哈雷彗星,而不是中文名?)

Therefore, the Chinese historical records have become the social experimental reports of nearly 2000 years. For the Chinese, the history of hundreds years ago is like yesterday.


The reason for accurate historical records is that the new emperors would collect historical documents after dynasties change in China. This is not to belittle the previous Empire, but to find out the reasons for the decline of the Empire, and to warn yourself that should never make the same mistake.


//Never Again 绝不重蹈覆辙

Collect historical documents was a huge project in all dynasties, so the whole Chinese will attach great importance to it. It is also a sign of the prosperity. After all, this represents the end of the war, and hostile forces have become a part of Chinese history.

搜集史料在历朝历代都是一项浩大的工程,全中国人都会高度重视。 这也是繁荣的标志。 毕竟,这代表着战争的结束,敌对势力已经成为中国历史的一部分。

In fact, China is doing the same now. Today the United States is still very strong, but the decline has become a reality, and China needs to learn from it.


Of course, CNN is looking at my answer. They probably think that Chinese people like to forget history just like them



Chinese are generally more “obsessed” with their ancient history than any other once-great nations. It is true, but the word “obsessed” is exaggerated. A more accurate word is “value”: Chinese value their ancient history more than other nations. It is not really out of pride, but it is a cultural thing which started in the early Zhou Dynasty. The founders of Zhou Dynasty valued very much the historical lessons of China although at that time it was only about 1500 years history.


We don’t really see the 5000 years history as of today as very long, leave alone feeling proud about its longevity. In a Daoism “bible” written by Zhuang Zi, a 800-years old person should feel ashamed to claim he has long life because he selectively not comparing himself with turtle and tree which have much longer life. “There is a type of bug which is born in the morning and dies in the night. It cannot comprehend the concept of one month.

5000 年的历史,我们今天看都不算很长,更不用说为它的持续时间而自豪了。在庄子写的道家“圣经”中,一个800岁的老人应该为声称自己长寿而感到羞愧,因为他有选择性地没有把自己与乌龟和树相比,它们的寿命要长得多。“有一种虫子早上出生,晚上死亡。它无法理解一个月的概念。

There is a type of cicada which is born in the Spring and dies in the Summer; or born in the Summer and dies in the Autumn. It cannot comprehend the concept of one year.” Feeling proud of 5000 years history is not recommended; instead, we are cautioned to never be arrogance but keep learning from historical lessons.



I don’t think China is more obsessed than any other countries.


It is the Chinese ethnic that valued their history. Well, they should when their “race” or “ethnicity” is something that they inherited from thousand of years ago. It would be like the Mediterranean people called themself as a Roman people instead of being an Italian, French, Spaniard and etc.


And they should because their heritage and history are what made them “invincible” toward foreign power.And I am glad they did cause they would be just another people without any identity that set them apart from other if they don’t.


Plus, who wouldn’t valued their history when it is such a long history that was continually passed down for such a long time.



Chinese recorded history at least since the Zhou Dynasty (c 1000 B.C.), as did the Ancient Greeks, something that surprisingly not everyone in the ancient world did. The Chinese used the recorded history to formulate moral and practical lessons for its rulers.


All this was done by officials who were themselves scholars. Because of this insistence on both literacy and historiography, even officials who were not scholars (nobles and military officials) have to learn the rudiments at the least and master them if they wish to advance and be respected. The mastery of both is also a way for commoners to advance into positions of power and influence.


This in turn contributed to the continuity of Chinese history one ruling dynasty after the other, and one effect is the constant minding of lessons from China’s long history in dealing with contemporary affairs.




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