雅思- 考试官对学生口语考试的真实反应


Hello there and welcome. Now today in this video, I'm going to watch and react to four different candidates or students as they give their answers to IELTS speaking part two questions.


And I think this will help you understand not only how the examiner thinks but how IELTS speaking is evaluated. And also, I hope you can see how you need to improve as well in the future.


Let's get straight into it. Okay. So in today's video, as I watched these four candidates, I will tell you what is good about their answers and maybe not so good and where they need to improve.


Of course, I'll be commenting on their fluency, lexical resource, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation, all of the four skills. We've got candidates at level band five, six, seven and eight.


And so hopefully you can see what you need to do to get up to a band seven or eight. Now, one of my recommendations to all students as you're starting to prepare for IELTS is to do a mock test.


Because you really need to know where you are, to understand where your strengths are, your weaknesses are and where you should focus. Right? Now, there's a lot of ways of doing this.


I've looked at one in particular that I really like and it's done by an organization called takeIELTS. net. And they offer mock tests which are covered the four skills, right? Listening, reading, writing and speaking.

我有一个特别喜欢的方法,它叫做 takeIELTS.net。他们提供模拟考试,涵盖四种技能。听、读、写、说。

They are very similar in standard and quality to the original tests. They have IELTS examiner's who do the marking and evaluation and what's really good is you get feedback.


So you don't only know what your level is, they tell you what you did well, what you did badly and what to improve and some suggestions on how you can do it. It's really useful, right?


So I would suggest that for most students, I think, it's really good to know where you are. They do packages of just one or three or five.


Anyway, there's a link below, they've given us a ten percent discount, so they've given you a ten percent discount. I'm not doing it. If you just use the code Keith10, Keith one zero, you get 10% discount.

下面有一个链接,他们给了我们10%的折扣,他们给了你们10%的折扣,我不需要。如果你只使用代码 Keith 10,Keith 10,你可以得到10%的折扣。

Check it out if it's right for you, go for it. Now let's get into our four candidates and here's the first one.


So this was a band 5 candidate who was asked to talk about an interest or hobby you enjoy. Let's see how she does.


Can you start speaking now, please? My interest or hobby that I enjoy is shopping and picnics to spend time with my family or friends, especially, I want to do volunteers, for shopping, I think when I feel stress out.


The examiner is like "What are you talking about?" There's a bit of confusion, right?


She's talking about a hobby, she's talking about shopping, picnics and volunteer. So she's talking about lots of different hobbies, much better I would say to just choose one.


The first thing I notice here is her pronunciation. She is following a syllable-timed style rather than stress-timed.


So she's saying, you know, "I go to the shopping", stress on each syllable. English is not like that, English is a stress-timed language.

所以她说“I go to the shopping”,重读每个音节。英语不是这样的,英语是一种重音节拍的语言。

So, "We go, I go, I go to, I go to shopping." No, "I go shopping. I like to go shopping." The stress falls at the same timed interval, not at the syllable interval.

“We go, I go, I go to, I go to shopping.”不对,是“I go shopping. I like to go shopping.”重音落在同一时间间隔上,而不是音节间隔上。

It's a big problem for many Asian languages, particular, that are syllable-timed and it's very noticeable with this candidate also, her /s/ and /ʃ/ sounds, "sopping", are a bit confusing. But let's see how she goes on.


I can shopping, I can relax, to buy a new clothes for me in the special days and in picnic, I think picnic and travel, I think I can. . . Examiner's getting more comfortable, "I understand".


But then she goes and throws in travel, picnic and travel, she's jumping all over place. Right? So she's showing us grammar wise. I can shopping. I can do this. I can do that. It's a bit repetitive and simple present tense.

但是她继续说了旅行,野餐和旅行,她从一个地方跳到另一个地方。她在向我们展示她的语法。我可以购物。我可以做 这个。我可以做那个。它有点重复,而且是一般现在时。

Let's see. Widen my knowledge as well. I can make more friend from many countries and especially if I travel with my friend or my family, I can spend time to understand them, and for me the more important. . .


So you can see there's a bit of repetition of the "I can do this" structure. So her grammar seems to be quite at that band five level, very very simple structures.


And there is hesitation as she's looking for the right word. I would say noticeable hesitation, I think for a band six, you need. . . Well, a band six is willing to speak at length.

当她在寻找合适的词时,她在犹豫。我认为她有明显的犹豫,我认为,要考六分,你需要...... 嗯,六分的要求是能说很长的句子。

And she really can't. I mean, she's not bad she may push up in part three, but then she's lacking a little bit. I think her grammar is a weak point and pronunciation as well.


. . . is do volunteer because I love, actually, I love the people. so I want to spend time to help them, to overcome or try to get over the problem. So, I offen in, before when I live in Vietnam, I often go to the church and or some association and I can, I often ask my friend to to contribute and give a hand to help the poor people or the old people because I think old people are so. . .


So vocabulary is not too bad, right? She says to "overcome the problem", "get over the problem", "get over", "association", "give a hand".


She is able to talk about this topic without too much difficulty. But again a grammar is noticeable.


She's not using the past tense. "When I live in Vietnam", "he ask/I asked him", so she's staying in the present simple tense. Let's carry on.

她没有用过去时。“When I live in Vietnam”,“he ask/I asked him”,所以她用的是一般现在时。让我们继续。

. . . and my grandparents, so I want to take a look care for them, yes, and in the future, I also want to. . . So you noticed the examiner goes quiet and he's waiting for her to carry on because she's only been speaking one minute 30.


And so she does this nice trick, righ? "And in the future, I will. . ." and show off the future tense. Nice. Great. I'll build a big house and I will, maybe I will take a good care for all family or the childrens and I think they will have a better life. . .

她用了一个非常好的技巧,对吧?“And in the future, I will...”展示将来时态。非常好。我会建一个大房子,也许我会照顾好全家人或孩子们,我认为他们会过上更好的生活。

So she is using the future "will" but it's limited. And again "childrens" instead of "children".


It's making me feel she's a band five definitely for grammar probably for vocabulary. And she's at the end but here she's only been speaking well a bit under two minutes, so now the examiner will ask a follow-up question.


I have that. Thank you. Do you think you always be interested in this?


Yeah, I think that we're engage with to volunteer especially, I, I feel stress out is disappear and I enjoy with it. Thank you. May I have the booklet?


And that's the end. The "stress out disappear", the "stress disappears". It's unfortunate, but that present simple the dropping of the s is so common, it's the most common mistake I see and here as well and it brings down her grammar score.

这就是最后,“stress out disappear”,应该是“stress disappears”。很不幸,但是一般现在时省略 s 是很常见的,这是我看到的最常见的错误,在这里也是如此,这会降低她的语法分。

So undoubtedly, her grammar is of five pronunciation. She is struggling with quite a few things that I've mentioned.


Vocabulary, she may be moving up to a six but I think fluency, she's not there yet. So overall she's a five, but she's very jolly, right?


The examiner was very confused at first, but then got clarity. Great, let's move on.


Okay, the next candidate got a band six and he is from Taiwan, let's see how he does. Now, I go to give you one to two minutes to speak and you can don't have to worry about the time, you just keep on speaking and I will let you know the time is up. Okay?


And his question, by the way, is to describe someone you know who has started a business. All right. The person would like to talk about is my younger brother.


He works at the Kaohsiung Harbor in a small company to do the import, outport, like kind of stuff. Okay, interesting "imports and outports", no, exports!

他在高雄港一家小公司工作,做进出之类的事情。好,有意思,“imports and outports”,不对,是“exports”。

Bit of a small confusion but one of the first things I noticed, his pronunciation is very clear. It's very good. He has a nice intonation. He's got a good sense of stress and rhythm.


He's using weak forms "to/tə/ do" instead of "to/tu/ do". So I think his pronunciation is very clear, is very good, which is a strength for him.

他用了弱读,“to/tə/ do”,而不是“to/tu/ do”。我认为他的发音非常清晰,非常好,这是他的强项。

"And stuff like that", he's using some nice natural language, "and stuff like that". Let's carry on.

“And stuff like that”,他用了一些很自然的口语,“and stuff like that”。让我们继续。

But after, but beside of his current job, he has a side job. He sells, he sells things in the traditional market in the weekend.


The reason why he would like to, he like to. . . He has a side job so this is the business he set up, "a side job", nice vocabulary, right?

他这样做的原因是......他有一份副业,所以这就是他的创业,“a side job”,不错的词汇。

The other thing that strikes me very quickly is his fluency. He is struggling, right? Now, a band 6 should be, right, "Willing to speak at length although you may lose coherence at times because of hesitation."


There is quite a lot of hesitation, I think this is his weakness, he seems to be a bit nervous, but let's see if he can warm up and get better. . . . have a side job is because he wants to gather more funds to make some investments such as stocks and maybe in the future maybe maybe some bonds. . .


So, he's very nervous, right? Vocabulary wise, he's not bad, right?


"He's got the side job", "he wants to gather some funds make investments", "stocks", and "bonds". So, you know, he can speak in depth about finance and this topic of business so far, some nice language and collocation.


Sometimes, he will, he will chat with me about interesting things that happen to him during the side jobs doing that being a vendor in traditional market. . . He is able to build some good sentences, right?


"Sometimes he will chat", so the use of "will" for a present habit, the use of the gerund later and he's building clauses to make longer grammatical sentence. So, his grammar could well be a six, right?

“有时他会谈论”,用 will 表示现在的习惯,后面也有动名词,他在造从句来造更长的语法句子。他的语法应该有六分。

He's using a mix of simple and complex structures although there may be frequent mistakes, there are one or two, right? Sometimes, I would think that maybe I could do similar, similar things that he's doing it right now to make making myself more, making my current life more more comfortable that with more current, with more available, available amount of money.


I really think he's nerves. I do. But it's the reality, his fluency is falling down, isn't it?


He's not warming up. He's struggling to speak at length and there's a loss of coherence quite regularly.


He could almost be a five on fluency. But I like his, I do like his grammar so far.


He is using gerunds quite effectively. He has shown some different tenses and very nice pronunciation.


So, I can see why he's getting the six on pron. , grammar, probably vocabulary, but we'd have to explore that in future topics. Let's see how he finishes up.


In my hands. Okay. Thank you.


So, he's not finished two minutes, the examiners gonna give him a kind of a final chance. Let's give him one extra question and see how we react.


Now, you mentioned that sometimes you think that it's an opportunity that you might like to do something, some the same kind of work that he does. Could you give me a few more details about why you think that might be a good idea?


You said to make your life more comfortable, can you give me a few more details about that? His examiner talked so much, with all respect.


He's talking too much and probably confusing the candidate more than necessary. Because. . . for example, the house rent in Taipei city is getting higher, so if I have more money, I can have more. . . options. - Okay, so. . .

他说得太多,可能会让考生感到不必要的困惑。例如,台北的房租越来越贵了,如果我有更多的钱,我就能有更好的选择。- 好的,那么......

Okay, so he's he's really struggling a bit for some words, but he gets the words out, right? He knows the word, so the weakness is fluency rather than vocabulary.


And that's. And the examiner I think wants to make him feel better, so he now summarizes what he said. This way you could earn some more money and then maybe move to a different apartment or a department with more services. Okay, thank you!


In the exam, we don't do that. We don't try and make you feel better. We're ruthless. Yes. Don't care how you feel.


It's your score. I suspect here he's a student in the school, so they want to make him feel better, right?


Interesting. So I think that's probably a 5, 6, 6 or 7 with pronunciation. Pronunciation may not be a 7 because he hasn't got enough fluency to show pronunciation over longer sentences, so, but I can see in getting a six so far.

有意思。所以我认为这个应该是 5,6 分,或 6,7 分吧,加上发音。发音可能不会是 7 分,因为他没有足够的流利来在长句子中展示发音,所以,但是我认为 6 分还是可以的。

Great. Let's move on. Right. Let's move on now to the band 7 candidate.

好了,我们继续。好了。现在让我们看看 7 分的考生。

And see how she does. She was given the question to describe a special gift that you gave somebody.


Let's see how she does. . . . stop you. I'll tell you when the time is up. Can you stop speaking now please?


Okay. The special gifts actually I gave to my mother and it was a necklace in her, in her in the Mother Day. And actually, I've been to different shops to search for what what am I going to give my mother because, you know, giving, giving her anything is just, you feel it, it's very simple.


Well, first thing I notice is her pronunciation is great. She has a really good sense of word stress of rhythm, a really strong sense of the the stress timed nature of English, the dee dee dee dee dee dee dee. It's great.

首先我注意到的是她的发音很好。她对单词的重读和节奏感非常好,有一个很强的自然英语的重音节拍感,dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee。太棒了。

She's using weak forms, contractions, like "it was", she says "'twas" "'twas a necklace". It's kind of very quaint old-fashioned English, but really nice trick actually if you can say "it was" and say "'twas", or "tis", because it's unstressed.

她在用弱读,缩略,例如她把“it was”说成“'twas”,“'twas a necklace”。这是一种非常古雅的老式英语,但如果你能把“it was”说成“'twas”或“'tis”,这其实是一个很好的技巧,因为它是非重读的。

"'twas a necklace", really nice, makes it sound very natural. So, I notice the pronunciation is good.

“'twas a necklace”,非常好,听起来很自然。我注意到她的发音很好。

She's using some very complex grammar, right? "I've been to different shops", although there are small mistakes on vocabulary "Mother Day" I think, instead of "Mother's Day".

她用了一些非常复杂的语法,对吧?“I've been to different shops”,虽然词汇上有小错误,“Mother Day”这里,而不是“Mother's Day”。

First impressions are great pronunciation and seems to be able to keep going. But I was, I looked for different shops and I then decided to take a very lovely necklace and it wasn't that much expensive because I was just I had the the money for it so and.


So, "it wasn't that much expensive", "wasn't much", "it wasn't that expensive" it should be. So, there are some mistakes on her grammar.

还有“it wasn't that much expensive”,“wasn't much”,应该是“it wasn't that expensive”。所以她的语法上有些错误。

And a band 7, you want to be using a range of complex structures. But frequent error free sentences.


She's making a few mistakes on grammar and I would be watching that the rest, all the way through for the rest. A fluency is is quite good, right?


She's by and large able to keep going, some hesitations over longer phrases. Let's carry on.


I asked if the shop, the shop, the salesman to wrap it for me in a very colored papers and I just tried to put a red tie on it. She's almost there, so "wrap it" is nice, but "wrap it up" would be better.

我问商店,商店的销售员是否能帮我用漂亮的纸把它包起来,我在上面系上个红领带。她差点就说对了,“wrap it”用的好,但“wrap it up”更好。

And she tries to put "the tie", "the bow" it should be. So, she's almost got the right words.

她试着系上“领带” ,应该是“蝴蝶结”。所以她差点就说正确了。

So, she's got a bit of flexibility and a band 7, you can have some inappropriate choices. And then I try, I hide it in my. . . I didn't tell her about it till the, till party because we usually make a party for my mother in the Mother Day.


So, I didn't tell her about it till the. . . So, here, her fluency is quite good, right?


"I didn't tell her about it. . ." Again, there are some small lapses in grammar that I'm sure about.


But fluency is great and she's maintaining that nice clear pronunciation all the way through. At the party and when I give it to her, she was really happy very much and she was almost in tears because she really liked. . .


There you go, "almost in tears". There's a nice little flash light for the examiner. Nice bit of vocabulary there to show that she can be a bit more flexible.


Let's carry on. And she told me no matter how simple it is, since you think about giving me anything, so that's really great.


So, I was really happy for for really giving her this this present and she's wearing it every time when she goes outdoor. "She's wearing it whenever she goes out" would be better "she wears it when she whenever she goes out", "she tells her friends about it".

送给她这份礼物,我真的很高兴,而且她每次出门都戴着它。“She's wearing it whenever she goes out”会比“she wears it when she goes out”要好一点,“她跟她的朋友说这件事”。

Good fluency. And she always told her friends about it, "Look, what she brought one, my daughter brought to me on my Mother Day." So, I really was proud and happy that she was. . .


I think she's able to speak without effort, right? And over longer phrases.


So her fluency is a seven. I don't think she's showing off enough vocabulary really for a 7 but that may push up later.


And I'm worried about her grammar whether she can, she would need fewer errors in the remaining part of the test, but I think flying colors on a pronunciation. And now, we come to the end of the the two minutes.


And she realizes that she hasn't spoken enough. And so, every time I see it. . . (This is where you think "What am I gonna say now? I don't know what to say!") she's really proud of it and. . . - Do you enjoy giving gifts? - Yes.

她意识到自己说得还不够多。所以,我每次看到它......(这时候你在想“我现在要说什么?我不知道要说什么!)她真的以它为傲...... - 你喜欢送礼物吗?- 喜欢。

Saved by the bell, so the examiner comes in to ask a question to focus her and give her this last opportunity to speak. I really enjoy. I like even to take gifts but I like, yeah, I enjoy giving gifts to my friends or to my the partner, the members of my family because it's it shows that you are thinking of them and you really care for them. - Thank you.

铃响了,考官问了一个问题,给了她最后一次发言的机会。我很喜欢。我更喜欢收礼物,但我喜欢给我的朋友,我的伙伴,我的家人送礼物,因为这表明你心里有他们,你关心他们。- 谢谢。

Great and that was a nice answer, right? Really good stress, "these shows that you're thinking of them" and so she finishes up with a nice closing sentence there.

很好,回答得很好,对吧?重读很不错,“these shows that you're thinking of them”,而且她以一句很好的结束语做结尾。

There was a bit of hesitation, but I think it was more for ideas rather than language, so that's okay. And yes, I thought that was a nice finish a nice close.


So, she would probably here, up to now, be 7 on fluency, maybe a 7 on vocabulary. I'm not sure about grammar.


I'm worried about those mistakes, so six to seven and pronunciation probably a seven, potentially an eight. Great. Well done. So, we're moving now on to this next candidate. Um, she is a band 8 and her part two question, actually, "describe the type of clothing that you like to wear".


Let's see how she does. The type of clothing that I like to wear is mostly generally casual, but I wear different types of clothes on different occasions like everyone else.


So, regardless of the weather, in India we have a lot of festivals, so. . . Well, apart from the beautiful glasses, the other things I notice are her fluency.


She's able to keep going speaking quite fluently without any effort over long phrases as well. But I also know her, notice her pronunciation, right?


She's got this lovely sense of stress, this timed stress feeling for English, right? "The type of clothing that I like to wear is mostly casual," "the type of clothing that I like to wear", right, that dum de dum de dum.

她的重音感很好,是英语的重音节奏。“一般来说,我喜欢穿休闲装”,“我喜欢穿”,对吧,那个 dum de dum de dum 的节奏。

It's not "the, type, of, clothing, that, I, like, to, wear", it's not syllable based, it's timed stressed, lovely stress. And she's also chunking quite a lot, right?


Notice "regardless of the weather", "regardless of the weather". She doesn't say four words, she says one sound regardless of the weather.


And that means she's not translating. She's thinking in English.


It improves her fluency because she's thinking in chunks not words and everything's connected "regardless of the weather". And it's very natural, helps on all aspects fluency and pronunciation.


So, that's the first thing I notice very impressive. Usually, I do like to wear casual clothes, but. . . like just jeans and a T-shirt, but like on occasions and festival occasions, I wear, like, traditional Indian clothes


And I get them specifically made because they, like, you can't you, you can't really buy like traditional clothes in the mall. Right. So she's got quite a reasonable range of language they're coming up and she talks about the clothes getting them specifically made.


Again, that lovely stress "getting them specifically made", "getting something done" is a nice construction, "getting something specifically made" like "custom-made" or "tailor-made". So, some nice vocabulary talking about clothes, and clothing and she's able to do very naturally and she has these very natural fillers.

重音非常好,“getting them specifically made”,“getting something done”是一个很不错的结构,“getting something specifically made”就像“custom-made”或“tailor-made”。她谈论服饰所用的词汇不错,而且她说得很自然,还用了一些非常自然的填充词。

Sometimes at the beginning but at the end as well, just there, she said ". . . and all", right, "I like these clothes and all". "And all" is a bit like "and that", "and something like that".

有时在开始的时候,有时在结束的时候,她说,“...and all”,“I like these clothes and all”。“And all”有点像“and that”,“and something like that”。

It doesn't really mean anything, we just add it at the end of phrases sometimes like "I suppose", "and all". It does mean "and that", and she does it quite a bit through this test, but it does give a feeling of naturalness and fluidity that comes out here.

它并没有意义,我们只是有时把它用作结尾,例如“I suppose”,“and all”。意思和“and that”差不多,她在这个测试中多次使用,但确实给人一种自然和流畅的感觉。

But I, for personally, I, I do get them made, let them made for me and because then you can choose your own style your designs, a lot of stuff like that, so, yeah. Um, then, when you go to a temple I'II wear like pure simple clothes because that is the tradition, um.


So, I noticed a slight "then and there" instead of "when and where" she's doing the /ð/ sound. So, there's a very slight pronunciation thing there.

我注意到“then and there”而不是“when and where”,因为她发了/ð/音。所以,发音有点问题。

Some people claim that's an accent thing. I think it's a phoneme problem, I think it is something to change, not "then" because "then" is a different word, the "en" end.


So, there is confusion there, but it's a very small thing on pronunciation. Also, I noticed here, she's able to keep going over a long sentence.


And then she stops. She hesitates or stops for content to think think of the idea and then she carries on and then she stops thinks of the idea, carries on. So, that hesitation, stopping is absolutely fine, even at a band-eight level, right?


But it's stopping to think of ideas, not to think of the words and that's the difference. So that, that makes me feel like really peaceful and calm because most of the time you wear, like, simple clothing when you go to a temple, so makes me feel calm.


With vocabulary, there is a little bit of repetition, right? "Clothing", "simple", "calm" even some of the connectors, "but", "so yeah", there's a little bit of repetition.


I think she needs to show off quite a bit, a wider range for specific meaning precise meaning for the band 8 vocabulary. But let's see if she does.


When I wear those clothes and doing festivals when I really like those traditional Indian clothes it makes me happy because it's like a festival I've been celebrating since I was a kid so during Diwali and Holi and all. "Holi and all", "and all", now she's got that on the end as well.

当我穿上这些衣服庆祝节日的时候,我非常喜欢这些传统的印度服装,它让我非常高兴,因为这些是我从小一直庆祝的节日,像 Diwali 和 Holi 节。“Holi and all”,“and all”,她也在用这个做结尾。

If you listen carefully to the grammar, actually as well as a wide range of tenses she's using present perfect, "I've been celebrating", past tense, conditionals, very very well. She's building up sentences with clauses.

如果你仔细听语法,除了时态广泛,她用了现在完成时,“I've been celebrating”,过去时,条件句,非常好。她正在用从句造句。

And if you think of clauses, kind of subject object subject verb object as building blocks and you build up your sentences with two or three or four clauses, that is complex grammar, okay? So here she says when I wear special Indian clothes, it makes me happy because it's a festival, I have been celebrating since I was a kid clause, clause, clause, like four or five clauses together, that is wonderful complex grammar.


As well as the different tenses she's using, so and I don't notice many mistakes on grammar, so she's up there at the the eighth level for sure on grammar. Ah yes, in Holi, where, like, everyone here wear a white clothes because it's the color on you.

而且她使用的不同时态,我没有注意到她在语法上有很多错误,所以她的语法肯定是八分的水平。嗯,在 Holi,每个人都穿白色的衣服,这就是你身上的颜色。

Oh dear, no sooner have I spoken, "everybody wears a white clothes", "a white clothes", mm. No, clothes is not countable, right? "Where everybody wears white clothing or white clothes", Hmm, one mistake.

哦,我刚说完,“everybody wears a white clothes”,“a white clothes”,不,衣服是不可数的,对吗?应该是“Where everybody wears white clothing or white clothes”,嗯,一个错误。

So, you'll get, like, you go out with a white clothe and then when you come back it's like on colourful so different clothes with different occasions it was here I have been wearing a lot of warm clothes. Right here, "I have been wearing" present perfect continuous, great tense.

你出门的时候会穿着白色的衣服,回来的时候会穿着五颜六色的衣服,在不同的场合穿着不同的衣服。我一直穿了很多暖和的衣服。这里,“I have been wearing”,现在完成进行时,很好的时态。

So, despite the vocabulary which I'm a bit nervous about because there's quite a bit of repetition, "different clothes" "different folks", she said that a couple of times. But I think definitely her fluency is great.

尽管我有点担心她的词汇,因为她重复了一些词,“different clothes”,“different folks”,她说了几次。但我绝对认为她的流利程度很棒。

She's able to keep going quite fluently at band 8 level. Pronunciation is also up at the 8th, the wide range of features, word stress, sentence stress, stress timing, connected speech, weak forms, they're all there. Okay?


And that makes me really feel. . . and I buy clothes from different stores depending on what kind of clothes I want and. . . And now she's wondering "what more do I need to say?"


This is that a horrible moment right towards the end of part 2 or you really don't know what to say. It's often best to just shut up or say "and that's it".


And then let the examiner come in and ask you a question, right? Because that'll give you a new focus much better than going "oh" and "yes" and "clothes" and and start hesitating and bringing your fluency score down.


Don't do that, just shut up. So yeah, and when I go for an interview, I mostly dressing in formals so that makes me feel very confident and and that I'm prepared. - Good, okay. So, I think. . .

别这样,闭嘴。当我去面试的时候,我通常会穿正装,这让我感到非常自信,显示我已经准备好了。- 很好,那么,我认为......

Okay, so she comes up with the idea to talk about the interview she dresses, "I dress in formals". Nice, I mean that's a nice little expression.


And then Chris here closes up, very professional teacher and examiner in this sense. Great. So here, very interesting, I think clearly for me, her fluency was at a band 8 level, she speaks fluently with occasional repetition or self correction, right?


Even occasional repetition, self correction, any hesitation is content-related that's a band 8. Her vocabulary though, I'm not convinced it's at the eighth level on this part 2.


I think it's more like a seven. I don't think she's showing that precision and wide range quite for a band eight on vocabulary.


But remember, she may in part three move that up to get her band 8. As far as grammar goes, she's definitely there wide range of structures, not only tense but structure and pronunciation as well.


For sure, he's up there at the 8 level. So well done. The nice lady with the lovely red glasses.


Great, so that's it. So listen I hope this has helped you see the difference between AB and five six seven and eight and what you need to do to move up to the higher level. I think is really useful to understand how IELTS speaking is evaluated and to know where you are.

很好,就是这样。听着,我希望这能帮助你们理解 5、6、7、8 分之间的区别以及你们需要做些什么才能达到更高的层次。我认为这对于理解雅思口语是如何评估的以及了解自己的水平是非常有用的。

So, listen as I mentioned earlier, it might be a good idea for you to do a full mock test checkout take ielts. net. I think they're really good. They're professional give a good service.

听着,就像我之前提到的,对你来说做一个完整的模拟测试可能是个好主意,上 ielts.net。我认为他们真的很棒。他们很专业,服务周到。

And if it's the right thing for you go for it, find out your strengths and your weaknesses, so you know where you are. That's it from me today. It's been a pleasure as always to be here with you.


Stay safe, stay positive, keep studying, can't wait to see you soon. Okay, take care, bye bye!




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