拜登的目标是到 2030 年使一半的新车电动化

美国总统乔拜登签署了一项行政命令,要求到 2030 年,在美国销售的一半新车实现零排放。

“美国必须在清洁高效的汽车和卡车方面领先世界。这意味着通过设定一个目标来支持我们的国内市场,即 2030 年销售的所有新乘用车包括纯电动汽车、插电式混合动力汽车或燃料电池汽车在内的所有新乘用车和轻型卡车的50%为零排放汽车,以此提振我们的国内市场。”周四签署的行政命令说。


福特、通用汽车和 Stellantis 等汽车公司的高管以及立法者和美国汽车工人联合会成员周四下午在白宫与拜登会面。



据《今日美国》报道,拜登已将电动汽车作为参议院本周正在审议的 1.2 万亿美元两党基础设施​法案的主要优先事项。

该提案包括 75 亿美元用于电动汽车充电站和另外 75 亿美元用于电动公交车。

报告补充说,它将在电池供应链和电池组制造以及帮助工厂扩大生产电动汽车的能力方面拨款 60 亿美元。


根据 IHS Markit 的数据,尽管 2020 年新车总销量下降了 23% 至约 1460 万辆,但全电动汽车的销量下降了 11% 至 295,000 辆。

拜登的目标是到 2030 年使一半的新车电动化


US President Joe Biden has signed an executive order calling for half of new vehicles sold in the country to be zero-emission by 2030.

"America must lead the world on clean and efficient cars and trucks. That means bolstering our domestic market by setting a goal that 50 per cent of all new passenger cars and light trucks sold in 2030 be zero-emission vehicles, including battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric, or fuel cell electric vehicles," said the executive order signed on Thursday.

The executive order also sets a schedule for developing long-term fuel efficiency and emissions standards rolled back during the administration of former President Donald Trump, Xinhua news agency reported.

Executives from auto companies, including Ford, General Motors and Stellantis as well as lawmakers and United Auto Workers members joined Biden at the White House on Thursday afternoon.

"The question is whether we'll lead or fall behind in the race for the future," the President had said before signing the order.

"Right now, China's leading the race as one of the largest and fastest growing electric vehicle markets in the world."

Biden has made electric vehicles a major priority in his $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill that the Senate is taking up this week, said the USA Today.

The proposal includes $7.5 billion in electrical vehicle charging stations and another $7.5 billion for electric buses.

It would allocate $6 billion in battery supply chain and battery-pack manufacturing and in helping factories expand capacity to produce electric vehicles, the report added.

The US is the world's third-largest market for electric vehicles.

While total new car sales were down by 23 per cent in 2020 to about 14.6 million units, sales of all-electric vehicles fell by 11 per cent to 295,000 units, according to IHS Markit.



标签:唐纳德   新车   充电站   福特   立法者   电池组   美国   国内市场   卡车   总统   电动汽车   命令   目标   美元   行政   汽车   财经

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