西班牙2010年版1分硬币Spain 2010 Edition 1 cent





西班牙货币比塞塔,是2002年欧元流通前使用的法定货币;由西班牙中央银行发行一一西班牙银行发行。此一分硬币,正面主图为面额和欧元区欧盟成员国的硬币通用图案--朝向欧盟区域的立体地球仪图样;背面主图为十二颗五角星、年号和圣地亚哥-德孔波斯特拉大教堂。圣地亚哥-德孔波斯特拉,相传耶稣十二门徒之一的雅各伯安葬于此。是天主教著名朝圣胜地之一。圣雅各伯之路的终点。西班牙自从罗马人统治时期开始就确立了天主教国家的地位,天主教完全控制了整个西班牙,"宗教裁判所"横行整个欧洲。 Spain is the kingdom of Spain. It is located at the border of Europe and Africa and one of the high mountain countries in Europe. The total area is 505925 square kilometers. 46.5078 million people (2014); Madrid, the capital, ranks first in European capitals in sunny days every year; numerous places of interest are all over the city; in 1992, it was rated as "European cultural city". Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.

In the 9th century BC, Celts moved in from central Europe. Since the 8th century B.C., Iberian Peninsula has been invaded by foreigners, and has been ruled by Romans, Visigoths and Moors for a long time. In 218 BC, the Romans invaded Spain. In 409 A.D., the Visigoths invaded Spain and established Visigoth kingdom. In 711 A.D., Spain began a period of nearly 800 years of Islamic rule, known as "Andalus country", which was called "luyidashi" in ancient China. On January 2, 1492, Spain finally achieved reunification. After Columbus discovered the West Indies, Spain gradually became a maritime power with colonies in Europe, America, Africa and Asia. In 1516, it established the first United central monarchy, the Communist Confederation in Europe. In 1837, Isabel II formally merged it into a country after passing the constitutional monarchy act, decided to name it "Spain", and ended the Communist Confederation model after more than 300 years. The first Republic was established in 1873. On April 12, 1931, the Spanish Dynasty was overthrown and the second republic was established. In July 1947, Franco declared Spain a monarchy, and he was the head of state for life. The constitutional monarchy was proclaimed in 1978.

Spain regards Europe as the first of its three traditional pillars of foreign policy, and the fundamental of its foreign policy is to integrate into and play a greater role in the EU. China and Spain established diplomatic relations on March 9, 1973.

Spain is a developed capitalist country, a member of the European Union and NATO, and the fourth largest economy in the euro area. Its GDP ranks sixth in European countries and 13th in the world. One of the best countries in the world in terms of public health system. The whole people enjoy social medical insurance. Originated in 1761, "Spanish bullfight", which is popular all over the country and famous in the world, is the quintessence of Spain. In the new architecture, "European gate" is amazing both in architecture and aesthetics. On July 3, 2005, Spain became the third country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage.

Peseta, the Spanish currency, is the legal currency used before the circulation of euro in 2002; issued by the Central Bank of Spain - the Bank of Spain. On the obverse, the main picture shows the common pattern of denomination and coins of EU member countries in the euro area - the three-dimensional globe pattern facing the EU area; on the reverse, the main picture shows the twelve Pentagram stars, the year and the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Santiago de Compostela, it is said that Jacob, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, was buried here. It is one of the famous Catholic pilgrimage resorts. The end of St. Jacob's road. Since Roman rule, Spain has established the status of Catholic country. Catholicism completely controls Spain, and "Inquisition" runs across Europe.

西班牙2010年版1分硬币Spain 2010 Edition 1 cent

西班牙2010年版1分硬币Spain 2010 Edition 1 cent

西班牙2010年版1分硬币Spain 2010 Edition 1 cent



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