人生 择善而交 Choose the good in life






In life, there are always more audiences than friends. The audience will only make people visually comfortable, but friends will move your heart.

Friends don't meet every day, eat, drink and flatter each other; But understand you, support you spiritually and spiritually, encourage you, help you, and correct you when you have shortcomings.

Shallow people pay the audience; Aspiring people make friends. A true friend doesn't just give you applause and praise.

Don't refuse sincere words, let alone a sincere heart. Between people, a fate; Heart to heart, a communication.

Friends, what we need is not quantity, but quality. Only when we get along with people with good taste and character can we improve ourselves.








Not all people can become friends, and not all people deserve your sincerity or kindness. Don't be fussy, but be principled.

If someone else has a fault, don't investigate; You are kind to others and don't read it.

Come and go are passers-by, companion is a friend. There are many friends in life, but few real friends. A true friend will have a firm trust.

People should bow their heads to do things, but also open their eyes to see people, choose true and good people, and choose true gentlemen.

One's life is faced with one choice after another, including choosing friends.

Make friends, just choose to be friendly with each other, not to rely on each other. There is nothing wrong with mutual support among friends, but we can't take friends as spiritual pillars. The fate of the world, gathered and scattered, can go on very little.

Therefore, at any time, we should have an independent heart. If we separate one day, we will not lose ourselves and can't find the direction. How many good friends, from having nothing to talk about to having nothing to talk about, are not feeling absent, but can't stand the wind and rain. Friends need to be sincere, things need to be light, life needs to be independent.

人生 择善而交 Choose the good in life

人生 择善而交 Choose the good in life

人生 择善而交 Choose the good in life



标签:善人   好朋友   笃定   善心   无话不谈   少之又少   斤斤计较   所有的人   肤浅   吃喝玩乐   美文   交朋友   观众   真诚   独立   人生   朋友

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