

李玟(Coco Lee),1975年1月17日出生于香港,是著名的歌手、词曲作者、唱片制作人和演员。 她擅长多门语言,发行过中文、粤语、英语和日语等多种语言的专辑。 李玟的职业生涯有二十多年,在亚洲甚至国际乐坛都取得了巨大的成功。

Coco Lee, born on January 17, 1975, is a renowned Hong Kong-American singer, songwriter, record producer, and actress. She is widely recognized for her multilingual abilities, having released albums in Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese, English, and Japanese. Coco Lee's career has spanned over two decades and she has achieved significant success both in Asia and the international music industry.

李玟小时在美国加利福尼亚州旧金山长大,对音乐从小就表现出极大的热情,并开始接受各种流派的训练,包括古典音乐、爵士乐和流行乐。 1993年,她参加香港TVB全球华人新秀歌唱大赛,获得亚军。标志着她音乐生涯的开始。

Coco Lee was born in Hong Kong and raised in San Francisco, California. From a young age, she displayed a passion for music and began training in various genres, including classical, jazz, and pop. In 1993, she entered the New Talent Singing Awards, a renowned singing competition in Hong Kong, and emerged as the first runner-up. This marked the beginning of her music career.

1994年,李玟推出首张国语专辑《爱从现在开始》。 这张专辑取得了商业上的成功,使她成为华语乐坛的后起之秀。 她随后的专辑,如《Promise》(1995)和《Sincere》(1996),进一步巩固了她的知名度并赢得了评论界的好评。

In 1994, Coco Lee released her debut Mandarin album titled "Love from Now On." The album achieved commercial success, establishing her as a rising star in the Chinese music scene. Her subsequent albums, such as "Promise" (1995) and "Sincere" (1996), further solidified her popularity and garnered critical acclaim.

意识到国际职业生涯的潜力后,李玟于 1999 年发行了她的第一张英文专辑《Just No Other Way》。这张专辑包括热门单曲《Do You Want My Love》。该专辑的发行使她在美国获得了极大的关注。 她成为第一位与索尼音乐旗下 550 Music 厂牌签约的亚洲艺人,标志着亚裔在西方音乐市场展露头角的一个重要里程碑。

Recognizing the potential for an international career, Coco Lee released her first English-language album, "Just No Other Way," in 1999. The album included the hit single "Do You Want My Love" and gained significant attention in the United States. She became the first Asian artist to sign with Sony Music's 550 Music label, marking a major milestone for Asian representation in Western music markets.

李玟于 2000 年发行了专辑《Coco's Party》,继续取得成功,其中包括与 Snoop Dogg 和 Kelly Price 等国际知名艺术家的合作。 她的音乐融合了 R&B、流行音乐和舞蹈元素,吸引了大批的听众。

Coco Lee's success continued with the release of her album "Coco's Party" in 2000, which featured collaborations with renowned international artists such as Snoop Dogg and Kelly Price. Her music showcased a blend of R&B, pop, and dance elements, appealing to a perse audience.

在她的整个职业生涯中,李玟发行了许多成功的专辑,包括《Expose》(2005年)、《East to West》(2008年)和《Illuminate》(2016年)。 她曾获得多个奖项,包括金曲奖最佳国语女艺人奖、世界音乐奖全球最畅销华语女艺人奖等。

Throughout her career, Coco Lee has released numerous successful albums, including "Exposed" (2005), "East to West" (2008), and "Illuminate" (2016). She has won multiple awards, including the Golden Melody Award for Best Female Mandarin Artist and the World Music Award for World's Best Selling Chinese Female Artist.

除音乐事业外,李玟还涉足演艺事业。 她出演了香港电影《卫斯理之蓝血人》(2002年)和好莱坞电影《贵妇杀手》(2004年)。 她的演技深受好评,此后客串了多部电视剧和电影。

In addition to her music career, Coco Lee has ventured into acting. She appeared in the Hong Kong film "The Wesley's Mysterious File" (2002) and the Hollywood film "The Lady killers" (2004). Her acting skills were well-received, and she has since made guest appearances in various TV dramas and films.

李玟的影响力超出了她的音乐和表演事业。 她积极支持慈善事业,包括关注儿童福利和健康相关问题的组织。 她的慈善事业为她赢得了娱乐界和公众的认可和赞誉。

Coco Lee's influence extends beyond her music and acting endeavors. She has actively supported charitable causes, including organizations focused on children's welfare and health-related issues. Her philanthropic efforts have earned her recognition and praise from both the entertainment industry and the public.

李玟对音乐行业的贡献、她跨越文化界限的能力以及她的慈善工作使她成为全球娱乐界里一位受人尊敬和有影响力的人物。 她的才华、奉献精神和多才多艺使她成为一个偶像,激励着一代又一代的艺术家和粉丝。

Coco Lee's contributions to the music industry, her ability to cross cultural boundaries, and her philanthropic work have established her as a respected and influential figure in the global entertainment landscape. Her talent, dedication, and versatility have made her an icon, inspiring generations of artists and fans alike.




标签:李玟   加利福尼亚州   旧金山   华语   香港   乐坛   职业生涯   事业   专辑   音乐

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