「双语财讯」中国机器人产业发展水平稳步提升 助力世界经济复苏

2023世界机器人大会8月16日在北京开幕,今年的主题为“开放创新 聚享未来”,旨在展示全球机器人前沿技术和最新成果,搭建技术产业交流合作与开放共享的平台。近年来,在制造强国和数字中国建设引领下,我国机器人产业实现蓬勃发展。据了解,2022年中国机器人产业营业收入超过1700亿元,继续保持两位数增长。机器人市场应用加速拓展,2022年工业机器人装机量占全球比重超过50%,稳居全球第一大市场。


Humanoid robots with the appearance of Chinese Tang Dynasty (618-907) poets Li Bai and Du Fu have been a hit at the ongoing 2023 World Robot Conference. 在正在举行的2023年世界机器人大会上,唐朝诗人李白和杜甫的仿生人形机器人备受瞩目。

"Their body shapes and expressions look natural. They simulate the voices and actions of real people and interact with the audience. They have already been utilized in many fields including culture, tourism and education," said Zheng Yaxin, an official with EX Robots.伊艾克斯机器人公司郑亚新(音译)称:“它们的形体和表情自然,可以模仿真人声音和动作,与观众互动,已经应用于文化、旅游和教育等许多领域。”

The seven-day event began on Wednesday in Beijing, featuring the participation of around 160 robot enterprises from around the world. These companies showcased nearly 600 sets of robots, with 60 of them making their world debut at the event.为期七天的世界机器人大会16日在北京开幕,本届博览会吸引了160家国内外机器人企业携近600件展品参展,其中60款新品将在博览会现场全球首发。

Xin Guobin, vice-minister of industry and information technology, said, "The robot industry represents advanced manufacturing and is leading human society to an intelligent era, boosting world economic development and improving the well-being of mankind."工业和信息化部副部长辛国斌表示,机器人产业是现代化产业体系的代表,正驱动人类社会加速进入智能时代,推动世界经济发展,增进人类福祉。

According to the International Federation of Robotics, the global installed capacity of industrial robots in 2022 registered a historical high of 531,000 units. The economies in North America, Asia and Europe have integrated robots into social life, demonstrating their remarkable vitality.国际机器人联合会数据显示,2022年全球工业机器人新增装机量为53.1万台,创下历史新高。北美、亚洲和欧洲的经济体将机器人融入了社会生活,展现其非凡的活力。

In the exhibition areas of Realman Intelligent Technology (Beijing) Co Ltd at the WRC, many visitors experienced a robot massage, which relaxes the muscles on the back and shoulders.在睿尔曼智能科技(北京)有限公司展区,许多参观者体验了机器人肩背按摩服务。

"The robot's visual sensor can identify people's physical characteristics. It then uses this information to generate the massage trajectory. With proper control of pressure and temperature, the robot arm conducts the massage operation," said Chao Jiaqi, a marketing director of Realman Intelligent Technology (Beijing).该公司营销总监赵佳琦(音译)称:“机器人的视觉传感器可以识别人体特征,利用这些信息生成按摩轨迹。通过适当控制压力和温度,机器人手臂可以进行按摩操作。”

Chao added, "Realman has suppliers and distributors in many countries including Germany, Japan and the United States. We also have close cooperative relations with Sony and Siemens."赵佳琦补充道:“睿尔曼在德国、日本和美国等多国都有供应商和分销商。我们还与索尼和西门子有着密切的合作关系。”

Chee Fai Tan, president of ASEAN Smart Industry Confederation, said that the robot can carry out high-precision work while simultaneously improving productivity. It has been widely applied in manufacturing and agriculture to aid the lives of many people.东盟智能产业联盟主席陈志辉表示,这款机器人可以在提高生产力的同时进行高精度工作,已被广泛应用于制造业和农业,协助人类生产生活。

The multi-arm fruit-picking robot was also eye-catching at the WRC, which enabled the audience to have a direct understanding of modern and intelligent agricultural development.本届大会上同样受到关注的还有多臂水果采摘机器人,这款机器人令参观者直观感受到现代智能农业的发展。

"The robot arm and the fruit-picking devices are capable of automatically picking and storing 400 to 500 pieces of fruit per hour. To enhance efficiency, it works around the clock and has the ability to minimize fruit damage significantly," said Li Tao, a staffer with the research project of multi-arm fruit-picking robot.多臂水果采摘机器人研究项目的工作人员李涛(音译)说:“机器人手臂和水果采摘设备能够每小时自动采摘和储存400至500个水果。可以昼夜不停地工作以提高效率,并能够显著减少水果损耗。”

The robot has been applied in Beijing and East China's Shandong province, which plans to further expand to overseas markets like the United States and Australia, Li noted.李涛称,该机器人已在北京和山东地区应用,并计划进一步扩展美国和澳大利亚等海外市场。

Swiss technology and engineering firm ABB Group showcased its collaborative robot arm at the conference. Du Haiquan, a sales consultant with ABB, said, "China has a huge market potential. The ABB factory in Shanghai is set to provide quality products with advanced techniques for the Chinese market and the Asian-Pacific region."瑞士ABB集团在本届展会上展示了其协作机器人手臂。ABB的销售顾问杜海泉(音译)说:“中国在机器人领域拥有巨大的市场潜力。ABB上海工厂将为中国以及亚太地区提供技术先进的优质产品。”

Jose Vieira, president of World Federation of Engineering Organizations, also emphasized the importance of coordinated development of countries around the world, "We are delighted to see the robot industry contribute to a sustainable future."世界工程组织联合会主席何塞·维埃拉强调了在相关领域开展全球性合作的重要性,“我们希望机器人产业能够为全球可持续发展贡献力量”。

"The robot industry will continue to make breakthroughs in more scenarios and bring benefits for our people," said Chen Ying, secretary-general of Chinese Institute of Electronics.中国电子学会秘书长陈英表示:“中国机器人产业应用场景将持续扩展,为人类带来更多福祉。”

In 2022, the operating income of China's robot industry exceeded 170 billion yuan ($23 billion). Xin noted, "Robots should play a vital role in resolving the common challenges in this world, such as the climate change, healthcare and food security, to make more people worldwide live a better life in the future."2022年中国机器人全行业营业收入超过1700亿元。辛国斌指出,要将机器人的应用推广与气候变化、卫生健康、粮食安全等人类共同挑战联系起来,造福全人类。





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