

网友Ted Chyn的回答

Firstly, Chinese people should be grateful to the Chinese people, as their own productivity far exceeds foreign direct investment. Even during the very poor early stages of China's opening up, foreign direct investment never exceeded 6.5% of its GDP, and has been on a downward trend since then. So it is obvious that China should thank itself.



Secondly, China should be grateful to overseas Chinese, who invest 20 times more than Westerners, as it has been proven that the vast majority of 'foreign investors' are Chinese from other countries.



You see, the United States accounts for 3% and the UK accounts for 1%.


1% of China's total GDP of 5%... 0.05%? good Thank you very much, dear West!!


Thirdly, China's investment in foreign countries is now as much as foreign investment in China. In fact, China now invests more in Western countries than in China. So perhaps it's time for the West to thank China for its investment now?



To put it aside as a joke, China is very grateful, but she hopes that this gratitude is mutual. I mean, she kind of hopes that Westerners will show more love for Chinese investment than they do now


So, investing is not charity... they should be grateful, just like I thanked Honda for giving me a car for over 20000 dollars, or I thanked Costco for allowing me to take my groceries out of their store after giving me money, or I thanked Starbucks baristas for giving me my coffee after spending a few dollars. I believe Honda, Costco, and Starbucks are equally grateful to me.


China should be grateful to the West, and we should also be grateful to the hundreds of millions of anonymous Chinese people who have left their families and homes in Yinchuan, Lanzhou, and Xi'an, working six days a week and 12 hours a day at absurdly low wages in factories in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Xiamen, fundamentally reducing the prices of consumer goods and putting trillions of dollars into the pockets of struggling Western working classes.


If you follow true history, then you will know that it is the wealth plundered from the East that helped the barbaric poor in the West become so "advanced" and "developed". Anyway, the West did not help China by donating money. The West needs to shift its "pollution" and also wants to use "cheap labor" to earn huge profits. So, on the contrary, the West should thank us because we have made your company profitable.


网友Sam Qwato的回答

This is business, not charity.


Now, China's investment in Western countries has increased. Are Westerners grateful to China? As long as you search on Quora, you will find many absurd questions: Is China colonizing Africa? Is China colonizing Pakistan? Is China colonizing Australia? Is China colonizing Asia? So I have to ask, is Western investment in China colonizing China?


The West invests in China, and we Chinese people should thank them for making us a superpower, while China invests in other countries, such as Africa and Pakistan, to achieve a win-win result, but it becomes a colony. Haha


Ambassador Zhang Xiangchen's speech at the General Council of the World Trade Organization: More than 20 years ago, in the early 1990s, I worked at a clothing factory in Henan Province, central China. I still remember that producing an export shirt requires 44 different processes, and the profit per shirt is only 20 cents. At that time. Almost all the workers in this shirt factory are young girls in their twenties.


Twenty years later, I came to this factory again, only to find that the old factory building was abandoned, and the young girls who used to work here had become mothers with adult children. After leaving the factory, they lived a different life. But what they have in common is that due to their hard work these days, their bodies have been affected by physical factors such as bent fingers and faded vision.


To some extent, China's economic success today is largely attributed to the sacrifices made by generations of young girls working hard in factories with both hands and vision. Therefore, we do not need to apologize to anyone, as our achievements have been achieved through our own efforts.



I think you're talking about foreign direct investment, right?


If that's the case, then quoting the famous free market economist Adam Smith should clarify some issues.

如果是这样,那么引用著名的自由市场经济学家亚当•斯密(Adam Smith)的话,应该能澄清一些问题。

Our dinner does not come from the kindness of butchers, winemakers, or bakers, but from their consideration of their own interests. "Adam Smith, Scottish economist (1723-1790)

“我们的晚餐不是来自屠夫、酿酒师或面包师的仁慈,而是来自他们对自身利益的考虑。”亚当•斯密,苏格兰经济学家(1723 - 1790)

The West has not "lifted 500 million Chinese people out of poverty". Some people in the world, including Chinese from Western countries, have made wise investments, achieved generous returns, and brought them expected profits.


Should they be grateful to the Chinese for allowing their investments to return, rather than losing money? Not necessarily. Just like Chinese people should thank them. Business is business.


As Smith was well aware, "We expect foreign direct investment not out of the kindness of bankers, but out of their own interests.


The West invests in China to make money. In order to obtain good returns, China has repaid billions of dollars in profits to companies such as Apple, Starbucks, Amway, Texas Instruments, and Qualcomm. Investment is bidirectional, as Chinese companies also invest billions of dollars in the United States, which also benefits the US economy. In business, no one owes the other anything because in fair dealing, both parties benefit. China has become a rising power not because of Western handouts, but because of its own strengths in hard work, doing the right thing for the majority of citizens, choosing not to interfere with and use other countries' businesses for political purposes.


Furthermore, no one 'allows' China to become a superpower. Despite the best efforts of many policy makers in Western governments to 'suppress China', China has still become a superpower, with the most notable being the neoconservatism advocating for permanent global hegemony by the United States.



This is the opposite. The West should be grateful to China for its cheap labor and huge market. Migrants from Chinese Mainland are the main driving force behind Hong Kong's population growth and economic miracle. Since 1978, at the beginning of China's reform and opening up, foreign direct investment has mainly come from other economies in East Asia, especially Hong Kong and Taiwan. Because they are Chinese, they come from the Chinese Mainland before 1978, and they know China and Chinese very well. The West was later inspired by the success stories of Hong Kong and Taiwan.


It is not right to make China a superpower. After forming an alliance with the Soviet Union during the Korean War, China received help from the Soviet Union and quickly industrialized. China even obtained prototype bombs, missiles, and related technologies from the Soviet Union. In 1964, China conducted its first nuclear weapon test and in 1967, it conducted its first hydrogen bomb test.


More importantly, in 1980, China successfully launched the full range intercontinental ballistic missile, the Dongfeng-5 (CCS-4); This missile flew from central China to the Western Pacific, where it was discovered by a Chinese naval task force. Dongfeng-5 can hit targets in the western Soviet Union and the United States. Therefore, at that time, China wholeheartedly implemented the reform and opening up policy and was not intimidated by nuclear blackmail. Because no country in the world can pose a threat to China's national security.

更重要的是,1980年中国成功发射了全射程洲际弹道导弹,东风-5 (CCS-4);这枚导弹从中国中部飞到西太平洋,在那里被中国海军特遣部队发现。东风-5能够击中苏联西部和美国的目标。因此,到那时,中国全心全意地推行改革开放政策,没有被核讹诈吓倒。因为世界上没有任何国家可以对中国的国家安全构成威胁。

China has gradually gained the upper hand in diplomacy, politics, economy, and military capabilities, becoming a superpower. In the 1970s, the United States needed China (bordering the Soviet Union) to stand on its side in order to repel its opponents. The visit of US President Nixon to the People's Republic of China in 1972, the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China in 1979, and the Sino Vietnamese War in 1979 were major events in the world, setting an example for the West to side with China. The United States and China caused trouble to the Soviet Union in the Soviet Arab War, civil war, and conflicts in the Third World. Helping China is helping the West. Anyway, China was a valuable ally of the Soviet Union and later the West to achieve its own goals.



Investment, knowledge, and technology have helped China achieve modernization. The West also plundered China, piding her up and forcing her to sign unequal treaties, concessions, and compensation.


Industrial spies learned the techniques of making porcelain, silk, and tea from China. This disrupted her exports and further increased her budget pressure in terms of compensation.


Other contributions from China: paper currency and soybean cultivation. They may sound insignificant, but they have transformative significance.


China is clearly engaged in technological reverse research and development activities to catch up. This is not due to investment, but her own efforts, but does rely on external knowledge.


The West has invested or lent to many countries, but many of them have not done well. On the one hand, the majority of the population without China - China's transition from extreme poverty to moderately developed levels - has given us a huge boost in GDP, as the total GDP is the measure of power. Foreign companies have obtained preferential tax rates and entered a huge market. We allow foreign companies to conduct business with local companies. In this way, even if they withdraw, our company will still stay.


China also protects certain industries, so we have not been completely surpassed by more advanced foreign companies. I know this may seem unfair, but if the market is completely free trade, it's like competition between college graduates and children.


China must also maintain stability, build infrastructure, and allow generations of people to work hard for industrial upgrading.


The status of a superpower was not bestowed on her by anyone, and her national strength has not yet reached that level. I think a more accurate statement is that she is regaining her initial position as a regional power. If this can be achieved with just money, then considering the aid that Africa has received and is receiving, its national strength should be more developed.


I acknowledge that the modern world is a product of Western knowledge. In fact, I am grateful to the United States for its assistance during World War II, as well as for its assistance after World War II. Japan has also transferred technology and paid us funds.


I can also ask, how many Westerners know how they obtained their wealth from China in the past? Recalling the reparations of the League of Eight, it was devastating for China. In fact, many of them have forgotten the existence of this money - the United States seems to feel a bit embarrassed because it is too much money, and they have returned some money on condition that it is used to build universities and send students to study in the United States. So when the United States pided up China, it seemed that she also hoped that China would develop and modernize during and after the Qing government.


If you have read the official report of the United States, you will find that they now view China as one of their future competitors and have formulated strategies to contain China. Pay attention to her three tier military bases/alliances around China, just as Britain attempted to contain the United States after its failure in the War of Independence.




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