玩转区域 持续探索 | PICLC教师专业发展纪实

玩转区域 持续探索 | PICLC教师专业发展纪实



“Learning while Teaching”is the belief for Teachers Training and Development in PICLC. Teachers are indulging in improving themselves while the kids are investigating the world. The unique development of each child can be promoted efficiently if teachers keep updating and renewing their teaching skills and theory. That’s why, in this semester, we have scheduled consistent and regular training every two weeks.

玩转区域 持续探索 | PICLC教师专业发展纪实

而近期在区域活动的研讨中,在教学助理MS Eva的组织下,一系列的教研活动使教师们更全面且深度地看待区域活动在幼儿园一日活动中的作用和角色,以及对区域的基本设置包括材料的基本设计有了新的认知。

Recently, there has been a series of training conducted by teaching assistant MS Eva, which encouraged the teachers to value the function of learning centers in a deeper way. Meanwhile, they have new insight into the setup of centers and materials design.


Learning centers are areas within the classroom where students learn about specific subjects by playing and engaging in activities. Play is an active form of learning that involves the whole self.

玩转区域 持续探索 | PICLC教师专业发展纪实



The primary focus in today's kindergarten, is achieved through child-initiated exploration and discovery. Since mature, well-rounded growth must include the whole self, children should be encouraged to play and explore their environment for personal developmental and social reasons as well as academic ones. When used for all of these purposes, learning centers are an important part of a balanced kindergarten.

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温故而知新 Gaining New Insights through Review



Layout and setup of learning centers are a piece of cake for all the teachers. Designing a center map and figuring out the problem of each design made the teachers reflect the setup of their own design and gain some new thoughts as well. They even learned the procedure of center time by watching different demo videos.

玩转区域 持续探索 | PICLC教师专业发展纪实

以材料为本 Materials-centered



The spirit of learning centers is materials. We investigated the characteristic and principle of center materials as well as the steps of designing the materials. Analyzing, remaking real materials and writing analysis reports after every training, teachers improved their design skills in a multimodal way.

玩转区域 持续探索 | PICLC教师专业发展纪实

玩转区域 持续探索 | PICLC教师专业发展纪实

玩转区域 持续探索 | PICLC教师专业发展纪实

玩转区域 持续探索 | PICLC教师专业发展纪实

创意无限 匠心DIY Designing Competition

纸上谈兵终觉浅,教研活动的学习只有真正回归到我们的教学活动中,应用到孩子们的一日活动与课堂中才是高效的。因此,我们中文教师团队展开了一场“创意无限 匠心DIY”自制区域材料的比赛。教师们各自发挥创意,利用各种材料设计区域材料并完成材料的分析说明。

Theories should always be integrated into reality. What we have learned during training must be applied into our class and daily activities. Hence, Chinese teachers organized the materials designing competition to see how well they have improved after training, and taken further steps towards mastering their skills as teachers.

玩转区域 持续探索 | PICLC教师专业发展纪实

玩转区域 持续探索 | PICLC教师专业发展纪实


They spent their spare time creating their own toys and writing a report. After their demonstration, the administrative staff evaluated all the work. During the competition we have seen so many new ideas and designs which can be absorbed by all the teachers.

玩转区域 持续探索 | PICLC教师专业发展纪实

玩转区域 持续探索 | PICLC教师专业发展纪实


Teachers Training and Development is a lifelong road. The Chinese teachers are fulfilling themselves during their break time even though they are busy with daily teaching. Teacher training is to teaching activities as sun to flowers. We do believe that teachers in PICLC keep learning to meet different needs of our kids.

玩转区域 持续探索 | PICLC教师专业发展纪实

玩转区域 持续探索 | PICLC教师专业发展纪实



标签:多维   区域   教师   匠心   创意   中文   适宜   纪实   班级   特性   幼儿   集体   技能   团队   老师   材料   专业

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