

来自北伊利诺伊大学的Richard Hornback认为:

I think President Biden should use this as an opportunity to recognize One China as standing US President.


President Biden could save face by saying Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan pushed him into this position.


This would make him appear weak politically, but history would vindicate him. Biden will not get a second term, so what doesn't matter if he is seen weak politically.

这会让他在政治上显得软弱无力,但历史会为他辩护。 拜登将不会获得第二个任期,所以如果他在政治上被视为软弱,那也没关系。

I suspect that China in-turn would overlook many of the United States’ past mistakes and even consider supporting some of the United States positions moving forward (or at least be neutral).


I suspect that this could be used as turning point to improve relationship with China.


Moving forward the US needs China more than China needs the US. Why be the wrong side of inevitability?

展望未来,美国需要中国,而不是中国需要美国。 为什么让错误的一面成为必然?

来自澳大利亚的Doug TangRen认为:

She has been in the ivory tower for too long. It is typical for her generation to look down China and Chinese.


US has not got in trouble at all over the years by pushing and crossing China’s red lines. China unlike the Russians, typically don’t act aggressively, because:


《Confucian Analects》:You Zi said: "In practicing the rules of propriety, it is harmony that is prized."


However, this time it is different. China is at the point that it is feeling enough is enough. The government is also under a great deal of pressure coming from the public. At this point and time, any action taken by the PLA will be well justified in the eyes of the public. It will also unite the Chinese people over this issue.


The world might not realise that China is in the verge of acting very aggressively towards the West as a whole. Starting from the Trump era, a lot of the people realise the West has been doing things very unfairly toward China. Eg. Claiming Xinjiang, starting the sanctions for Huawei and ZTE, the name calling for Covid-19 etc. The world do not understand China and has been doing well without the understanding, just like China in the Qing dynasty who did not understand the West.


来自东南亚的Wsbx Cf 认为:

South East Asia is against the U.S. provocative actions regarding Taiwan. We see it as provocation to start a war which they will find no friends in the region even when it comes to sanctions. If you start a war in Asia, you better pull all citizens out back to US because they won’t be safe here.

东南亚反对美国在台湾问题上的挑衅行为。 我们认为这是挑起战争,即使涉及制裁,他们在该地区也找不到朋友。 如果你在亚洲发动战争,你最好把所有美国公民都拉回美国,因为他们在这里不安全。

为什么老外喜欢中国?Why do so many people like China?
中国的重庆能否与孟买竞争?Can Chongqing compete with Mumbai?



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