

Well hey there I'm Emma from mmmEnglish. Today I want to share some uniquely Australian foods.

大家好,我是 Emma,欢迎来到美味英语频道。今天我想分享一些澳大利亚特有的食物。

Now if you're not a regular viewer of mmmEnglish, you may not know that I'm from Australia. Yeah, that's right, all the way down here.


Now food is the ultimate connector when you're meeting people from other places and different cultures. We compare dishes, we bring a plate of traditional sweets to share with our colleagues and help them to learn a little about our culture.


So I want to share some uniquely Australian dishes with you. I know some of them might seem a little weird, maybe even a little simple but they are really nostalgic dishes for me.


They remind me of home, they remind me of my childhood and that's what I love about them. So in this lesson I'm going to help you to compare dishes from your country, especially nostalgic ones from your childhood or unique foods from your country and it'll also help you to describe food and talk about when you eat that particular type of food.


And I definitely want to hear that from you all right, I want you to share a bit with me down in the comments about your favourite foods or unique foods in your country as well. Hit that subscribe button, give the video a like as we pe into the lesson.


Let's go. First up is Vegemite.


Australians are pretty obsessed with Vegemite. It's probably our national dish and we always get really defensive about it when anyone says that it tastes weird which I totally understand.


The rest of the world looks at Vegemite and goes what on earth is that all about? It's this weird black spread that you put on bread and say that it tastes delicious.


If you read what Vegemite is, you would definitely be turned off it, it's made from brewer's yeast extract, has a few spices and vegetable extract and things that go into it. Doesn't sound super appealing, it has this really strong, salty taste and the reason why most people despise it, I think, is because you put too much on, it's only supposed to be a thin layer of Vegemite.


It's not like Nutella, you don't paddle it onto your toast. We eat this for breakfast most of the time on toast and kids will eat it as sandwiches.


That's how we're all brought up to enjoy Vegemite. We'll have a Vegemite sandwich, Vegemite and cheese sandwich at school.


Fairy bread. It sounds magical, doesn't it?


Actually, it's just a slice of white bread, like, the cheapest sliced bread that you can find with a layer of butter or even margarine if you have it and then sprinkled with hundreds and thousands. As an Australian kid, this was an absolute staple at every birthday party, every birthday party that you went to, there was fairy bread, it was definitely my favourite and I wonder if you have your own memory of some delicious childish kind of dish that you always looked forward to when you were a child, you were going to someone's birthday party.


We used to get lolly bags and things like that. Fairy bread was my favourite but do you have something that you can compare in your own country?


I think actually even amongst other English-speaking countries, fairy bread is quite unique to Australia so I think it's quite new for everyone watching but I definitely recommend you should try. Sausage and bread.


The U. Shas hot dogs, in South Africa they're boerewors, and in Australia we just put our sausage in a slice of white bread so that's what it's called, sausage and bread. So we cook the sausage on the barbecue but if we're using Australian slang, we'd say:

U.Shas 热狗,在南非他们叫做南非香肠,而在澳大利亚,我们会把我们的香肠放在一片白面包里,所以这就是所谓的香肠面包。我们会在烤肉架上烤香肠,但如果我们使用澳大利亚俚语来说的话,我们会说:

We've thrown the snags on the barbie. It's as simple as it looks.


It's a piece of white bread you put your sausage in it. Maybe add some grilled onions if you're like me.


I do like that touch and add a bit of tomato sauce. Now this is so loved by our nation, so loved that the act of throwing a snag on the barbie actually has its own event.


It's called a sausage sizzle. So you'll see them at sports events, fundraising events, maybe at school fetes or outside a hardware store in Australia.


If you are looking for an opportunity to try one, head to Bunnings on a Saturday. On a Saturday morning at Bunnings, there will be someone there serving sausage and bread and you can try it out for yourself.

如果你想找机会尝试一下的话,可以直接在周六的时候去 Bunnings。周六早上在 Bunnings,那里会有人供应香肠面包,你可以亲自尝试一下。

It's also a great place to have a little conversation. They're usually fundraising and raising money for some organisation but almost every Bunnings, every Saturday, get down there and check it out.

这也是一个聊聊天的好地方。他们通常会为某个组织筹集资金,但几乎每个星期六,他们都会去 Bunnings 那里。

Next up is our chicken parmi, now Italians may recognise this dish. It's a popular Italian dish called parmigiana and often made with eggplant so eggplant layered with tomato sauce, cheese.

接下来是我们的 Parmi 鸡肉,意大利人可能会认出这道菜。这是一道非常受欢迎的意大利菜,叫做 parmigiana,通常用茄子制成,在茄子上放番茄酱和奶酪。

There is a chicken version as well and that is definitely the popular version that is in Australia. We love a chicken parmi and you can hear me saying chicken parmi because quite predictably, Australians have shortened parmigiana to parmi.

还有一个鸡肉版本,这是澳大利亚流行的版本。我们喜欢 Parmi 鸡肉,你可以听到我说的是 chicken parmi ,因为可以 想象,澳大利亚人将 parmigiana 缩写成了 parmi。

Unfortunately, there is an ongoing national debate in Australia about whether we shorten to parma or parmi, not really an argument worth getting involved in but you'll see it at pubs everywhere around Australia. It'll either be a chicken parma or a chicken parmi.

不幸的是,澳大利亚正在进行一场全国性的辩论,关于我们是否应该将其缩写为 parma 还是 parmi,这并不是一个真正值得参与的争论,但你会在澳大利亚各地的酒吧看到它。要么是 chicken parma,要么是 chicken parmi。

So in an Australian pub, this dish will be a crumbed chicken breast and it'll be topped with tomato sauce, grilled cheese and served with salad and probably some chips as well. If you watched my video about comfort foods you can check it out up here, the chicken parma is so good, it really is the ultimate Australian comfort food.

在澳大利亚的酒吧里,这道菜就是碎鸡胸肉,上面放着番茄酱、烤奶酪,配上沙拉和一些薯条。如果你看过我关于疗愈食品的视频,你可以在这里看一下,chicken parma 太好吃了,它真的是终极的澳大利亚疗愈食物。

If you're here, go to the pub, try it, check it out, let me know what you think. The chiko roll.


This delightful dish was first introduced into Australia in the 1950s I think and it's definitely had its heyday all right I think in the 1970s was when it was really popular, it was probably the most popular snack at the football when you're watching a footy. It's easy to hold in one hand. I guess it's sort of similar to a big giant spring roll except unlike a spring roll, you know, where you usually sit down and dip it, this is kind of a meal to be eaten on the go.

这道令人愉悦的菜是在 1950 年代首次引入澳大利亚的,当时绝对是鼎盛时期,在 1970 年代它非常受欢迎,当你观看足球比赛时,它可能是最受欢迎的小吃。一只手就可以轻松握住。 我想它有点类似于一个巨大的大春卷,但不像春卷,因为你通常坐下来蘸它吃,而这是一种可以在旅途中吃的东西。

Unlike a spring roll, which is usually delicious, this is pretty gross. It's got beef in it, no chicken but it's called a chiko roll.

与通常的很美味的春卷不同,它看起来有点粗糙。它里面有牛肉,没有鸡肉,但它被称为 chiko 卷。

I can't believe I just took a bite out of that. I hope you appreciate it.


It's like barley and cabbage and beef and carrots and onions and celery. Usually you find these at fish and chip shops or at servos where they've just been sitting in a pie warmer all day.

里面有大麦、卷心菜、牛肉、胡萝卜、洋葱和芹菜。 我觉得这听起来不错,但事实并非如此。通常你会在炸鱼薯条店或在服务站中找到它,整天都待在馅饼加热器里。

So you can't deny that these are quintessentially Australian but I wonder if there's anything that you can think of in your country where they've tried to make something that's a little bit exotic, a little bit like a dish from somewhere else like a spring roll. They've really messed it up, it's definitely not as good as the original.


Tim Tams. This is not an ordinary chocolate biscuit.

Tim Tams 饼干。这不是普通的巧克力饼干。

There is something special in here that makes this biscuit the most delicious biscuit in the world. And I think it's the malted biscuits, there's like a chocolate cream filling in the middle and then covered in chocolate again.


Everyone's granny has a packet of these in their fridge. Have it with a cup of tea, they are perfectly good to eat just as they are but if you get your hands on a packet of Tim Tams, you should definitely try a Tim Tam Slam.

每个人的奶奶的冰箱里都有一包这东西。配上一杯茶,原汁原味地吃是非常好的,但如果你拿了一包 Tim Tams 的话,一定要尝尝 Tim Tam Slam。

To do that, you bite off diagonally opposite corners of the biscuit, then you dunk it into a cup of hot chocolate, Milo or tea and you suck through the biscuit and the hot liquid melts all of the inside and you end up using it like a straw. Once you try it, you will never ever go back.


Speaking of cups of tea and grannies, I couldn't make a video about Australian food without including lamingtons. They really are an icon of Australia.

说到茶杯和奶奶,我无法不聊 lamingtons 就制作关于澳大利亚食物的视频。这真的是澳大利亚的象征。

It's simply just a square of cake that is dipped in chocolate and then covered in coconut. Really I mean all of these examples of Australian foods that I'm giving you they're not a good example of modern Australian cuisine but they are definitely simple Australian recipes that have been loved for decades and decades, you know probably made famous in the 50s and 60s and we still enjoy them today.

它只是一块蛋糕,蘸上巧克力,然后裹上椰粉。我的意思是我给大家展示的所有这些澳大利亚食物的例子,它们不是现代澳大利亚美食的好例子,但它们绝对是简单的澳大利亚食谱,几十年来一直深受喜爱,可能在 50 年代和 60 年代就开始流行,但是到今天我们仍然很喜欢它们。

Perfect with a cuppa. A cup of tea.


You've just learned some very traditional, quintessential, very Australian dishes. If you see them anywhere or you can think of any dishes in your own country that might have the similar sentimental value, then definitely have a think about how you can chat about them with an Australian.


You would have noticed that throughout the video there was a lot of slang, a lot of interesting expressions that you might have picked up on as well so hopefully, when you come to Australia, if you're living in Australia, you get to have the experience of interacting with these strange but lovely dishes. Let me know any interesting or unique dishes that are in your home country down in the comments and right now if you're ready to practise some speaking skills then jump over there.


I'll see you in there.




标签:澳大利亚   明治   春卷   番茄酱   白面   鸡肉   香肠   菜肴   饼干   仙女   巧克力   面包   奇怪   食物   东西   老师   美食   国家   数码   美女

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