这个“顶流”家族又火啦!(The superstar family is hot again!)



Do you know who is the superstar family of mascot in sporting occasions?


Tips: Image friendly, cute and pure.




Right, the panda.


The Chengdu FISU World University Games is coming up. As the mascot, Rong Bao makes panda family be superstar again.


Rong Bao makes a video call in the WeChat group of the mascot panda family.


(“Spicy Chengdu, hot me. I am the youngest baby of the superstar family - Rong Bao, the mascot of The Chengdu FISU World University Games.”)


Rong Bao is holding the torch with “31” and saying, “Friends, the opening ceremony is coming. Everyone comes to support it! I have prepared Sichuan Opera facial makeup and made ears, eyes and tail into a flame shape, meaning full of vitality, hope and enthusiasm.”


(“Xiu. Get on my skateboard, rub! Bing Dwen Dwen, the mascot of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games, is here.”)


Bing Dwen Dwen, who wears an ice sports helmet and looks like an astronaut, is wiping his skateboard, replies, “No problem, Rong Bao. I am wondering what the summer games will be like.”


“Ha ha.there are some special events like Rowing and Water Polo in summer games,” says Rong Bao.


(“Do you remember the five Olympic rings of the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008? I am Jingjing, representing the black ring. I was young in 2008 and was welcoming the world’s athletes to Beijing.)


Jing Jing is humming the song “Beijing welcomes you.......” and clearing up the lotus shape on the head in front of a mirror. Jing Jing looks down at the screen and says, “Rong Bao, please share more photos and videos. I’d like to share them on my WeChat Moments.”


Rong Bao is patting the chest and saying,“No problem, Jingjing.”


(“I am Ying Ying. I have a friend named Chuan Chuan, and we are both the mascots of The 9th National Paralympic Games and the 6th Special Olympics in 2015. It's not lonely when you work together.”)


Ying Ying is from Sichuan and has a strong accent. Ying Ying says, “We are close, and I can eat hot pot with you. My moral is eternal friendship and beauty. I hope the athletes can understand the concept of friendship first and competition second.”

“太好了,迎迎,我正想下班了去吃火锅呢!” 蓉宝一听火锅,眼睛都亮了。

After listening to hot pot, Rong Bao is excited and saying, “Great, Ying Ying. I am looking forward to eating hot pot together!”


(“I am Pan Pan, the mascot of the 1990 Asian Games in Beijing, based on the panda ‘Basi’ from the Fuzhou Panda House. You may not know me, but I think I can bring back a lot of memories of elder generations. At that time, I was also a national star.”)


While feeding the pigeons, Pan Pan says, “I look forward to peace and friendship, and I welcome excellent results. When there is good news, please remember to share it in time.”


Rong Bao replies, “OK, lots of excellent college athletes will gather in Chengdu. I believe they will surprise us. Let's wait and see!”

(图为游客与“蓉宝”合影 图源:网络)

(Tourists is taking photos with “Rong Bao”. Source: Internet.)

(图为“蓉宝”手办 图源:网络)

(Toys of Rong Bao. Source: Internet.)

(图为大运蓉宝系列彩票 图源:网络)

(Lottery of Rong Bao. Source: Internet.)

编辑:陆薇 田梦瑶 易芳(实习生)

视频:陆薇 易芳(实习生)




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