2089天 这是中国!胡杨林、沙海,额济纳旗,第10次走中国,第5天

第2089天 英语超级写作奶爸,5.7年双语日记记录女儿生活



中英合计:125.6万字 英文51.5万字,中文74.1万字


第2089天(5.7年) 2023年9月2日(六)

Day 2089 Sep 2, 2023 (Sat)


This is China! (10th Drive China, Episode 235)

Travel with Yunduo'er

Day 5, Sep 2, 2023




Ejina Qi, Alashanmeng, Inner Mongolia:


Populus euphratica trees, as they say, "live for 1000 years, remain standing after death in 1000 years, and do not decay after falling down in 1000 years." They have been guarding the desert for millennia. With their willpower to soldier on in the harsh environments even after they die, it comes as no surprise that people throng to this small town of Ejina Qi to get inspired by the arboreal heroes, by the wonder of life on the desert.


There were few visitors since now is not the best time for a visit . Of course, we didn't see any Laoniamen (literal: old women) who sort of abused the dead trunks of the trees – something I saw when I came here for a visit alone 5 years ago. At the time, despite wooden plaques here and there reminding visitors to protect the trees and not to step onto them, all types of Laoniamen were still keen to pounce on the tree trunks and then sit astride them or lie down on them, or both, which means they were on top, adopting and maintaining various inviting postures. They will be back this year, I believe, to trample upon the poor trees' graveyards from mid-September to the end of October when the Populus euphratica leaves will have turned yellow.

游客很少,因为时候不对。当然,也没看到折磨胡杨枯死树干的那种老娘们儿(lǎo niá men ē)们。这是我5年前独自来这里时看到的情景。当时,到处都有木牌子上写“珍惜胡杨,请勿攀爬”。但是,各种老娘们儿(lǎo niá men ē)们猛往人家老胡们身上上,然后骑着或坐着,也就是说各种老娘们儿(lǎo niá men ē)们的体位是处于上面,最重要的是随即弄出各种诱人的姿势。我相信今年她们还会在9月中到10月底胡杨挂满黄叶时回来继续让死后的可怜的胡杨不得安生。

The Kingdom of Sandy Sea sated Yunduo'er's wildest sand fantasy. She trudged up a sandy slope so that she would slide down aboard a tray, but unfortunately the tray refused to budge though the slope was steep enough. The girl was randomly captured on video when she was plodding up a sandy ridge with a stick she'd picked somewhere, and the video raised belly laughs when replayed later. Yunduo'er, did you have more stamina than Tang Monk and Monkey King to make your journey to the west for true Buddhist classics?



- willpower毅力

- soldier on 恶劣环境种坚持

- throng 蜂拥而至

- arboreal 树的

- pounce 猛扑

- inviting 吸引人的

- trample 践踏

- sate 满足

- fantasy 幻想

- trudge 艰难跋涉

- budge 移动

- plod 艰难行进

- ridge 山脊

- raise belly laughs 让人笑得前仰后合

- stamina 毅力



标签:额济纳旗   阿拉善盟   死不了   内蒙古   英文   云朵   老娘   中国   毅力   恶劣   艰难   胡杨

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