
文 | 季益广



1.You should talk to Ken — he’s always ___ of good ideas.你应该和肯谈谈,他总是满脑子好主意。

2.I knew it was a bad idea to leave him ___ his own.我知道把他独自留下来不是个好主意。

3.It was my wife’s idea to move ___.要搬家是我妻子的主意。

4.The idea ___ the book came from an old war movie.这本书的构思源自一部战争老电影。

5.I ___ the idea of asking Katie for help.我想请凯蒂帮忙。

6.Could you give me an idea of how ___ his injuries are?你能告诉我他的伤有多严重吗?

7.You must have some idea of what happened ___ the money?这笔钱的去向你肯定略知一二。

8.Don’t worry if you don’t understand it right now — you’ll get the ___.如果你现在不明白,不要着急 — 你会懂的。

9.She doesn’t ___ any idea where they’ve gone.他压根儿不知道他们去哪里了。

10.Can you give a rough idea of how much the repairs will ___?你能否告诉我修理费用大约要多少?

11.I don’t have the ___ idea what to get Rachel for her birthday.我完全不知道该给雷切尔买什么生日礼物。

12.The idea is to ___ children to save money.目的是教育孩子省钱。

13.The idea ___ the outing is to encourage employees to get to know each other.远足的目的是鼓励员工相互了解。

14.They wanted Mike to go to law school, but he had ___ ideas.他们想让迈克上法学院,但他另有打算。

15.Chefs differ in their idea of what ___ a good dessert.拿什么当餐后甜点最好,厨师们想法各异。

16.I only have a ___ idea of the kind of work I’ll be doing.我对将要从事的工作只有个模糊的概念。

17.It helps if you have a ___ idea of what you want.清楚自己要的是什么有好处。

18.Chocolate milk and a piece of cake is not my ___ of dinner.巧克力牛奶加一块蛋糕并不是我想象中的晚餐。

19.The ___ idea of kissing him made her feel physically sick.一想到要吻他,她就恶心想吐。

20.She had some rather ___ ideas of raising children.对于抚养孩子她有些与众不同的见解。

21.No, I’m not ___ Jane. Where did you get that idea?不,我没在和简谈恋爱。你这想法从哪儿来的?

22.The whole idea of democracy was something strange and ___ to most people.那时对于大部分人来说,民主这个概念陌生而新鲜。

23.It’s based on the idea that all people are ___ equal.它是基于人人生而平等这个观念之上的。

24.I’m not sure where my necklace is, but I have a ___ good idea who took it.我说不准我的项链在哪儿,但我大体上猜到是谁拿的。

25.Don’t get the ___ idea about Dan and Helen — they’re just friends.不要误会丹和海伦,他俩不过是朋友而已。

26.He still makes a few mistakes but I reckon he’s got the ___ idea.他还会犯一些错误,但我认为他已经走对路了。

27.‘Why don’t you invite Paula to come with us?’ ‘There’s ___ idea.’“你为什么不邀请葆拉和我们一起去?”“好主意。”

28.Keep your knees bent and lean forward slightly. That’s ___ idea.屈膝稍向前倾。对,就是这样!

29.‘You’re thinking of ___ a new job?’ ‘Yeah, that’s the idea.’“你在考虑找新工作吗?”“对,是这样。”

30.Whose ___ idea was it to leave the back door wide open?是谁的好主意,把后门大敞着?


31.Nick tells me he wants a motorbike. Have you ever been putting ideas into his ___?尼克对我说想要一辆摩托车,是不是你让他胡思乱想了?

32.‘She wants you to do it by tomorrow.’ ‘Is that your idea of a ___?’“她想让你明天之前做好。”“有你那样开玩笑的吗?”

33.What’s the ___ idea?你这样做用意何在?

34.You have ___ idea how worried I was.你简直想不到我当时多么着急。

35.I’ve had an idea. Why don’t we walk into ___?我有主意了,我们走着去城里怎样?

36.She got the ___ from an article in a magazine.她从杂志上的一篇文章获得了灵感。

37.What ___ you the idea for the book?你是怎么想到写这本书的?

38.He’s always ___ up with interesting ideas.他老是会有一些新奇的念头。

39.The we ___ on the idea of renting a cottage.于是我们突然想到租一间乡村小屋。

40.I’m ___ with the idea of going back to college.我正在想要不要回去上大学,只是随便想想罢了。

41. The idea ___ to me while I was having a bath.我在洗澡时想到了这个主意。

42.Keeping the drinks ___ in the bath was a good idea.把冷饮放在浴缸里保温是个好主意。

43.What a ___ idea!多妙的主意!

44.Whose ___ idea was it to leave the washing out in the rain?把洗好的衣服晾在雨中是谁的好主意?

45.It seemed like a ___ idea at the time当时这似乎是个聪明点子。

46.The idea sounded interesting, but I didn’t think it would ___.这主意听起来挺有意思,但我觉得不可行。

47.The children were ___ and full of ideas.这些小孩热情很高,思维活跃。

48.He has a very good idea of how it ___.他非常了解它的工作原理。

49.By the end of the week you will have a clear idea of what changes you should ___ to your diet.到周末你就会清楚地知道应该怎样调整自己的饮食了。

50.The idea of square circle is self-___.正方形的圆这个概念自相矛盾。

51.His idea of honesty is not ___ same as yours and mine.他对诚实的理解与你我不同。

52.Having to ___ two hours a day is not my idea of fun.每天不得不花两小时来回上下班,我可不觉得这是什么乐趣。

53.My idea of physical perfection is to be very ___.我对完美身材的看法是要非常苗条。

54.He has the idea that ___ he’s doing is right.他认定他正在做的事是正确的。

55.Here’s my idea for the ___ campaign.这是我对这次促销活动的计划。

56.He ___ for a number of books he admired with the idea of re-reading them.他请人送来很多他喜欢的书,打算再重新阅读一遍。

57.He had no idea of what life would be ___ in Africa.他对在非洲生活会是什么样子一无所知。

58.I had an idea that he ___ the army later.我约莫知道他后来参军了。

59.Could you give us an idea of the ___ of complaints you’ve been receiving?你能大致和我们说一下接到投诉的范围吗?

60.We are both so happy, you ___ no idea.我们俩非常幸福,你想都想不到。

61.You have no idea how ___ it made me.你不知道这让我有多么沮丧。

62.The idea of the game is to ___ the murderer.这个游戏的目的就是找出杀人犯。

63.The idea is to try and avoid further ___.其用意是设法避免更多的开支。

64.If this keeps up, Ben’s going to start to ___ ideas.如果这种情况继续下去的话,本很快就会想入非非了。

65.It’s a good idea to avoid ___ food.不吃精致的食物是个好主意。

66.Why don’t we ___ go? — That’s an idea.我们干嘛不一起去呢?— 好啊!

67.They have some very ___ ideas.他们有一些非常不符合传统的信念。

68.Leach ___ forward the idea that it is impossible to spoil a child.利奇提出一个观点,宠坏孩子是不可能的。


69.Whatever ___ you that idea?究竟是什么使你相信那事的?

70.She’s not married — where did you ___ that idea? 她没结婚— 你这是从哪儿说起?

71.Is this ___ idea?你认为这有趣吗?

72.The idea that the problem will ___ itself is ridiculous.认为问题自己会解决的想法是荒谬的。

73.The idea behind the new national lottery is to raise money for ___ causes.新的全国性彩票背后的目的是为慈善事业筹款。

74.The whole idea of advertising is to ___ people buy things.广告的唯一用意是使人买东西。

75.She’s full of bright ideas, but they never come to ___.她满脑子好主意,但都没有结果。

76. It takes a long time to ___ people to accept new ideas.说服人们接受新思想需要很长时间。

77.The country’s rapid industrial progress has been due to its ___ to adopt new ideas and to interchange information.该国工业的飞速发展是由于它乐意采纳新思想和交流信息。

78.To judge it so is to ___ to the seventeenth century the ideas of twentieth. 对它作这样的评价就是用二十世纪的思想去看待十七世纪的事物。

79.She could not ___ the idea of reproaching him any more.她不忍心再责备他。

80.After the European War the idea of a League of Nations was ___.欧战以后产生了成立国际联盟的想法。

81.This is an idea ___ from the West.这是从西方借来的概念。

82.He brought the idea over to China.他把这种思想带到中国来。

83.If John hopes to keep his job, he’ll have to ___ his ideas up a bit.约翰要想保住职位,就要更加机警一些。

84.Before you begin to write an article, you should ___ your thoughts and ideas.开始写文章之前,你必须集中思想。

85.Who first ___ the idea of filling bags with gas to make balloons?谁最先想到在袋中充气制成气球的?

86.Language is used to ___ ideas.语言是用来表达思想的。

87.My letter will convey some idea of our ___ of life.我的信将使你们了解我们的生活方式。

88.Learn to ___ your ideas clearly.学会清楚地表达你的思想。

89.You shouldn’t ___ your ideas on other people.你不应当把自己的意见强加于人。

90.This book gives you a ___ idea of life in ancient Greece.这本书使你对古希腊的生活有一个清楚的概念。

91.Tell me your ideas on the subject without any ___.请毫无保留地告诉我你对此问题的看法。

92.We are ready to welcome new ideas and ___ with the times.我们乐意欢迎新思想,跟上时代。

93.I have no idea what you ___.我不懂你的意思。

94.Their political ideas are ___.他们的政治思想很不成熟。

95.She was influenced by ___ ideas.她受到先人之见的影响。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 full 2 on 3 house 4 for 5 had 6 bad 7 to 8 idea 9 have 10 cost 11 faintest 12 teach 13 behind 14 other 15 makes 16 vague 17 clear 18 idea 19 very 20 unusual 21seeing 22 new 23 created 24 pretty 25 wrong 26 right 27 an 28 the 29 getting 30 bright 31 head 32 joke 33 big 34 no 35 town 36 idea 37 gave 38 coming 39 hit 40 toying 41 came 42 cold 43 good 44 bright 45 clever 46 work 47 enthusiastic 48 functions 49 make 50 contradictory 51 the 52 commute 53 slender 54 what 55 sales 56 sent 57 like 58 joined 59 range 60 have 61 depressed 62 discover 63 expense 64 get 65 refined 66 all 67 unconventional 68 puts 69 gave 70 get 71 your 72 resolve 73 good 74 make 75 anything 76 persuade 77 readiness 78 apply 79 bear 80 born 81 borrowed 82 over 83 buck 84 collect 85 conceived 86 convey 87 mode 88 express 89 force 90 good 91 reserve 92 go 93 mean 94 elementary 95 preconceived



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