
Berlin Film Festival awards gender-neutral acting prize to Maren Eggert


The Berlin Film Festival has awarded its first ever gender-neutral acting prize to Maren Eggert.

The new award, which was announced by the festival last August, means both male and female actors now compete in the same category.

German actress Eggert won for her performance as a museum researcher in the sci-fi comedy, I'm Your Man

柏林电影节向玛伦·艾格特(Maren Eggert)颁发了有史以来第一个“中性”表演奖。


德国女演员艾格特因科幻类喜剧I’m Your Man中扮演的博物馆研究员获得这一奖项。

Berlin's decision to merge the categories could have a knock-on effect on other film award ceremonies.

The idea has previously been welcomed by screen stars such as Cate Blanchett and Tilda Swinton, but it has also sparked heated debate.

Mariette Risenbeek, director of the Berlin Film Festival said genderless award was intended to spark further discussions around gender justice.


merge vt. 合并;使合并;吞没,vi. 合并;融合;


n. 附带效果;间接影响;用手的向前击球(一种犯规动作)

adj. 使产生连锁反应的;有间接影响的v. 用手或臂向前击(球)




Could the Oscars do the same?


It may only be a matter of time before major awards ceremonies merge their acting categories - but this is a more complicated debate than it looks.

For starters, it's unlikely that a group of Hollywood stars - probably the most self-involved and self-congratulatory group of people in the world - would be enthusiastic about awarding themselves half the usual number of prizes during awards season.


a matter of time 只是时间问题;某事肯定发生只是时间问题而已




More importantly, it could actually be a disadvantage for actors who would currently be recognised.

Let's take an example. Suppose last year's two Oscar winners for best actress and actor, Renee Zellweger and Joaquin Phoenix, had competed in one big overarching category. Now suppose Phoenix won. That means a woman, who would otherwise have rightfully taken home a trophy, would be left empty-handed.



In the current climate, it's not hard to imagine the scandal if, in the long-term, a decision like this led to a repeated loss of recognition for worthy winners, particularly women.

So while some will argue gender-neutral categories are socially progressive, they will also have unintended consequences. It could, interestingly, lead to a battle between two different factions of equality campaigners.



At the same time, the changing societal landscape needs to be considered. Trans people aren't discriminated against by the current model (Laverne Cox would currently qualify for best actress, for example), but gender-neutral people are. The existing situation leaves gender-neutral actors without a category to apply for, and awards bodies will be eager to rectify that in the future as more people identify as such.

All things considered, it's a complicated debate with no easy answers. It will be fascinating to see whether the Baftas, Oscars, Globes or Emmys follow Berlin's lead.

与此同时,还需要考虑不断变化的社会格局。跨性别人种在当前的模式下不会被歧视(例如拉弗恩 · 考克斯目前有资格获得最佳女主角),但是性别中立人士会被歧视。现存的情况使性别中立演员没有一个可以申请的类别,而被奖励机构很急切地想在未来纠正这一点,使越多的人认可越好。


Most arts and entertainment events, including the Oscars, the Baftas, the Grammys and the Brits, all still have separate award categories for males and females.

In 2019, the Brit Awards said they will review the way they distribute prizes, with one option being the abolition of separate male and female categories.



In September, speaking at the Venice Film Festival, Tilda Swinton said she was "really happy" to hear of Berlin's decision, as the idea of gendered prizes was outdated; adding that it was "pretty much inevitable that everybody will follow".

"In every sense, you know, piding people up and and prescribing a path for them, whether we're talking about gender, or whether we're talking about race or about class," she said. "It's just such a waste of life."



Cate Blanchett, at the same event, noted how she had "always referred to myself as an actor", as opposed to an actress.

"I am of the generation where the word actress was used almost always in a pejorative sense," she said. "So I claim the other space."

Back in 2017, Emma Watson won the MTV Movie and TV award for best big-screen actor - the first gender-neutral prize the ceremony had given out.





In her acceptance speech, the actress said winning the prize for her role in Beauty and the Beast was "very meaningful".

"To me, it indicates that acting is about the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes, and that doesn't need to be separated into two different categories."



Elsewhere in Berlin on Friday, the festival's top prize - aka the Golden Bear for best film - went to Radu Jude for the sexually explicit Romanian comedy Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn.

Israeli director Nadav Lapid announced the winner, saying the film - which satirises pandemic-era social hypocrisy with the story of a teacher whose sex tape winds up on the internet - succeeded in "provoking the spirit of our time... by slapping it, by challenging it to a duel".


satirise vt. 讥刺; 讽刺


adj. (疾病)在全国(或世界)流行的

n. (全国或全球性)流行病,瘟疫

hypocrisy n. 虚伪;伪善



The winning director told reporters that while he was pleased, he was "more happy that nobody got sick" during filming.

"We proved that we could do it respecting the people and putting their health above art," he said.

Eggert said she was "overwhelmed" to have collected the festival's Silver Bear prize for best leading performance.



adj. 被压倒的,被淹没的;受宠若惊的,不知所措的

v. (情感)难以禁受;压倒,使受打击;使应接不暇;淹没,漫过(overwhelm 的过去式和过去分词)






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