

Containers carrying goods for export are seen in Qingdao Port, East China's Shandong province. [Photo/VCG]

China has set a GDP target of around 5 percent for 2023, according to a government work report deliberated and discussed by national legislators and political advisors who have gathered in Beijing for their annual meetings, also known as the "two sessions."2023年政府工作报告将今年GDP增速目标设定在5%左右。

The rapid recovery of China's economy has been under the spotlight since the end of last year. International institutions and investment banks not only raised their projections for China's growth in 2023, but they have also highlighted the country's role as the main engine for global economic growth.自去年年底以来,中国经济的快速恢复一直备受关注。国际机构和投资银行不仅上调了对2023年中国经济增长的预期,还强调了中国作为全球经济增长主要引擎的作用。

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has raised its projection for China's economic growth in 2023 to 5.2 percent. Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and other investment banks have also revised their forecasts upwards.国际货币基金组织(IMF)将其对2023年中国经济增长的预期上调至5.2%。摩根士丹利、高盛和其他投资银行也上调了预期。

China will continue to be one of the major countries to see the strongest growth this year, and its contribution to global economic growth will stand at 30 percent, said Steven Barnett, IMF senior resident representative in China.国际货币基金组织驻驻华首席代表史蒂文·巴奈特表示,中国仍将是今年增长最强劲的主要国家之一,对全球经济增长的贡献将达到30%。

The purchasing managers' index for China's manufacturing sector came in at 52.6 in February. This figure, which serves as a forward-looking indicator of sentiment, is now at its highest level since April2月,中国制造业采购经理指数(PMI)为52.6,处于2012年4月以来的最高水平。PMI是一个前瞻性指标。

According to Julian Evans-Pritchard, head of China economics at Capital Economics, China's latest "exceptionally strong" data confirmed a "very rapid rebound" in economic activity. Given the quick turnaround, the expert believes his firm's 5.5 percent growth forecast for China this year may be too conservative.凯投宏观(Capital economics)中国经济主管朱利安·埃文斯·普里查德表示,近期中国“格外强劲”的数据说明经济活动正在“快速回暖”。鉴于此,普里查德认为,凯投宏观对中国今年5.5%的增长预测可能过于保守。

The country's consumer price index (CPI) remained tame coming into 2023, with the February reading standing at 1 percent. China has targeted an inflation rate of around 3 percent this year, according to the government work report.2023年,中国消费者价格指数(CPI)温和上涨,2月份上涨1%。根据政府工作报告,今年CPI涨幅预期在3%左右。

The CPI grew by 2 percent last year, which is in sharp contrast to the high level of inflation globally and confirms China's role as a stabilizer for the world economy in the face of downward pressures and uncertainties.2022年,中国CPI涨幅为2%,这与全球高水平的通货膨胀形成鲜明对比,彰显中国在面临下行压力和不确定性时作为世界经济稳定器的作用。

Tourism revenues in China surged 30 percent year on year and cinemas nationwide reported the second-highest box office figure on record during the week-long Spring Festival holiday in January, indicating improving consumer sentiment.2023年春节假期,中国旅游收入同比增长30%,春节档票房创影史第二,这表明消费者情绪好转。

Meanwhile, China is fully aware of external challenges stemming from lingering high inflation and weakening economic and trade growth globally that could have an impact on its own growth.与此同时,中国充分意识到持续的高通胀和全球经贸增长疲软所带来的外部挑战,及其可能对中国增长产生的影响。

To brave the challenges, China will consolidate the foundation for stable growth. A spate of pro-growth policies was announced in the government work report, including a priority to the recovery and expansion of consumption, 3.8 trillion yuan ($545 billion) of special-purpose local government bonds, and continued tax and fee cuts to relieve the burdens for businesses.为迎接挑战,中国将巩固稳增长的基础。政府工作报告中宣布了一系列促进增长的政策,包括把恢复和扩大消费摆在优先位置、拟安排地方政府专项债券3.8万亿元,以及完善税费优惠政策,减轻企业负担。

International investors have shown much enthusiasm in expanding their presence in China to seize the opportunities the world's second-largest economy has to offer, demonstrating their confidence in the country's growth.国际投资者紧抓中国机遇,对扩大在华业务表现出极大热情,这体现出对中国经济增长的信心。

Market data shows that net overseas capital inflow into shares traded at the Shenzhen and Shanghai bourses hit a single-month record of 141.29 billion yuan in January, more than the whole of 2022.市场数据显示,1月份,北向资金单月累计净买入额达1412.90亿元,创沪深股通开通以来的最高纪录,超过2022年全年。

The MSCI China Index, which tracks Chinese companies listed in the United States, Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland, rose nearly 12 percent in January alone and is projected to reach 80 by the end of this year.追踪在美国、中国内地和香港上市的中国公司股票的摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数仅1月份就上涨了近12个点,预计到今年年底将达到80。

Sweden's Electrolux Group will continue to expand its investment in China, as the country's fast-growing middle-class consumers are looking for high-quality products to improve the living standard, according to Ramon Sariego-Villar, managing director of Electrolux China.瑞典世界500强企业伊莱克斯公司中国董事总经理瑞蒙·萨列戈·维拉尔表示,伊莱克斯集团将持续扩大在华投资,因为中国快速增长的中产阶级消费者对生活品质要求不断提高,希望获得更多高品质产品。

The leading global appliance company has established manufacturing plants across the country and a research and development center in Shanghai over the years.多年来,这家全球领先的家电公司在全国各地建立了生产工厂,并在上海建立了研发中心。

According to a recent survey conducted by the American Chamber of Commerce in South China (AmCham South China), over 90 percent of the participating companies consider China to be one of their most important investment destinations, while 75 percent of the surveyed companies said they plan to reinvest in China in 2023.华南美国商会最近的一项调查显示,超九成受访企业将中国视为最重要的投资目的地之一。75%的受访企业计划2023年在华再投资。

The potential growth of the Chinese market, preferential policies and industrial cluster effect are the crucial factors to stimulate companies to increase their investment in China or shift investment from other markets to China," said AmCham South China President Harley Seyedin.华南美国商会会长哈利·赛亚丁说,“中国市场的增长潜力、政策利好和工业聚群效应等因素,刺激企业增加在华投资或将投资转移至中国。”




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